Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why I don't Vote Obama

I was pondering a few minutes the crass, bully Al Franken of Minnesota in his assaulting Congressional staff in taunting these children why they are in the Republican party.

All were shocked and silent at such behavior, which is the first clue of why I vote for Republicans in they do not have to get into your face to belittle you to try and bully you into voting for them.
You never see the Obama squads tactics of the voter rape of Hillary Clinton voters to try and win elections.
Certainly one has the fringe Ron Paul types who pelt Sean Hannity's little girl with snowballs, but that is Libertarian anarchists who like Al Franken see votes in ballot boxes which do not exist which always give Ron Paul Presidential victories and Al Franken stolen Minnesota Senate seats, but the rule remains that the Republican party is not the home to such Devvy Kidd misbehavior as Ron Paul was on record not supporting John McCain..........
So Ron Paul and his associates helped elect not only Barack Hussein Obama, but in Minnesota these Dean Barkley and Jesse Ventura snow throwers helped elect Al Franken.

That is the first reason I am someone who votes in the Republican party in I am not going to ever enable new liberalism which is in definition by communist Chinese too far even left for the Chicoms of Peking.
Yes Barack Obama and Al Franken are too extreme even for communist Chinese.

The base conclusion though is I am in a Republican party for the simple reason of God. God is how I base every facet of the life He provided me here on His earth. God has Laws for life and not abortion. God has Laws for sexual conduct which brings great sex and completion in Marriage and Fidelity, and not in Democratic infidelity and homosexuality.
God provides for the common defense in gun ownership, respecting our law enforcement and supporting our American military.
Those values and virtues are found best in the Republican mindset and are not simply trotted out during elections to pretend one is a Stephie Herseth Sandlin with her inflatable breast Patriotism.

Republicans want one America, while NeoProgs like Obama define a fragmented hyphenated America in order to fracture parties and win elections for power.

In that liberals get up every morning fearing God and hide in the Democratic party, while I get up every morning fearing God is not going to become more involved in my life which I produce for His glory as a Conservative who votes in a Republican party.
The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, which is not abiding by God's Laws. The fear of the Lord is not to love evil, and call evil good as Democrats do.

I have God in His heaven, the Father, His Son my Savior, Jesus the Chirst, and His Presence in me in His Holy Ghost. I do not need, require nor want a Barack Hussein Obama to make me feel good about myself by voting for him with halos and calling hisself in blasphemy, a messiah.

I understand that Christ's Gospel is thee only Way to peace on earth now and eternal Life granted later by the Father in Jesus judgment. I do not expect Jewish people, Muslim people, Hindus or anyone else to convert as that is their own business in choosing Life or death, but I will not give an inch on Democrats degrading Christian teachings which God blessed in His children in America to build to Him the greatest Promise on earth.
That is why I vote Republican.

I don't need to lie, cheat or steal to win elections to empower myself as God's blesses or empowers me and that is all inside of me. I don't need to change political parties like Alan Spector to keep power and I don't need to destroy Jewish people like George Allen or Norm Coleman to get power and have a drunken Montana crooked Democrat like Max Baucus on the Senate floor disgracing the Capitol.
I don't trade in my frumpy wife like Tom Daschle for a blonde Kansas model when I become more powerful.

I don't laugh at pedophile jokes nor pedophiles impregnating little girls like David Letterman audiences do. I know rape not to be comical so I do not laugh at Al Franken jokes.

It is all a matter of character which mattered when Democrats voted Bill Clinton into office as he assaulted women like Kathleen Willey. I don't forget any of these Americans who have been ravaged from Ray Donovan to the Marines slandered by Pennsylvania Democratic crook John Murtha.

I don't sell my vote for 300 million dollar Mary Landrieu bucks nor Ben Nelson dead babies.

I am an American almost a decade after 9 11, and not just for a few months when terrorists attacked like Charles Schumer who stabbed George W. Bush in the back after Democrat Schumer was befriended by him.

When I arise every morning I am proud I am an American, and I do not bow to anyone nor apologize for the land of my nativity.

That is why I am proud to be an American, and proud of my Conservative Christian Patriotic values which has Citizens like me on Janet Napolitano terror watch lists, because I believe in Jesus second coming, love America more than any nation on earth in patriotism and know the problem in America is as Ronald Reagan stated, is government.

I love Christian Heroes in Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. I esteem our Generals in Washington, Clarke, Fremont, Carson, Sherman, Custer, Miles, Pershing, Patton, MacArthur and Franks.
I hold each of our Soldiers in the highest of regards not for political reasons, but the reason in they serve America with their life.

That is why I don't vote Obama, as I am not a liar, a thief, a coward or a fraud. I don't need to beat up on women to win, as the Truth always wins out over a lie.
I gladly go to the path on the right, because it is right, and I see Sarah Palin standing there Going Rogue, as America is being criminalized by Democrats and we as a people are all going rogue.

It is a fitting heritage to relate to, a plough we have pulled before in carving out nations on Russian steppes to German forests to American plains. It is who we are and why we built Churches to God and no one else, and is why God prospered these United States of America.

See as a Conservative, the Republican party is the best choice for peace, life and liberty, all Promises from God in those who follow His Laws.

I love the Law as it convicts and moulds the soul and Spirit in me to a better person. I don't need government for that or people like Barack Hussein Obama to interfere with that Divine creed and calling.

That is why I vote Republican for the good of America and not myself. It is an unselfish act in caring about my fellow Citizens who require all the help they can receive as they mess up far too often in voting for hucksters like Al Franken.

Al Franken is dross, a cake raw in the middle, an expired label on cheese, refuse, trash, a cull. That is why I don't vote Obama, because Al Franken does.
