Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where have all the Democrats gone....

I applaud Democratic Representative Parker Griffith of Alabama for switching to the Republican party, but at the same time I am saddened that a Conservative has no place in a party of John Kennedy, for someone who is right wing like both of these men are.

The Republican ranks for years have been filled with nothing but patrician leftists. That is why nothing was done after Newt Gingrich left, because the GOP was all patrician leftists like the Bush family.
So for those who speak of big tent politics, the GOP has always been the party of right wing, moderates and too many leftists who betrayed John McCain patrician moderate socialists and voted for Barack Hussein Obama.

A NeoProg Democratic party is no good for America or Democrats in this Pelosi Obama Marxism. I honestly have compassion for Howard Dean, as he like all Democrats swung far left to be a party different from American mainstream values, and all of these people from Ed Schultz to Keith Olbermann, who I have told readers are not as wack job left as they spout, but are paid to do this, are finding out that the fixes they were trying to implement for America have now become Obama just dumping money into his cronies accounts and letting American die in mass.
That is what these international patricians have always been about, and they hijacked the Democratic party and under Teddy Kennedy made compromise into a sin, as it was not compromise but compromising American values and destroying the nation.

Howard Dean is just too ramped up with the propaganda from the Obama cartels that he was like Cindy Sheehan, used, abused and tossed to the curb by Pelosi.
Do I think Howard Dean is a good person? Yes I do, but he is coming out of such a rats nest of hatred that all he has learned is torch and burn politics to lie to get what you want, and to label everything what Americans on the right as evil.
The problem is Howard Dean and this Democratic group are finding out they are now on Obama's evil list, because they are not marching in goosestepping order.

I do grieve that the Democratic party is no Zell Miller party. I also grieve after what Zell Miller did for George W. Bush, that patrician Bush didn't make him Sec. of Defense or at least offer something to show public appreciation for all that gentleman did for America.
Now when someone like Parker Griffith is forced out of the Democratic party it makes America a worse place, because it is absolute bullsh*t that people like Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is a Blue Dog or "conservative" Democrat. If she and this other Collin Petersen ilk were really Conservatives they would have stopped Pelosi and then switched parties to the GOP.

The Blue Dogs are nothing but a group of lying leftists who con dolts like South Dakotans into believing they are loyal Americans, and come Tim Johnson time, he sells them out to Obama for job bribe for his kid.
They are all frauds and they have one purpose in life and that is fringe politics, in lying to Americans in their states to get elected and then blackmailing the Marxist Democratic leadership for billions of dollars in bribes in a bankrupt America.

That is why even if Parker Griffith is an opportunist in trying to save his Congressional seat, the meaning of it is a poorer America, because a Democrat can not even be tainted by that name anymore as no one equates Hubert Humphrey with it, but immediately equates Democrat with something Chinese communists now are calling too extreme.

Parker Griffith should have had a party which accepted his American voice. I frankly enjoyed his American voice when he said he wasn't backing Pelosi for speaker and if she didn't like it he would get her a gift certificate to visit a loony bin.
That is southern humor at it's finest and it proves that Democrats like Griffith, Dean, Schultz know nothing but Obama maniacs inhabit that rubber room party who are constantly tortured by Obama or Pelosi into hysteria to get them to do something.

For medical terminology, Obama and Pelosi have done nothing for 8 years bit inject some Bush hate drug or Obama elixir into Democratic voters, turning them into a rabid mob.
Obama knows this and that is why he called them pitchfork mobs he was going to set on bankers. This is why the NeoProgs turned them loose in savagery on Hillary Clinton and her voters. They are savages groomed and festered by the NeoProgs, and sometimes people like Parker Griffith just stand up and puke out the kool aid and say "ENOUGH!"

Look people, the Obamacrats get all their leftist scat through, what is left? Do you think they are going to set around with gays married, rationed death, Marxist control over everything and just quit?
I warned America, that when they get this done, they will go to further extremes in it will be Letterman child sex as pedophiles will be "political prisoners" who must be freed and as Hillary Clinton was pushing almost 20 years ago and John Kerry's daughters chimed in on "children have the right to choose", that with Soylent Green suicides and Kim Jong Il Obama parades, that will be the platform against American morality as they tear down every last barrier and turn the United States in a Mexican voting mob, stealing property from Americans just like Robert Mugabe did in Rhodesia.

This has to have the line drawn and end her. Parker Griffith will lead as a physician a most vocal judgment against Obama death. I can promise that baby butcher Stephie Herseth will be silent as she got her whore payment from Obama in millions of dollars, while Pelosi "protects" her vote for later use as South Dakotans are conned by all the Blue Dogs.
That is the way it works, and if America is saved, it will be the GOP being forced into the block they are, and joined by people like Parker Griffith and the few pro life Democrats (no not like baby butcher Ben Nelson of the senate) who will refuse to make a rationed death bill include Obama's aborticide.
To which as this blog pointed out will be fuel for the Rahm Emmanuel political frenzy fires to run on against those pro Lifers in 2010.

Ovama as Bill Clinton noted the timeline will get his Christmas passage of Obamacrypt, but if one notes, Bill Clinton didn't really say Obama was going to sign the thing ever.

I would that America had 100 Parker Griffiths to join the GOP in Congress. America would not be now in Obama debt, Obama green strangulation, Obama wars and Obama death rationing. Real solutions would have been worked out, and in all honestly Barney Frank and and Barry Obama's ruining of American finance would never have happened if Democrats would have just elected Conservative Democrats.

I do blame Hubert Humphrey and the Kennedy's for this, as they kept dragging the party left to try and find a niche, and never explained to Americans that there was a line they would not cross and Teddy Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi ran wild in the gulag of Marxism which has ruined America.

Parker Griffith though is but a pool of former Obama voters who are waking up to be Americans. I hope to God that real Conservatives run for Congress in 2010 for these awakened Americans to vote for, as George W. Bush tried to fix Social Security and was ruined in spending his political capital on it. Now America has Obama, and the Americans fleeing his sinking ship.

I would that there were more Americans in the American government.
