Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Full body scan Obama

Isn't it amazing that the Dutch government has been trying to install full body scanners at the Amsterdam International Airport since 2008, but have been thwarted by the United States government?

Now this wouldn't be the government which Barack Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski have been in defacto control of since Obama declared hisself world leader, had his people in South America affirming he would be in the White House in the summer of 2008, to which major cocaine supply routes were opened up into west Africa and the Balkans, with masses of currency flowing into the Obama camp via Middle East counterfeiters, now would it?

The same government which had Chris Dodd who was Obama's flunky taking funding out of airport security for his cronies, and the same government which denied not only full body scanners in America, but the same Obama NeoProg looting crooks who were denying the Dutch from scanning travelers boarding in Amsterdam, bound for the United States.

Now what do you think in the summer of 2008 and all through 2009, that Obama's cartel cronies could be smuggling all this time, thwarting the Dutch from finding it?

Notice in this that for a generation, that Americans all went through the London Heathrow hub to their European, African, Middle Eastern and Asian destinations, but as London was cracking down on terror and mafia traffic, all of a sudden in 2008 as Obama seized power, Amsterdam, which is the international transshipping hub was being thwarted from scanning people in finding what they had hidden on their bodies.

People will note that this blog recorded how by the summer of 2008, when Obama had taken control that my sensors started gathering information I had not seen since mid 1999 in the Clinton years in massive tapping into private computers by the intelligence community.
This all stopped after 9 11 as the main Clinton hub was housed in the Twin Towers in keeping an eye on Americans.
On the evening of September 10th, 2001, I alone noted a "winking out" of the entire messaging systems of Yahoo, ICQ etc... at approximately 11 pm eastern time. The government monitors were resetting the entire systems, because this blog believed the Jamie Gorelick compartmentalized group of Clinton moles had lost the 9 11 terrorists and were desperately trying to find any tracks of them in message communication.

This entire complex of surveillance stopped until summer 2008, when it came back with a vengeance in monitoring, disrupting and harassing numbers of internet users, all when Obama was about to be installed into power.

Now this brings the factual point in line with this same corrupt group has been thwarting the surveillance of travelers coming out of Amsterdam into the United States. This blog exclusively noted that Flight 253 was a government security mule flight and the terrorists were provided that information, and it is how the Nigerian nightmare was boarded without a passport.
This was SOP on these flights.
Deduction states that Flight 253 was bringing in contraband diamonds being tracked by US intelligence agencies flowing into the Detroit Muslim community in exchange for American funds raised by the Islamists.
America has always been a gravy train for terrorists as the IRA raised a fortune from American Irish Catholics against the British with the American caveat that they never brought the war to America, and the Irish never did.

So in piecing this together, the globalist mafia has been on these flights out of Amsterdam been running contraband, with the full cover now of Eric Holder. The cover being these are security flights used by the FBI, but other things are flowing in piggyback, which the Dutch have been thwarted by these Obama crooks from discovering on body scans.

See it is a little hard for Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano to whine about holes in airport security, when they are the ones blowing holes in it to carry on the operations they have been up to, and their cartel benefactors have been using to smuggle contraband into the United States.

This story is not about airport security, but Obama connections to international criminals. It is a story about just who in the Obama administration of communists and terrorist supporters has been feeding to Russians and Iranians the flight numbers like 253 so al Qaeda knew exactly which flight to target as no one would be searched.

I will point out again so hopefully it soaks into the conversation as it matters. President Sarkozy was going to expose the Persian communists nuclear weapons plant, but Obama stopped him.
The Iranians stole the thunder within hours. Obama is the only conduit of that information and it had to have been him who warned the Iranians.
This is why President Sarkozy has cooled to Obama.

Obama has been feeding information to terrorists since 2008 in his policies and he just handed over eastern Europe to Russian domination in all of the secret information he has been sharing.
Vladamir Putin is so bold now that he even demanded Obama hand over the US missile defense plans as apparently Obama has been handing over other things to entice the Russians.

Observe the facts in it is the British who are condemning Iran cracking down on Patriots there, and Obama with his entire Brzezinski group remain silent as Iranians are murdered, in an operation that this blog alone noted was Obama contrived to rid Iran of Patriots in his Twitter Revolution.

So in putting all of the factual pieces together, the pattern emerges that Amsterdam was a transshipping hub set up by the global cartel and have been given absolute protection in their smuggling by Obama Inc.
Right now only the terrorists and the international mafia know what hell these criminals have dumped into the American Midwest, as this was not the first mule flight into Detroit for Muslims while America was told it was safe in all flights coming into New York were checked.

This is all a smuggling operation under the cover of "national security", and the only culprits benefiting by it are the Obama benefactors doing it, and what Obama with his group are gaining in allowing this to happen.
This ain't Dick Cheney children. This is all Barack Hussein Obama in the Detroit hub of the most massive Islamic smuggling ring from Africa, Turkey and the opium fields of Afghanistan to the counterfeit presses of Lebanon.

That is what this is all about, and it isn't the CIA involved, but the Obama people.

I would be more than willing to wager that the reason Eric Holder, considering his dealings with Marc Rich and terrorist pardons, that he was sent after the CIA to divert their attention from this smuggling that they are quite aware of.
The Obama attack on the CIA was leverage to keep the agency from following up on these international criminals.

This is not just the US government, but for Amsterdam to be denied the right of installing scanners in their own airports, all is this notorious globalist mafia which uses terrorism for profit and trades in everything from children for sex to nuclear materials.

There has been a complete wide open, gaping, United States sized hole into America since 2008. While Americans have been treated as criminals in needing passports to enter Canada, Detroit has been a free fly zone for criminals and terrorists delivering anything they damned well desired.
Sheik bin Laden could have flown into America and US intelligence would not have known it.

That is how bad this is in the security threat Obama opened up for his benefactors. Instead of exploding underwear, it could have been vials of bio toxins. There is no way in knowing this, and as too cool Obama, with no tie on at a press conference, once again will not bring up the Muslim word, the terror word or the war word, America needs a word called SECURITY to deal with the gaping holes Obama has torn into it.

For criminal sake people, this Nigerian had no passport and was allowed to board a Dutch flight into America. This isn't illegal Mexicans flowing into America, but illegal terrorists being shuttled onto flights to America.

Janet Napolitano should be fired over this. Eric Holder should be fired and investigated. Barack Hussein Obama should be impeached, and immediately Director Mueller of the FBI should be given full control over domestic intelligence as he has been the only one doing his job.
Leon Panetta should be dismissed and a former director should be appointed to make America 1000% secure tomorrow.

The damage what Obama Inc. has allowed to happen is done. One terrorist allowed in per day on each flight since 2008 is thousands of al Qaeda in America, all equipped and armed as no one was checking anything.
How do a thousand Soviet era anthrax vials sound arriving in Detroit?

See no one knows what the Nigerian nightmare was the tip of the iceberg of, except that Obama's NeoProgs have had this operation going on for around 500 days.

Obama has done his worst in covering this up in putting the Nigerian into the US criminal system so he can not be questioned. All his information that Gitmo would have retrieved in water boarding is now lawyered up as al Qaeda moves through the holes Obama opened.

All of the blame on this rests on the criminal enterprise of Barack Hussein Obama. The criminal mafia of the order always are up to their own horrid deeds, but when these terror attacks start rolling, I am not interested in prosecuting them, but that they instead hand over their poster boy to the impeachment and exile he is guilty of and deserves.

One always has a Bill Clinton snorting coke and running whores in intelligence operations, but one as adults do not have terror sponsors having the numbers of those flights, flying in terrorists into America.

Flight 253 was treachery, treason and traitorousness from inside the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress. Someone set this smuggling line up and someone protected it, not for American security, but for criminal smuggling.

Mr. Obama is a poster boy in this, so let his image be on the coming booking photos of the FBI.

agtG 256

Obama's smuggling ring