Monday, December 21, 2009


What I am about to reveal as an exclusive here, is the greatest discovery in the 6000 years of human history. It is bigger than the refinement of the fork and it makes DaVinci, Newton and Einstein appear as mere microbes in comparison.

Readers will recall my tracking the use of gene altering technologies which were and are quite primitive by the elites, or those priests of the old orders and rites who have been manipulating the genes of western peoples, because they are a "God line" or a line of people God refined from Adam to Noah to Abraham to create as super conductors for His Holy Spirit in revealing Himself to people in who to transform them from living souls to Eternal Spirits.

I have recorded this groups use of genetic engineered hybrids in changing human DNA and their trials of mass inoculations in utilizing cancer, which in the forms they have been creating from the base cancer which was natural, has been the study of amplifying human DNA for the purpose of creating an immortal being which does not need God for eternal life, so when this group which is engineering Metatron's Cube or the false tree of life, they will become immortal.

The understanding of the above points reveals why millions of people are inflamed in their bodies, suffering from auto immune diseases and the multitudes of cancers. This group has been hijacking God's Plan and doing a mass study on humans in attempting this conversion to the children of darkness.

Belief in it is not essential nor does it matter if people believe me, as the science is factual and I know it to be true.

What I have discovered and will reveal now is how incompetent the globalist elite have been in their science, as when I started pondering this barely a half hour ago, I have by God's Inspiration discovered a way to amplify the human DNA without viral infection (cancers) or by changing the DNA (genetic engineered food consumption).

I lay out the simple process as it is equal to using volcanic amino type acids ingested where if perverts were having bestiality sex would create centaurs of old as was exclusively revealed here.
Simply put, the DNA structure is a negative charged molecule which is inside cells. (See that is why the globalists were using viral infections to enter cells, as that was their obsolete axis point.)
What I do is based upon the University of Pennsylvania's Institute of Medicine and Engineering in their reverse engineering in attempting to treat in gene therapy these auto immune diseases.

What is done is they coat DNA with a steroid which treats inflammation and rejection so to speak, so a new gene can be fused into a cell.

What I do is simply to repeat this process but instead of making a degradable physical cell, I instead create a synthetic to coat my DNA.

Bear with me as this is really easy to understand.

I take a common polymer or a plastic based on nano fiber optics and as plastic is a base which does not hold a charge, I attach a nitrogen rich (Penn initiated) positive glue to these fibers, because DNA is basic protein and acid, and this multi mode fiber is then "glued" to the DNA in negative positive attraction.
Think of this as putting a really sexy dress on Kiran Chetry, but it is not just a broadcaster dress making her look good, it is like the Flash's super hero costume and makes her a super broadcaster.

What I do is dress up the DNA with a coating, that gathers what DNA is in being an electro chemical antennae for energy which can not only broadcast what the soul is sending out, but can also receive information coming in.
It is akin to people having enhanced psychic abilities when before their computers as the motherboard of a computer is but an amplifier which connects people via the web, so they can speak in those thoughts feeling each other.

What can now be done is a human with normal aura abilities, now has a coated DNA which can project that light frequency to Angelic levels of power. In theory, one could actually punch someone with the weight of their thoughts as will is a light wave of energy, which would be amplified by this DNA antennae and broadcaster.

On the other side of this, it is possible in this to use a "tree of life" which is simply a DNA type resonator of God's DNA, or a geometric structure which amplifies the eternal Life Force of God as a conduit to changing humans into immortals or eternals, depending upon the inner structure.
As there is only one Life code in the photon physics there is then an opposite code of false life. This is what the elites have been engineering in trying to by pass God.

One could create a consumptive type satan dark light to initiate this, but the entire structure would always be destructive as the devil expounds upon in being an inferior creature to God.

This part was all covered in Genesis, in Adam and Eve driven from the Garden and access to the Tree of Life, as without redemption they becoming spiritual creatures would have no end and would force God to put them into the Lake of Fire as no redemption process could be activated.

Humans need God in this in His Light, and unless the twain meet, there is no Life.

On the lesser scale though, this mad science could transform humans into most interesting creatures of calibers instantly which would advance even beyond my abilities. It is a simple act of gluing this fiber optic amplifier to the DNA, and broadcasting will or receiving information across the thought spectrum.

The greatest scientific advancement of humanity through science, a people who could transfigure and project themselves anywhere in the universe instantly by their thought, yet carrying their physical form.

I believe that is simple enough and will leave it there.

agtG 237

deux, trois, sept, doivent faire partie du code d'ordre

sticky glue

the superman costume