Friday, December 11, 2009

Addressing the Obama illegal importation of Terrorists

The issue needs to addressed with Barack Hussein Obama, Robert Gates and Eric Holder, importing terrorists into the United States jurisdictions of New York and Chicago from military control, and giving them the full rights of United States Citizens.

What requires examination is the previous 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court which stated that terrorists have a Constitutional right to challenge their detention in military prisons in Federal Courts.
While this is an illegal and overstepping of all known bounds of US Constitutional Law, which includes the basis of English Common Law from which it derives (See the English crown vs. Joan D'Arc, who did not dare import a French person they deemed a terrorist into English lands, but instead tried her before French courts on English occupied territories as precedent.
See also the Nuremberg Tribunals of Nazi's which in precedent affirmation of English Common Law and American Constitutional Law, said accused were not imported, but tried upon courts of jurisdiction.), that while humane treatment and the legal responsibility to entreat one's captors to a higher court of jurisdiction (See Joan D'Arc request in French religious courts to be heard by the Vatican), there is not in previous law nor anywhere in the Supreme Court's 5-4 ruling, anything about the Executive and the Judicial under Eric Holder, having any right, permission, ruling or law to import terrorists onto United States sovereign soil, take them into custody by civilian courts or confer upon them rights as US Citizens.

The Supreme Court was quite narrow in it's finding in stating that terrorists has Constitutional rights to appeal in Federal Courts, but note the Supreme Court did not state that terrorists had physical right or demand to be removed from Gitmo or any military prison to be habeas corpus in presence in body in any US Courts to appeal their detention.
The Supreme Court clearly was offering legal representation to terrorists in their US Attorneys already present in America, being the conduit of their presence and appeal.

There was nothing in the Supreme Court ruling which stated Barack Hussein Obama, Robert Gates or Eric Holder have any Constitutional Authority to convey Citizen rights upon foreign terrorists, nor to remove them from military custody to civilian custody.

This is a gross violation of US Laws and the oath of office Barack Hussein Obama has sworn to uphold and defend.

There can be no 'trial by peers' for these terrorists as they have no peers in America, as they are foreigners and Americans are not their peers.

Barack Hussein Obama has ripped a gaping hole inside the US Constitution and he is now now different than a Mexican coyote bringing in illegals and conveying on them illegal American status in felony crimes.
Nowhere in the Constitution does Mr. Obama, Mr. Gates or Mr. Holder have the ability to offer one sentence of Constitutional Citizen rights to any foreigner, be it a terrorist or a farmer. To go beyond one's Constitutional limits is a breaking of Constitutional Law and is an absolute impeachment offense demanded to be taken up by the US House of Representatives for trial in the US Senate.

John F. Kennedy stated he would have been impeached for leaving Vietnam and having it fall to communists. What Mr. Obama has deliberately conducted is beyond that, in he has in essence by example, given full rights to Adolf Hitler and other Nazi's from 1945.
Franklin Roosevelt or Harry Truman never would have conveyed such American rights of Citizenship upon such foreign enemies, and yet Mr. Obama, Mr. Gates and Mr. Holder have attempted illegally to do such a thing.

These are times of war, and it is war against terrorists who have sworn to bring a nuclear holocaust to America. The Laws are in place for terror trials under military courts and the Laws are in place to check Barack Hussein Obama.

Mr. Obama, Mr. Gates and Mr. Holder have broken Constitutional Law. It is the duty of the Department of Justice and the US House and Senate now to take up these matters for the removal and indictment of these assailants upon the Constitution of these United States.

Those are the facts and they are not going to change to anything anyone can believe in, other than Barack Hussein Obama has not upheld his oath to the US Presidency and he must be impeached for this.


US Supreme Court did not rule to allow Obama to import terrorists