Friday, December 11, 2009

The Obama is mightier than the Mahdi

You have all heard the adage that the pen is mightier than the sword, but apparently President Ahmadinejad of Iran has stepped out and stepped into a Muslim hornet's nest in he just said Barack Hussein Obama is mightier than the Muslim Mahdi in Obama in America has been thwarting the return of the Iranian Mahdi.

I really do not believe that Ahmadinejad wants the Iranian Supreme Council of turban heads to be getting wind of statements like this, because it means that one pervert Obama trumps one Mooselum Mahdi in a well that all of Islam is staking it's future on to make them world rulers.

Refresh your memory now in this in there sat Bearick Hussein Obama on the Jay Leno Show cracking jokes about Special Olympics Children. Obama was and is clearly intimidated by Special Olympics Children.
An almost 50 year old man in Obama is to the point of being phobic about mentally retarded Children, a fear in him which is deep down, so much so this blog has pondered what Indonesian mentally retarded Child bested Obama in a game of HORSE, that Obama has been trying to catch up in playing basketball his entire life?

In stating that basis, we now have an evolutionary pyramid of powerful groups from the two Muslim children Obama and Ahmadinejad.

At the bottom, we have Ahmadinejad with his Mahdi Muslims, in Ahmadinejad's own words:

“They have devised all these plans to prevent the coming of the Hidden Imam because they know that the Iranian nation is the one that will prepare the grounds for his coming and will be the supporters of his rule."

On top of the powerless ilk at the bottom rung of the ladder, we have the Barack Hussein Obama thwarting the Mahdi's jumping out of an Iranian well.
What kind of monkey in Obama's pants magik is doing this, Ahmadinejad does not relate, but we know that from Obama, CAIR, Muslim oil money and the press that Muslims are always right, so Obama apparently has corked the Mahdi.

At the very top, scaring Obama and the Obamalings, and over top of the entire Mooselum world are the Children of the Special Olympics, according to the very words of Obama and Ahmadinejad.

So if I understand these Mooselums in Obama and Ahmadinejad, Trig Palin is the most powerful person in the world, and it sort of makes sense now in why David Letterman and all the Obamanics were screaming why Trig was not aborted, and attacking Gov. Palin for carrying him into this world.
It must be why Letterman tried to put Sarah Palin's daughter into so much stress that she lost her baby, as Letterman was terrified that another mentally challenged child might be born into this world to scare him.

This then defines that the Iranian Supreme Council is handicapped behind the Special Olympics Children of the world. We know this to be true as the Supreme Council picked Ahmadinejad and he speaks for them and we know this to be true in Muslims picked Obama and he speaks for them.

Who would have ever thought that the most powerful people were mentally retarded people, and yet it is so obvious, because even Levi Johnson, was singling out Trig Palin to use him to get at Gov. Palin.

Funny really, as I just liked the kids and never knew that I was in the presence of people who make Obama hide under his bed and Ahmadinejad quake.


Special Olympics trumps Obama, Mahdi and Ahmadinejad