Oh the joy of life, just when the memories of Billy Carter and Roger Clinton begin to fade, here comes George Obama getting hisself arrested for being a doper, clear around the world in Birdie Obama's world Prime Ministership.
Logical odds would dictate that a bro who has only seen his brother Birdie, about 3 times in his life would have not had the Democratic curse rub off on him, but then apparently the moon demon and monkey demon in Obama's pants just has too much mojo for Barack to contain.
Make your wishes Birdie and people's lives become payment for all the goodies you grab.
The amusing part in this is the AP propagandist, one, Tom Odula, posted on ABC did everything, but George Stephanopoulos scrub George Obama's linkage to Birdie Obama.
The key piece lists George as a Kenyan relative with the added barely knows the Prime Minister, so I guess that is why he has on an Obama campaign hat which cost a bundle, shipping them cost a fortune overseas, and, apparently that is George's inheritance, and no stimulus condom delivers from big bro Baracks pork politics.
George also is cleansed in alleged possession, so I guess that is why he was arrested with a joint and has a court date.
George though is not a drug peddler, so that makes it all alright for this distant Kenyan relative as related as that distant Hawaiian relative Birdie allowed to walk his Grandmother Madelyn like a dog after dark.
None of this is new for Democrats. There was Billy Carter for absolute down home brewery cool. Billy was the original porker. There wasn't a deal that Billy wouldn't jump into from Billy Beer to his big dollar deal with terrorist Libyan, Khaddffi.
There was nothing like those big Carter teeth all yellow on Billy compared to Jimmy's fortune dollar white smile in making one wonder if you had a rich peanut dealing brother who was in the White House, would it have hurt Jimmy to have got the brother into something stable to keep him busy and funded, so he didn't look like Jethro Bodine's dumb cousin.
When you are President and you leave your brother scratch for it as a redneck, it looks plain bad Jimmy.
Then there was the recent Roger Clinton who seemed a bit short fused and hardwired. Probably was because of all the coke, Bill and him were snorting in Little Rock hotels with all the choice whores from blacks, orientals, Indians, whites, blondes, brunettes and redheads.
Roger had a rock band and a foul mouth which actually made one feel sorry for Bill, and Bill was nothing to bring home to Mother or Church.
What one notices in the pictures though is even Jimmy and Bill did get it right in they never abandoned their goofy brothers. Sure they were Gomer and Goober Pyle, but Andy and Barney never stopped having a hug and a beer with them because there is something special about being brothers.
Of course, the Carters probably shared their first peanut together and the Clinton's probably shared their first Arkansas prostitute, but it is a brother thing and you have to give them credit for it.
Richard Nixon had a brother, but he seemed to find ways to behave himself as did Reagan's and the Bush boys.
There just seems to be a curse on Democrats, especially ones who make wishes on monkey demons, because there is always some brother popping up to embarrass you.
No problem though for Barack Hussein Obama, as he only has a Kenyan relative who he barely knows, that makes it alright.
Birdie has a brother. He exists in poverty in a hut. He barely knows his brother and wonder of wonders, the liberal press has booted the guy off the family tree and Barack Obama's basketball shoe footprint is on George's butt.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The makings
As a unique individual who by God's Grace was even as a child blessed to retain imagery, information and focal points of time, one of my recollections is laying in my mother's arms.
This though is not some Ward and June Cleaver bliss. This was my life. While I listen to Roseanne Barr and that kid playing Chip Douglas on My Three Sons whine about "not real television families", I would like to tell those idiots that many children would have given all they were and all they ever would be to have such a nice home and wonderful people around you.
My life which is an adventure is a memory of that time of my little bit of a nothing Mother, holding me, while dust blew in my eyes, an engine deafened me and that same soil made it difficult for me to breathe, because my Mother had to work and drag a little child along as there were no babysitters as there was just the struggle of life on a sharecroppers existence.
I do not speak a great deal about my Abraham Lincoln existence as it is no ones business if David was locked in a cave most of his life only relying on God against all odds. It is none of the snots of this world who rant about me business as they are so unqualified to even speak to me that they should just continue to vote for Obama and wail away in their illegitimate menagerie.
My life is about ladies. There are indeed three classes of that sex in females one witnesses as these grunting creatures of breeding atrophy like Peggy Noonan vacuous of any loyalty. Women who are like so many numbers in void of God and morals, simply one Joy Behar boob in your face day at a time waiting around for more, and, Ladies, who are moral, God fearing, with a strength that only comes from being broken, shattered, destroyed and put together again. They have nothing to prove as they have been there and been through it.
The photo above is of Hannie Caulder, a fictional character portrayed by Raquel Welch. In the movie, 3 criminal murder her husband and then gang rape her.
Hannie follows a gunfighter who finds her across a desert, barefoot and wearing that blanket above, because she is living for one thing. Vengeance.
Along the way she devotes a great deal of time to building her hand strength and learning how to fire a handgun.
At which point, she "Shoot em again Hannah", hunts down and kills 3 three males who murdered her life and gang raped her.
Every male in life is terrified of a Lady. Every man in life hates a Lady, but every Gentleman in life worships and admires a Lady, because a Lady has absolute strength and will. That is what terrifies and filled with hatred the left concerning Sarah Palin.
That is why I loved Sarah Palin as she was strong and there is just something interesting in a woman with a gun as it makes life lively.
This is why I supported Kirsten Gillibrand in part as she took the hard step in having children and has no fear concerning firearms. When you grow up in the brier patch, graduate to the wilderness of life and exist in the last place on earth, the last thing when you really need someone or something as life depends on it is to hear, "Oh I'm afraid", "Oh I don't think I can" or "I can't do that".
There is an absolute to be celebrated in strong Ladies. If Hillary Clinton would have not existed in fear based in love of Bill and lust for power, she would have not had to be bouncing lamps off his head. Cut Bill's nuts off the first time he strays and nail them to the wall and Chelsea has a happy home.
If more females and women would find God and stop trying to be men, the men of this world would be a great deal more interesting to all phases of the feminine form as they would have to start behaving like Gentlemen and stop being lazy.
It might be the cure for lesbianism, but as that is an Obama voting block they probably are not looking to reign in fear and actually start defining themselves as the most of creations of God.
This is not about women being men. This is about women being a higher order, a Spiritual strength, a Lady, like none other in the creation plan.
I pity most women as they do not know who they are and they are trying to be something they are not. Most settle for the most inept of males. That is my first thought as of late when hearing from someone in not paying attention to a soliloquy of nonsense, but thinking, "That poor woman married to such a professing ignorant and those tortured children who see a Mother putting up with that and thinking that is all there is to men."
And no, that is not talking of divorce, but it is speaking of women need to stop trying to change men, start instead attempting to be moral Ladies and then demanding from their husbands and boyfriends to be treated as such.
You can not change a man, but you can make him obey rules of conduct which will at least put into his repetition a virtue that in time he will least act out the inclination of being a Gentleman.
There is great virtue in armed Gentlemen and Ladies. As a police officer once said to a married couple who were being hounded by some attachling, "Get a gun, shoot twice if he bothers you in your home again and I didn't tell you that". An armed society is a polite society, because when some blathering keyboard ranter or some digital head hiding behind what they think is safety, understood there is a definite price to pay, words would come out more pleasant and people would mind their own failed little world instead of trying to bother others.
Sarah Palin and Kirsten Gillibrand are such women as they come from rural culture where for the most part people behave. They learn this as there is always some Veteran in their midst who just says, "Enough" and injures severely some lout who can not behave.
While upstate New York might be a little more serene, I'm still told that in remote areas of America lead poisoning cures rudeness yet.
I only associate with strong Ladies, and, find it amusing when I'm contacted by weak ones how quickly they vacate the premises because they are not looking for strength, but males weaker than them to punish and dominate for all of their mistakes in life.
Strong Ladies teach strength. That is why they nor I ever understood anything about racism and this women's work equal rights buffoonery which comes from people with too much time, too much money and too much thinking.
You judge people by their character and nothing else. The Ladies I knew in mass taught this with a firm hand.
As far as work, they all worked their asses off, and yes asses is the term, as unless you are so fatigued, got to get up sick from child birth, snot nosed kids and work that needs to be done, so you break down and bawl and profanity comes out of you mouth, you have never worked in your life. The Ladies I knew worked themselves to wear. They dreamed of being a woman who didn't have to work. None of the liberation movement made sense to them and they knew it was a step backwards from where they came.
There are scenes one never forgets in places people have forgotten. 30 below temperatures, a howling blizzard, because that is all that it does for 10 months, some crag of a hutwork with scents of musty brush for a fire that wouldn't warm a mouse, millet on the stove and a woman who probably would have been beautiful once, if not for life.
Her grimace in labor as you roll your kates for something to do as the father is on pins and needles.
Into that old world comes of scents emerges a gasping little brown child. Snorting and struggling as steam rises from it's form with the afterbirth reaching out with that light sweet fresh scent like none other, as laying beside her is her butcher knife, the only tool she has and only weapon she has against life.
You watch that Lady as snow dust sifts in the crack in the corner and you witness completion and more strength that could bust more western men in two and more love than most western women have ever felt. It doesn't make eastern people better so you have to Stanley Ann go a huntin' for what you can't find, because the same women are all over America. It is just most of them have gotten lost along their way and they never see the virtue of being a Lady here.
And life goes on, as what happened a moment ago is gone and there is something more to be forgotten, except the perfection there is in an armed Lady.
This though is not some Ward and June Cleaver bliss. This was my life. While I listen to Roseanne Barr and that kid playing Chip Douglas on My Three Sons whine about "not real television families", I would like to tell those idiots that many children would have given all they were and all they ever would be to have such a nice home and wonderful people around you.
My life which is an adventure is a memory of that time of my little bit of a nothing Mother, holding me, while dust blew in my eyes, an engine deafened me and that same soil made it difficult for me to breathe, because my Mother had to work and drag a little child along as there were no babysitters as there was just the struggle of life on a sharecroppers existence.
I do not speak a great deal about my Abraham Lincoln existence as it is no ones business if David was locked in a cave most of his life only relying on God against all odds. It is none of the snots of this world who rant about me business as they are so unqualified to even speak to me that they should just continue to vote for Obama and wail away in their illegitimate menagerie.
My life is about ladies. There are indeed three classes of that sex in females one witnesses as these grunting creatures of breeding atrophy like Peggy Noonan vacuous of any loyalty. Women who are like so many numbers in void of God and morals, simply one Joy Behar boob in your face day at a time waiting around for more, and, Ladies, who are moral, God fearing, with a strength that only comes from being broken, shattered, destroyed and put together again. They have nothing to prove as they have been there and been through it.
The photo above is of Hannie Caulder, a fictional character portrayed by Raquel Welch. In the movie, 3 criminal murder her husband and then gang rape her.
Hannie follows a gunfighter who finds her across a desert, barefoot and wearing that blanket above, because she is living for one thing. Vengeance.
Along the way she devotes a great deal of time to building her hand strength and learning how to fire a handgun.
At which point, she "Shoot em again Hannah", hunts down and kills 3 three males who murdered her life and gang raped her.
Every male in life is terrified of a Lady. Every man in life hates a Lady, but every Gentleman in life worships and admires a Lady, because a Lady has absolute strength and will. That is what terrifies and filled with hatred the left concerning Sarah Palin.
That is why I loved Sarah Palin as she was strong and there is just something interesting in a woman with a gun as it makes life lively.
This is why I supported Kirsten Gillibrand in part as she took the hard step in having children and has no fear concerning firearms. When you grow up in the brier patch, graduate to the wilderness of life and exist in the last place on earth, the last thing when you really need someone or something as life depends on it is to hear, "Oh I'm afraid", "Oh I don't think I can" or "I can't do that".
There is an absolute to be celebrated in strong Ladies. If Hillary Clinton would have not existed in fear based in love of Bill and lust for power, she would have not had to be bouncing lamps off his head. Cut Bill's nuts off the first time he strays and nail them to the wall and Chelsea has a happy home.
If more females and women would find God and stop trying to be men, the men of this world would be a great deal more interesting to all phases of the feminine form as they would have to start behaving like Gentlemen and stop being lazy.
It might be the cure for lesbianism, but as that is an Obama voting block they probably are not looking to reign in fear and actually start defining themselves as the most of creations of God.
This is not about women being men. This is about women being a higher order, a Spiritual strength, a Lady, like none other in the creation plan.
I pity most women as they do not know who they are and they are trying to be something they are not. Most settle for the most inept of males. That is my first thought as of late when hearing from someone in not paying attention to a soliloquy of nonsense, but thinking, "That poor woman married to such a professing ignorant and those tortured children who see a Mother putting up with that and thinking that is all there is to men."
And no, that is not talking of divorce, but it is speaking of women need to stop trying to change men, start instead attempting to be moral Ladies and then demanding from their husbands and boyfriends to be treated as such.
You can not change a man, but you can make him obey rules of conduct which will at least put into his repetition a virtue that in time he will least act out the inclination of being a Gentleman.
There is great virtue in armed Gentlemen and Ladies. As a police officer once said to a married couple who were being hounded by some attachling, "Get a gun, shoot twice if he bothers you in your home again and I didn't tell you that". An armed society is a polite society, because when some blathering keyboard ranter or some digital head hiding behind what they think is safety, understood there is a definite price to pay, words would come out more pleasant and people would mind their own failed little world instead of trying to bother others.
Sarah Palin and Kirsten Gillibrand are such women as they come from rural culture where for the most part people behave. They learn this as there is always some Veteran in their midst who just says, "Enough" and injures severely some lout who can not behave.
While upstate New York might be a little more serene, I'm still told that in remote areas of America lead poisoning cures rudeness yet.
I only associate with strong Ladies, and, find it amusing when I'm contacted by weak ones how quickly they vacate the premises because they are not looking for strength, but males weaker than them to punish and dominate for all of their mistakes in life.
Strong Ladies teach strength. That is why they nor I ever understood anything about racism and this women's work equal rights buffoonery which comes from people with too much time, too much money and too much thinking.
You judge people by their character and nothing else. The Ladies I knew in mass taught this with a firm hand.
As far as work, they all worked their asses off, and yes asses is the term, as unless you are so fatigued, got to get up sick from child birth, snot nosed kids and work that needs to be done, so you break down and bawl and profanity comes out of you mouth, you have never worked in your life. The Ladies I knew worked themselves to wear. They dreamed of being a woman who didn't have to work. None of the liberation movement made sense to them and they knew it was a step backwards from where they came.
There are scenes one never forgets in places people have forgotten. 30 below temperatures, a howling blizzard, because that is all that it does for 10 months, some crag of a hutwork with scents of musty brush for a fire that wouldn't warm a mouse, millet on the stove and a woman who probably would have been beautiful once, if not for life.
Her grimace in labor as you roll your kates for something to do as the father is on pins and needles.
Into that old world comes of scents emerges a gasping little brown child. Snorting and struggling as steam rises from it's form with the afterbirth reaching out with that light sweet fresh scent like none other, as laying beside her is her butcher knife, the only tool she has and only weapon she has against life.
You watch that Lady as snow dust sifts in the crack in the corner and you witness completion and more strength that could bust more western men in two and more love than most western women have ever felt. It doesn't make eastern people better so you have to Stanley Ann go a huntin' for what you can't find, because the same women are all over America. It is just most of them have gotten lost along their way and they never see the virtue of being a Lady here.
And life goes on, as what happened a moment ago is gone and there is something more to be forgotten, except the perfection there is in an armed Lady.
Alfred E. Newman Obama
One of the nicest people I have ever met in Hollywood was Alex Borstein. For those who have ever seen MAD TV, she was the little 5 foot doll who played the infamous character, Ms. Swan. She was a comic genius and for all of the stories about what real jerks Hollywood if filled with, this lady is completely darling in having a genuine motherly kindness to those she meets.
In many ways, she reminds me of Allan Hale who portrayed the Skipper on Gilligan's Island. Mr. Hale would wear his Skipper hat in public and just loved for fans to come up and greet him.
Buddy Hackett is that same true personality in understanding the people are the ones who make them stars.
That little bit of goodness is necessary in these times as it seems in looking at Birdie Obama, there is nothing but a slough of stinky creepy crawly things coming out of that muck hole each day.
The above photo I found amusing as it reminded me of a prediction in of quarterback Donovan McNabb getting tired and needing to take a nap a the Super Bowl. It appears Birdie has reached that point in after a week of being Prime Minister, he needs a nap.
Who better though to watch over this comedy than Alfred E. Newman of MAD magazine. In doing a search for Alfred, I noticed how the left has pasted pictures of George W. Bush as him, so in honor of that leftist hate, a little bit of forever internet is created in Alfred E. Newman Obama for all the spiders to crawl over and record for Google search.
In reviewing, Birdie Obama, I wanted to look at his sea of change.
Here it is, the Obama Dirty Birds.
Tim Geithner, never paid income taxes and had trouble with hiring illegals.
Carolyn Kennedy, liked playing hide the hot dog with someone other than her husband, has financial problems and has nanny employment problems, plus in being dumb as a post.
Rahm Emanuel, tried to buy the Illinois Senate seat for Obama.
Valerie Jarret, tried to put her robotic fanny into the Illinois Senate Seat.
Rod Blagojevich, my favorite crooked politician in trying to sell the Illinois Senate Seat.
Janet Napolitano, her big break in life was trying to lynch a black man in Clarence Thomas.
Tom Daschle, my oh my Daschle fish pie, seems Tom like Geithner forgot to pay almost a hundred thousand dollars in taxes on a car and driver. Of course, Tom's blonde hottie wife who needs a good spanking to make her whimper like a poodle, on got 3 people killed when she was at FAA.
Bill Richardson, probably the cleanest of the dirty birds, got caught in pay and play only because Hillary Clinton was taking revenge.
Hillary Clinton, people seem to forget about her Peter Paul campaign fraud and criminal acts.
Richard Holbrooke, kill em in Kosovo Holbrooke is now the bird man theme for Pakistan. I guess Obama needs a war started there and children's hospitals need bombing.
Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence, as Admiral in the Asian theater he was involved in the political cleansing by murder and mace of the people seeking freedom in East Timor.
Joe Biden, the little matter of making a political prisoner out of Lawrence Sinclair in trying to silence Sinclair to which Biden was given the Aaron Burr post in Prime Minister's office.
That is a dozen and worth stopping there for the worst known of the dirty birds to come to mind.
If one wants to toss in Zbigniew Brzezinski who wants to start World War III, wants to bring al Qaeda home to be allahfather to them again, international nation rapists of George Soros making war on Jews and international nation rapist, Warren Buffett the best buddy the Chicoms have ever had in fleecing America with a stage appearance by Stanley Ann Dunham who financed the entire first act in money embezzled out of Ford Foundation, it is quite the motley crew.
Not even 2 weeks as Prime Minister and Birdie Obama has had more drama and crime combined Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
The words are deluded and foolish for those who put this usurper into the Oval Office.
The word is fool for those still defending him and his Robert Mugabe looting of the United States.
In many ways, she reminds me of Allan Hale who portrayed the Skipper on Gilligan's Island. Mr. Hale would wear his Skipper hat in public and just loved for fans to come up and greet him.
Buddy Hackett is that same true personality in understanding the people are the ones who make them stars.
That little bit of goodness is necessary in these times as it seems in looking at Birdie Obama, there is nothing but a slough of stinky creepy crawly things coming out of that muck hole each day.
The above photo I found amusing as it reminded me of a prediction in of quarterback Donovan McNabb getting tired and needing to take a nap a the Super Bowl. It appears Birdie has reached that point in after a week of being Prime Minister, he needs a nap.
Who better though to watch over this comedy than Alfred E. Newman of MAD magazine. In doing a search for Alfred, I noticed how the left has pasted pictures of George W. Bush as him, so in honor of that leftist hate, a little bit of forever internet is created in Alfred E. Newman Obama for all the spiders to crawl over and record for Google search.
In reviewing, Birdie Obama, I wanted to look at his sea of change.
Here it is, the Obama Dirty Birds.
Tim Geithner, never paid income taxes and had trouble with hiring illegals.
Carolyn Kennedy, liked playing hide the hot dog with someone other than her husband, has financial problems and has nanny employment problems, plus in being dumb as a post.
Rahm Emanuel, tried to buy the Illinois Senate seat for Obama.
Valerie Jarret, tried to put her robotic fanny into the Illinois Senate Seat.
Rod Blagojevich, my favorite crooked politician in trying to sell the Illinois Senate Seat.
Janet Napolitano, her big break in life was trying to lynch a black man in Clarence Thomas.
Tom Daschle, my oh my Daschle fish pie, seems Tom like Geithner forgot to pay almost a hundred thousand dollars in taxes on a car and driver. Of course, Tom's blonde hottie wife who needs a good spanking to make her whimper like a poodle, on got 3 people killed when she was at FAA.
Bill Richardson, probably the cleanest of the dirty birds, got caught in pay and play only because Hillary Clinton was taking revenge.
Hillary Clinton, people seem to forget about her Peter Paul campaign fraud and criminal acts.
Richard Holbrooke, kill em in Kosovo Holbrooke is now the bird man theme for Pakistan. I guess Obama needs a war started there and children's hospitals need bombing.
Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence, as Admiral in the Asian theater he was involved in the political cleansing by murder and mace of the people seeking freedom in East Timor.
Joe Biden, the little matter of making a political prisoner out of Lawrence Sinclair in trying to silence Sinclair to which Biden was given the Aaron Burr post in Prime Minister's office.
That is a dozen and worth stopping there for the worst known of the dirty birds to come to mind.
If one wants to toss in Zbigniew Brzezinski who wants to start World War III, wants to bring al Qaeda home to be allahfather to them again, international nation rapists of George Soros making war on Jews and international nation rapist, Warren Buffett the best buddy the Chicoms have ever had in fleecing America with a stage appearance by Stanley Ann Dunham who financed the entire first act in money embezzled out of Ford Foundation, it is quite the motley crew.
Not even 2 weeks as Prime Minister and Birdie Obama has had more drama and crime combined Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
The words are deluded and foolish for those who put this usurper into the Oval Office.
The word is fool for those still defending him and his Robert Mugabe looting of the United States.
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