Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Obama Terrorism School

I go ghetto vomit green in revulsion when I read a puppy press propaganda posting like Julie Pace of the AP, who in unction, like the mistress who watches her adulteress cheater with his family through her frosted windows on New Years, just cries tears of, "Oh if only my man didn't have to waste all that time on that wicked wife, he would be with me".

.........and the mistress keeps telling herself that like Mo Dowd until she breaks down and posts it in cathartic New York Times articles telling the world what a whore she is.

It is official though that, Bearick and his Derrick Hussein Obama in 11 months in office went on 11 worldwide trips, 10 to foreign countries and 1 on a luxury vacation to Hawaii.
Psychologically that is a human not comfortable in his own skin and is running from hisself. So for the puppy press to be sympathetic about Obama running away and exhausting hisself, I suppose they afford the same compassion on Charlie Manson being tried in murdering all of those people.

Barack Obama has bowed his way around the world, apologized his way back, made a complete mess of every foreign policy victory George W. Bush gave America, and is in the process of inviting more terrorists to America to murder Americans.

For a little touch of reality here, President George W. Bush saw during his administration a decrease in terrorist operative numbers as he was killing them in policy.
Barack Obama in his loving "good" terrorists saw a massive terror outbreak which resulted in a war in Pakistan, terrorists flooding into Afghanistan from Pakistan, al Qaeda bases now opening up in Syria due to Obama's buddy Assad allowing it, massive arms shipments from Iran to Hamas and Hezbollah, Turkey now in nuclear deals with Persian communists, American domestic terrorism skyrocketing from California wildfires set by al Qaeda proxies and Nigerian airline terrorists, and, the real statistic of "Bush policy lead to more terrorists which the facts and security prove otherwise", but now Yemen, which was silent for the entire Bush years, now has 300 terrorists ready to go on a mission as retribution for Obama policy in bombing them.

Isn't it amazing that when George W. Bush bombed terrorists, he scared them, but when Barack Obama bombs them, they rise up and come after America, INSIDE AMERICA.

Terrorists now intent after a year of Obama all knowing, righteous war, foreign policy, are on the move bringing mass murder inside the United States.
For the record, Obama has lost Iraq from a Bush victory, and US intelligence now states that Afghanistan is lost, all due to Obama deliberate dithering.

It doesn't matter if the AP's Julie Pace writes that Obama did a 3 month exhaustive review over Afghanstan, because the reality is he didn't do a damn thing. He took Bush policy in March, deliberately blew it just to elect a fraud government in Afnamistan which cost over 400 Soldiers their lives for nothing, and dithered then all autumn just to ship out more Soldiers before Christmas, to stick them into the winter hell of Afghanistan to do nothing but freeze, loose morale and be TalEEban fodder.

Obama is accomplishing exactly what he desired in Brzezinski policy, because Brzezinski policy is about creating Muslim radical terrorists to further the objectives of the New World Order. This European Order which Brzezinksi represents and not America, just like Obama, created Muslim terrorists to attack the Soviet Union. They used them under Clinton to attack Russia in Kosovo who were backing Serbian Christians, and this same cartel is using Muslim terrorists to create the draconian laws in the West, so the globalists can install all of these Marxist mandates Obama is pushing.

The fact is the only thing Barack Hussein Obama has been successful at is creating armies of more terrorists, because that is exactly the prod this cartel is utilizing to create policy to further their global domination agenda.
People need to understand that is this not American policy, it is not even pro American policy, because Americans are the ones dying in mass in this. I will repeat that Barack Hussein Obama had over 400 US Citizens murdered in 2009, and he will not even utter the name terrorist or Islam in connection with his policy.
Terrorism is a tool of this internationalist cartel and Barack Obama has engulfed America in a 3rd world tribal Mooselum feud which America has no reason to be in.

America should be rich in pumping the vast stores of oil she has in a balance of trade with our allies and China, leaving Russia withering on her Bolshevik vine of nuclear terror.
America has more proven oil reserves than Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Russia combined. Green sweet high grade crude that refines itself, and yet America is impoverished and dying over OPEC oil and festering with Muslim terrorists created by Barack Obama.

It all comes back to this in Barack Obama has created hundreds if not thousands now more terrorists who are not going to Iraq to fight there as Obama has re stationed Americans to Kuwait and Qatar. Saddam's Baathists are behind the "terror" there and will soon retake that nation as Obama fully intends for the cartel getting their banks in Europe into that Iraq money flow again of massive bribes as were the Clinton years.

All of these terror events are the result of Barack Obama's communazism policies meant to create massive debt in America, and create masses of Brzezinski terrorists.

This will turn nuclear in this next cycle and America will suffer for that too like Chernobyl. This is only the start of evil, and the fact is tired little Barack Obama has had Muslim terror college open due to his policy all in 2009.
We are already seeing the graduates flying to America. 2010 will only get worse.

As a warning for Americans who hope to vote for Sarah Palin in 2012, it might be a wise decision to get out being employed in the major cities in America, stop flying on planes and stop attending mass gathering events.
These Obama terrorists have arrived and more are coming at his bidding. One day, they will come with nuclear munitions from Iran.

Terrorism PHD's thanks to Professors Obama and Brzezinski.

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Tired little Professor Obama (too bad he doesn't confess to his crimes)