Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Spirit of 76 Rule

In this valde americanus opus, or the Great American Experiment, it has become evident these past years that the founders had one flaw in their creation of a government by the people, of the people and for the people, and that was the American people suffer great enslavement without rebellion and are far too trusting in a trust which allows elected and elite to strangle their freedoms.

In a nation of 1850, such a people of Americans literally by population knew almost everyone in their state or knew someone who knew that person in their state. Kit Carson could be on the Great Plains as the epitome of American Scout and known by all, because the population was finite in thousands.

There is an inherent problem with hundreds of millions of Americans threatened to behave against their interests for other party's interest by imprisonment and death, because the crushing weight of the government and population simply has absorbed the greatest single governing unit of the Citizen.

I formulated a fix for this by Inspiration decades ago, and the time for it to reappear now to enter the national conversation is due to the course of human events being enslaved by despot events.
To lay the groundwork for this, God in the Bible had a generational fix for what has happened to America, and in equal parts the same disregard of that fix is what destroyed Israel Samaria and Israel Judah.
The Moses Law fix was the 7th Year Sabbath and the 50th Jubilee Year.

For 6 years a Citizen could be in debt to another, in serving as a slave to financial payments, but on the 7th Year, the land would have rest from farming and every debt would be wiped out no matter the cost.
In this way, every 7 years the Israelite national tribes would have all debt wiped out, all owing oneself to another, and the nation would start anew on sound financial footing.

The Jubilee was extremely special in rectifying situations as ancestral lands lost would be returned to families on the 50th year to avoid the massing of huge amounts of wealth in single entity or powerful groups hands.
None of these measures hurt the nation of Israel in the least, as the decentralization of power and authority caused the single Citizen to regain their power and position in society and the nation was the stronger for it.

America's best axiom is, The government which governs best it the government which governs least. American government now is so intrusive that in controls over 70% of the structure of America and taxes every last Dollar Americans earn a hundred times over.
It is past time for a real solution to be in place and that solution follows.

I name it after the American Founders in the Spirit of 76 Rule. It will only require one law from Congress to pass and to be voted upon by the majority of US States and simply states that effective immediately, these United States revert back to the Constitutional, and State laws of the 50 States at the 1776 founding, or their entrance into the Union.

In effect, every law for the past over 230 years of United States history will be wiped off the books and America will revert to those simple English Common Law and Biblical Laws which protected individual, state and nation, raised taxes at a rate of that period, and sets the American Pluribus at liberty from oppressive government.

The timid will in fear worry about corporations polluting, people smoking, people not getting aborticisions etc..., but understand that the American people are so enslaved now that they wouldn't know which laws are on the books and behave themselves as slaves for years until they figured out what they could and could not do.

The solution then is it would take Congress years to once again refile and recreate the draconian laws which the people of 1776 would have indeed had a revolution over.

How long do you think Janet Napolitano would have remained in office in putting the Minute Men on terror watch lists?

How long do you think Barack Hussein Obama would have remained in office in not showing his birth certificate or once noting he was born a British subject to the Founders led by Democrats Thomas Jefferson and James Madison?

How long to you think Americans would have taken from a government which was confiscating now 70% of their wages in mandates with Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson around?

Every American knows fully well how far America is degraded from the Republic she was created to be, to be this warped mob rule democracy which snubs it's nose at Constitutional Law. Almost 70% of Americans want no part of Obamacare and yet Congress is telling Americans to "go to hell."
The solution is then simply to wipe out all laws and ordinances to 1776, and make Congress and the White House start passing bills into law one by one again, if those laws are so important.

No more Presidential findings and no more Supreme Court legislating from the bench. If laws are so vital, they come from Congress and Congress can prove to Americans as it exhausts itself just why is it so vital that Nebraska gets an opt out from Obamacare.

This is how America gets fixed. This Constitutional Amendment would then activate every 50 years starting in 2050 and 2100 to start the process all over again.

America is now too much the leviathan which the body is a mass which is too large to control the biting head, and the head is too much the government cannibal chewing up the body masses.

The Spirit of 1776 Rule is the answer, and as people squeal, "What are we going to do without all those draconian laws?"

The answer comes sweetly from a Constitutional Father, "When you are in the majority vote. When you are in the minority talk."

Let America have a Sabbath reckoning and set her people free.


Yankee Doodle fix it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Return the laws to 76
To fix it all so handy

May God grant that the Spirits of 76 arise again for Him to Inspire and Work through again to save His virgin American Daughter in distress. In His Name. Amen