Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Obama's National Security Cuddle

It interesting that the Obama group of Jarrett Inc. has now denied to both Judicial Watch and NBC the "White House Guest List" not on the grounds of privacy in internal administration dealings, but now on "national security" grounds.

That is an odd pocket to reach into when the Bush Administration correctly noted that when you are dealing with impossible issues, the last thing some CEO or foreign diplomat needs is to have their name spread across the headlines as the new "gotcha" from the Molotov Mob press. One does not have to delve into the British "national security" blanket in America, and yet Obama has thrown a trump card where none was needed.

Some might call that panic. Panic in the new Dame of Valdasherie Jarrett attempting to cover up the free flow of fluff and lint making dust bunnies under the White House furniture.
It is factual information now that Obama was selling access to the White House interior family entertainment spots and Desiree Rogers was caught stating that the maniacs would show up, not take NO for an answer, and she would just usher the Obamalings in so they didn't melt down and cause a scene.

This is what is behind the Salahigate in I believe the Obama White House is cooking the log books of people who enter in.
It is sort of like the old two sets of books rich people keep to show to the IRS. You show them the one like the Pritzkers did that the old man was broke, while the one in the Swiss banking is brimming with billions.

What Obama appears to be doing is he has an official White House guest list. Then there is a guest list which fills in Obamalings into parties where they have no business being, like the Salahi's who have terror friend connections.

I can just see grinning Katie Couric having it told to her right before that infamous photo was snapped, that the Salahis served with Rashid Khalidi and were seat fillers, just how fast Perky would have run for the drapes to hide behind.
Mrs. Salahi is not that attractive of woman, but she must have stood out like a goddess compared to all the old homosexuals and carpet wearing Indians had jammed into that state dinner for her to get the fondle reaction from Joe Biden. Face it, Michaele Salahi was all of these liberals desert for the evening.

I am guessing that from the White House logs that Axelrod Inc. deliberately made certain that names like Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright were placed there or released for the right wing to chew on. They knew the reaction those names would bring in not being the real culprits. In doing that measure, they were attempting to deflect as a dead issue from the other names they were hiding.
It is certain that there are cover names on the White House list for people the White House has on an enter list which do not match real identities.
Into this IF the White House logs are ever released with the time signatures, then an event such as Reggie Love not checking out until the next day after a night of flossing, or questions like what was Brian Williams doing there in the wee wee hours when his NBC credentials have him somewhere else..........well it is just national security issues like that which Obama has been making jokes of, that all of a sudden astute bloggers start researching and finding the itinerary is not matching the known facts.
The one slip up is what gets el tigre Woods finally laying in the street stoned on prescription meds thinking his whore sure has rough skin like pavement.

That is why one hides logs. Bush did it to hide business and Obama throwing a national security blanket on it to hide monkey business.

Do not think that those logs might shed some light on who in the puppy press corp is being extra friendly with Obama or if the New York socialite ex didn't happen to log in under Tokyo Rose.

One can look at the Bush Administration having Teddy Kennedy write the education bill, and yet Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi have not offered the GOP to write one bill in equal measure like Health care.

One can behold the promises of Bearick Obama and yet, he is not transparent, he hires criminals, he is exclusive to NeoProgs and hides things like squirrel hides nuts.

It is the time stamps more than the names which matter in the Obama logs. You will notice the White House press corp is not in the least interested in this, so it means their names are on it when they should not be on it. It means the entire cesspool of the press pool is guarding secrets to leverage more leak secrets from the Obamalings.

How many Tiger Woods are on the Obama guest list that are sweating in thinking of the excuses they are going to have to make to their spouses and thinking they are going to be the next Michael Jackson story.

Film at 11.

agtG 222

Obama Cuddle List