Monday, December 21, 2009

Obama Nazi NBC

It must be something to be stuck on stupid, but the caste and yes I mean caste is a bit confusing. On the one side we have B+ Obama with Alfredo Obama Schwarzenegger giving Obama an A and on the other side we have Keith Olbermann, Ariana Huffington, Ed Schultz and Howard Dean figuring out Obama is a Communazi just using them.

I had hoped that Arnold would have shaped up, but this little Austrian Nazi is just drinking too much of the Kennedy Obama kool aid. I realize he has to tow the like with the old ball and chain Maria, but come on Arnold, you already tapped that and it ain't like she is going to give you any more surprises worth lying about Obama over in bad grades.
Only a Nazi would be giving Obama an A, and that A would be for destroying America, so some Hitler could come in and seize power like Dolf did.

Arnold had so much promise when he was under Reagan's tutelage, but hanging around them Kennedy's has just tainted his pool. Gone are the good old days of Arnold being a real Nazi in shipping out all those border buster Mexicans, and come are the days of Communazism where he and Obama will turn all those Mexicans into slaves of the state paying for all these Obama mandates like rationed death.
I really do not think Mexicans are this stupid to hang around and tie the noose around their own neck in being Obama slaves and will vacate America for Mexican freedom where they can go back to the enjoyable things of life in running dope, sleeping, breeding and eating corn tortillas.

That is always he problem with being Nazi stupid is those national socialists always screw up the pudding when the recipe is done.
Like Hitler, he had the golden opportunity to be Charlemagne, a dictator emperor hero for a thousand years restoring the glory of Rome, but instead this socialist goes in and makes a treaty over Poland with Russia.
I mean who divides up Poland? Poland is just part of the empire. You go in and take it. You don't need Stalin as that old futz would have hid behind the Kremlin walls.

Hitler should have just marched into Poland like he did Austria and Czechoslovakia. The English gave the Slavs away in Chamberlain in the first place, so you just go in and take things.
Dolf could have marched all the way to Turkey to the Baltic without a shot fired outside Poland. That would have given him his empire and.........ok the "Jewish problem" which was a Communist problem as the communists who had these Ashkenaz Asians as Jews in charge of it were threatening to destroy Germany.
Hitler not having any more policy than Obama goes to rounding up these Jews who were Sephardic and Ashkenaz poor while the rich Ashkenaz drank wine with the Nazi industrialists managing the slave labor camps.

What Dolf needed to do was separate out the Jews into Judaeans and Ashkenaz. He could have returned the Judaeans to Judah where they belonged and trotted off to that area east of Armenia and dumped the Ashkenaz white folks back into the Caucasus where they came from in the first place before converting to be Jews.

Nobody dies over the Slavic lands and the Slavs would have advanced as Hitler would have made the trains run on time.
As for France, take the disputed territories, hand them Belgium after you take the low countries and make nice.
If England spouts off, just send that little Nazi King Albert who married Wallace Simpson on a tour and find something to buy the Windsors and Churchill off with like handing over Tanzania in Africa and then if the boys want to blow up Russian Bolsheviks, the Nazi's have a purpose with the west dividing the spoils like the good old days of cutting up China.

That is the way the old Delano's who were Franklin Delano Roosevelt's kindred ran things, but whenever you start mixing in these Nazi's you end up with camel poop in your couscous.

It has gotten so bad now for liberals with the Obama NeoProgs that Ed Schultz is being spied on by Axelrod Inc., who bears a striking resemblance to Hitler's cousin, Manfred Hitler (Am kidding as there was no Manfred, but Axelrod does have that Ashkenaz thing going on like Hitler did through the Rothschilds.), was outed by Schultz on the Morning Joe program on Obama NBC in texting Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski while Schultz was sitting there, complaining no one loved Obama.

I really want to like Ed Schultz, because before he became a leftist whore, he was Teddy Roosevelt kind of guy. I remember his hunting Sand Hill Cranes in North Dakota and being a nice enough camera whore, but all of a sudden he went nuts and became this ranter, who has now found hisself in Obama's bedroom and not liking the flossing going on there.

So MSNBC has Obama minders there, the entire state run media has minders, Obama is bankrupting the talk radio and newspaper empires, so all that is left is blogs which are about as safe as Obama turning off the electric switch.

I am puzzled though about Mika and Joe, as I thought it was winter and there is Mika with her C cups flaunting around while Joe is doing his Pole Joe impersonation. This blog is never going to let it be forgot the insult of pole dancer which he leveled at Mrs. Fred Thompson, but it is evident now by Joe being a media pimp for Axelrod, that is his venue are the greasy dives which Nidal Hasan goes to for a dance after voting for Bearick Hussein Obama.

I really believe the charade of the state press needs to stop and they all need to just put an armband on the proud Nazi girl with an Obama seal on it. That way everyone will know this is Obama approved and can assured that the content inspires terrorists, anarchists and Obamites the globe over.

One wonders what Shep Smith gets for messages for Val-erie Jarrett.

It all keeps coming around and going around, like a Greg Kihn on a loop, Jeopardy.


Radio Equalizer

don't be cute
don't be funny now
it's later than you think
aw what's the use
save your money now
it's hangin' on the brink