Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Deflation Salvation for America

I was listening to a rancher lament that in 1950 his father could with 60 head of beef cattle, and 300 hundred of wheat he could care for his family of three, and send all of the children to college.

Today he said they would have to live on food stamps and those same small ranches now required 12,000 acres of prairie land.

Inflation is how the elite of the world intended to create a mass dependent class who can not afford to care for themselves, and only work for benefits from the government, which is exactly what Obamacare is, communal rationed death, because Teddy Kennedy instituted a progression of medical inflation that we see today.

For those who do not know, doctors not that long ago earned only $100,000 a year at the top end. That was in 1970, before the globalist under Kissinger's direction pegged the dollar to oil in trade, after Lyndon Johnson took America off the gold standard in process, forever starting an inflationary cycle which is now killing America.

I will use 1970 as the base mean to explain how to save America. In 1970 America, a Ford LTD could be purchased for 1200 dollars. A base starting salary was $200 a month, and people lived comfortable on that $2400 a year salary. Gas was about 25 cents a gallon, bread was 4 loaves for the dollar, 20 dollars would buy a family of 5 all the groceries they could eat for two weeks and a nice home could be purchased for $5000.

It was when the system was geared to impoverish and control Americans that is when Americans started to exist under inflation, where they were impoverished while the Rothschilds and Rockefeller cartels who were printing the money became billionaires.
See this as to be understood in people were selling houses and farms in the 1970's for those non inflation prices of 200 dollars an acre to 5000 dollars for homes, thinking in retirement that would last them forever, and in a few years, the cartels had cars at a price for what people used to buy entire homes for.

This spiral of inflation is how these cartels castrated Germany when it took a wheel barrel full of Marks to by a loaf of bread and made eunuchs out of the British in destroying the Pound.
The same process of these elite who want their one world government to easily plunder and crop people against the United States Dollar.
The US is being bankrupted and will never recover once they drop the Dollar for their new European based currency system.

There is though a fix for this just as Germany fixed the Mark and people will remember that Ronald Reagan fixed things during his Administration and it is all linked to deflation, so people in the masses have more buying power with their savings and their investments, although dropping in value become more valuable, because the Dollar is more valuable.

What solution this blog offers is simple. It is first to peg the Dollar as gold. Note now this is not Ron Paul idiocy in the Gold Reserve which would make gold held by Russians worth a billion dollars an ounce, as there is so much US cash being printed that gold would make Russians financial superpowers, but it is pegging the Dollar to a standard of 1970 in 35 dollars and ounce and the DOLLAR AS GOLD, due to the good standing of these United States.

See the problem with gold is there is not enough of it to back currency any longer without inflation. How one gets around this is to back the US Dollar as gold. The Dollar is only allowed to be printed in money supply for the amount of expansion in trade the US completes each year.
In this we have Benjamin Franklins analogy in his memoirs in Pennsylvania required money to expand, but the government would not print the money, but when Franklin convinced them to, he printed money, which then filled the void for an expanding frontier market of forests, farms and manufacturing.
The value of work absorbed the value of goods produced, so no inflation occurred, but economic expansion ensued.

This is how one reigns in Rockefeller printing presses and completes the stability of the Dollar.

For the massive debt, I do not intend to leave the Chicoms or Japanese in the lurch holding any bad bonds, but instead base this on trading bonds now, as the value of the bonds will not be 2 trillion inflationary dollars, but in 1970 terms, be in the 100 billion dollar terms.
Understand China still has the same value in it's investment, because the value of the dollar is risen to a full value.

This is what Ronald Reagan was directly initiating in the Milton Friedman capitalist doctrines of Adam Smith policy. The same policy which the communist Chinese are now implementing in form to their economy and not Obama Keynesian elite and peasant policy of Europe.

In this structure, I fully back a world super currency of trade by the IMF, but that currency is of only value and trade as backed by the US Dollar, which means America controls it and there is none of this debt trading, commodity inflation nor other Ponzie type scams which has been ruining billions of people's lives.
To make it all legal, it is all electronic currency, so no clever Obama counterfeiters in Lebanon nor North Korea can destabilize the system.

The reason for the super currency is to get these cartel vultures out of the US Dollar, but by backing it with the US Dollar, the Dollar is then still the currency of trade, thereby keeping American sound monetary management in control of the world economy for the good of all.

Money supply will shrink, prices on homes will deflate as will all other prices, but it will in the end come to that 1950's utopia where people could afford to care for themselves and divest themselves of being wards of the government, which is exactly what Barack Obama is instigating in this final step, as once this Obamacrypt is installed, the Citizen can forget about buying a bigger home, as they will have an Obama apartment.
There will be no nice SUV's as the Citizen will be only able to afford a crack box European car.
There will be no college as one does not need college degrees to use a pitchfork like a Bombay slave.

I fully extend in this safeguards in no one like Ted Turner with a billion dollars is going to be permitted as in Hebrew Law of the Jubilee in swooping in and buying up huge sections of land, causing a monopoly and inflation, depriving people of their right to life and property ownership.

I desire people to understand that the reason this is not being fixed is because this is deliberately being instigated for the patricians to gain power and complete control, while impoverishing them and making them slaves to the state.
If one has a thriving middle class one has freedom as billions of dollars are in the majority's hands, but when you only have a thriving Obama elite, the billions are only in Warren Buffett's hands and they control your every waking and sleeping moment.

So there are solutions to what America is suffering under in Obama. Germany fixed it and was destroyed for it. Britain suffers under it and languishes still.
Ronald Reagan started the solution, but it was nation raped in Greenspan bubbles, Rockefeller plundering and these Rothschild 9 11 economic terrorist attacks of 2008 which installed Barack Hussein Obama.

As things were fixed under Ronald Reagan, they certainly can be fixed again. Ask yourself though why Obama is spending even the debt this time?
The answer is because Reagan used debt to rescue America, that is why Obama and Geithner for their cartel benefactors are looting America in 13 trillion dollars and counting in debt equity, so when a Sarah Palin gets in there she will be deprived of reviving America as Ronald Reagan did.

All of this is simple though to even out maneuver Obama in one simply pumps American oil and balances the trade. It is more difficult, but it can be done.
It though has to be understood though that Obama strangulation policy must be throttled and America saved with astute monetary policy.

A strong Dollar, America producing raw and manufactured materials for trade, the Dollar as the control currency, debt abolished not through taxation or inflation, but deflation and production, all make America a strong and secure nation.
All very simple and all very doable in those who are real economists in comprehending the problem and how to govern the monetary system.

That is the lesson to share.

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