Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Road not Taken

As another Obama snowstorm is going to be greeting millions of Americans and stupid Obama voters, I have a bit of heartfelt advice that I know no one is going to take, who should take it, but I offer it to try and keep the innocent Sarah Palin voters from being road kill from Obama idiots who have no idea how to drive.

I must explain something for Ovama, and yes I man Ovama voters, about driving. Driving is a focus oriented task. It requires one to pay attention, not be on their cell phones and not to double dose on their medications that morning to save time if they forget them later.

This morning while getting a few business supplies for my Mother, who was riding with me in her car, I had the extreme displeasure of finding myself surrounded by Obama voters in soccer womb vans, on snow scattered by dry roads.
One could not have slipped on them if you slammed on the brakes, but I was about to have an adventure due to the idiotry on wheels.
My first van was rocketing along at 65 which was just fine, when all of a sudden she decided that cruise control no longer existed and slowed down to 55 mph.

I can deal with that when there is not traffic flow, because for the stupid people who do not understand, when some idiot slows down, it bottles up traffic, and I just happened to have a cute little farm gal behind me, and all farm women drive like bats out of hell so I was in a nasty position between an Obama voter and no place to go.

So after a few loud choice words which had nothing to do with God bless you, I floored it when I had an opening and away I went around the Obama voter.
Apparently that woke up the maniac as I started going around her, she floored it and we were doing 80 in a race down snow covered roads.
I like winning so I blew by her, and no sooner said than done the farm gal was on my tail in a race with the Obama voter too.

Honestly, if I was in a better mood I would have made a citizen's arrest on that idiot as she did not belong on the road.

So I thought the world was fine, and next thing I know I am on the bumper of another Obama voter who was going 65 and all of a sudden on meeting a semi was doing 50 mph.
The farm gal was apparently enjoying riding my wind break as she was riding my back seat, so not wanting to be an accordion death sandwich, I floored it again and away we went.
Fortunately, this woman did not wake up out of her coma and decide to race to the ballot box in 2010.

Not picking on women Ovama voters, as I found on a 4 lane another Obama voter who crossed lanes pulling out in front of me, and then for a 10 blocks could not get past 20 mph in a 40 mph zone, making traffic really fun again.
I guess it was alright as he was going to the chiropractor, or this quack I am aware of who does not bone crunching, but puts people in a vibrator chair, listens to their whining and tells them come back again in a few days.
Obviously another Ovama voting chiropractor.

I digress, but I have two girlies who are in the physical therapy field, and I am wondering how their high salary con jobs are going to work under Obama, as that physical therapy is all a scam. My brother had it and every person he talked to said, "You know I quit that damn physical therapy and I got better".
All that workman's comp is is a racket for insurance fraud to doctors so companies don't have to pay disability to people who are hurt. People just get tortured by stretching sprains for weeks until they just quit...........like people at 50% unemployment in Obama's Detroit not looking for jobs, because unemployment sucks in running around filling out applications weekly and then the state makes you pay back money as they overpaid you.

Anyway back at the farm, I remember trying to get a black metal pipe for hydraulics threaded, as oil needs special pipe and all that. I was having a cute little gal thread the pipe, when this old perverted horny male, (think of Obama in Rome and Paris) would not get out of the way. He just kept hovering around the gal.
I wanted to hit that old bastardio so bad with that pipe..........but I didn't, but the tales of these brain dead Ovama voters continues with a point.

So I get some groceries and the stores are full, and is my practice, I started picking up shopping carts in the parking lot as the bean counters have enough to do without having to run outside picking up carts from lazy ass Ovama voters who think the world is theirs to be waited on.

I have my three carts and am polite in a couple with a new baby run in front of me going in, WITH MY THREE CARTS.
So they grab a cart, leaving 2 carts where there should be hundreds........and I smile as they smile in laying down the bundle of joy in the cart...........and then in the way, in the way of the entrance, in the way of the door, in the way of me with my three carts, standing in the cold, having things to do...........they just stand there and look at the kid in the cart, and start a discussion, oblivious to me and anyone else whose lives are being put on hold.

It was only 15 seconds of this rudeness, but I honestly wanted to speak up and say, "Look you Ovama voters. That kid ain't Jesus in a manger. It will probably grow up as rude and self centered as you, with a picture of Zero on the wall and voting for Queenie Obama, so get the hell out of the way and stop auditioning for road kill!"

That is the point in this as an Obama snowstorm is going to crunch areas of Obamamerica with these idiots who are oblivious to reality like voting for someone who thinks he has a halo around his head is out of their fricking mind.
(Why did Charlie Sheen get that ugly big breasted big butted big toothed woman to be his finace when Mia who is a funny comedic actress was let go........another Obama voting idiot actor.)
You Obama voters are going to driving all over in this snow, not paying attention, impeding traffic and causing traffic accidents.
No doubt in airports you will be blowing Janet Napolitano snot on your sleeves, butting into lines and standing around delaying other people trying to board jets in the cold as you daydream about how pretty you feel in having voted for Bearick and his derrick.

In noting all of that, you are going to piss volumes of people off. You will also God forbid no doubt kill numbers of good people as you audition for roadkill. The idiots I dealt with today are like all Ovama voters in not having a thing to do, but get bored, jump in a car, activate the cell phone and rudely forget there are Americans out there who actually have things to do and do not need a quack telling us they feel our pain.
I would that all you stupid Ovama voters would just stay home or perhaps have some Sarah Palin westerner who knows how to drive in snow, take you where you should be dumped and then leave you there until the snow thaws and Obama rations some death you all.

Otherwise you are going to become roadkill, which honestly does not bother me in the least, as like most Ovama voters I see born of his egg sack womb, you people stopped living life about a lustrom ago, died and just do not realize it yet, or are like that crazy bag this morning, in waking up as I passed her and trying to become roadkill suicide.
Murdering yourselves is your business, but you might God forbid get good people dead. It is hard enough now in having to drive in winter weather for oneself, without having to drive for the idiotry Obama voters.

All I can do is warn, and it will do no good, as these dolts vote for Obama and drive with the same Al Franken rapine on the highways.

One always hopes for the best, but with Ovama voters auditioning as roadkill, his snowstorm is going to be their shroud.
Perhaps one can pray before their brains turn into blood pulp, they will pray Jesus forgive me and at least not end up in hell for being baby butchering, fornicating, sodomite enabling Nazi's.

Merry Christmas you stupid Obama voters.......on the road not taken.

God keep His children safe on this Merry Christmas to the Good, God bless us everyone.


Who's woods are these I do not know....
The poem sucks after that so I will end it here.