Friday, December 25, 2009

Where is allah?

Son of Islam, where is allah?

Whisper to me in the night of your dreams and whisper to me in the five times a day of your prayers in where is your allah?

Is this allah in the faces of your children who hunger for freedom, but need to be governed by an imam, because you do not trust your own people to decide to be free.

Where is allah?

Surely if allah was there, allah would be found in the place of Saudi Arabia. The home of Mecca and Medina and the Saud people, the most religious of people. Spending fortunes on mosques the world over, teaching millions of Muslims of allah, protectors of the hajj, and yet there is no winged horse to take them to paradise as Muhammed was said. There is only the question if the most faithful of people can not find allah in them, then where is allah?

Is allah in the judgment, the allah of doom, the allah of hell? Then does allah judge the Muslim people to be defeated in wars constantly as all is the will of allah?
Does the Sheik live in a palace with his many wives and children, or does he live in caves while his wives and children are held in Persian captivity, while those judged infidels by Islam live in luxury with their families.

Where is allah, oh son of Islam? Did allah visit the prophet Muhammed for a short time and grew tired? Does allah grow weary of Muslims in why nothing has come to be as the prophet said it would?
Do you wait for a mahdi who was but a man and disappeared down a well? Why is it then that Muhammed does not return to set things right and neither does a mahdi? Then neither does allah.

Does allah hide behind nuclear weapons which feed ego while the children suffer for bread? Surely allah does not need nuclear weapons to show his strength. Surely allah does not need hidden bombs attacking those not Islam. Surely allah does not need man at all, if allah is allah, for can not allah do all things?

So is the will of allah that all Muslims be the servants of the infidels while allah empowers the infidel with not only life on earth, but life in paradise.

Where is allah in Islam and what is Islam to mankind.

Can it be that allah is not in Islam? Answer the question for God being great, how does Islam fail and Muslims not prevail, while those of the Book time and again are given victory unto victory.

What is it that the prophet taught? Is it not that doing good is the measure of a Muslim and that in that a Muslim will be judged? Is not paradise and hell the judgment of God and that judgment is based upon the good a Muslim conducts in this life.

What is the good and what is the evil? Is not that good and evil defined by the Law. Yet where in the Law is there any definition of how to become worthy of paradise? Is not the Law only the judgment of hell?
A Muslim had not known sin unless the Law defined that sin, which convicted and sentenced a Muslim to the judgment of God.

Then the Law is not a definition of the Way to God, but a defining judgment to convict all mankind of their sin.
Does doing good remove sin? No, for sin remains even if one does that which is good, for the sin is against God, and God is of judgment.

How then can one know how to find paradise when one can not know the Thought of God?

Where in Islam is the Thought of God? Is it in the koran? Then why has not a Muslim found the answer to God as the Law convicts and condemns, and good works reveal the sin remains with no forgiveness from God.

Is it then that a Muslim must find the Thought of God from God, and not from the prophet, as the prophet is not God, and there is nothing in the prophet's words which have shown that the full meaning of God has been revealed.

Can it be that the Muslim is denying God's Thought, because a Muslim in allah wills to listen to the Islamic thought rather than God's Thought?

What then is God's Thought? Certainly the Thought has been revealed, for God's Thought creates, and has created all around us as His testimony the Way to paradise.
God is a God of Life and only death entered into the world by mankind. So God is a God of Life Who makes alive and is not a God of the grave and death.
So is Islam certain in an allah of judgment is of God's Thought or is God's revelation in Life the certainty of God's Thought.

Is God a God of paradise or a God of hell? God is a God of paradise and not eternal death.

So unless one comes to God by knowing His Thought is Life, that the Law is meant to convict and correct, to find the Way to God's Life, revealed in His creative Thought, then there is only the judgment of hell, because good works will not erase sin which is carried out.

What or Who is then God's creative Thought for God is a God of Life and all He is is Living, from His Thought to His Presence to Himself. To deny that is to deny God for God is more than mankind and yet God in creating mankind in every man has a body, a mind and a heart, is all himself one like God, and yet in every person there is a difference of themselves, their thought and their presence.

That God which the people of the Book worship, speaks of this in One God being One Lord, yet in God, the Lord and their Presence, are all One like all humans are one and yet multiplied within themselves as thought, feelings and presence.

So it is known that God in sending Himself to bring His creation to Himself, is the Way to Life which can not be denied. The Law of God convicts, but the Life of God pardons, so that all mankind will be saved from hell.
So this redemption from God is brought about by God, and denied by both Jew and Muslim, in God's Form of Thought in Jesus, God in Spirit inhabiting a human body to pay for the grave of death and hell with a perfect sacrifice of Himself in that body dying as God can not die.

Denying this Form, denies the Promise of God in Life, so therefore the Jew is dependent upon looking for a messiah which has come from a people protecting them who believe in a Jesus as the Thought of God who did come, and the Muslim looks for a mahdi who is that heard of messiah by the prophet who did not comprehend the office of the Thought of God. For the mahdi is not man, but the Messiah came in a human body in God within, for all things are possible with God and God creates all things in His Law of Life.

That is the greatest Law in Life for Life is of God and it condemns death to it's end for God overcomes death and God's Thought of creation brings Life over damnation in hell.

Islam can not lead the Way for Islam denies the Way to Muslims. Islam is the dawn without the sun to dry away the tears of doom like dew and warm the darkness of hell to a day which springs from on God's Life to bring paradise to the faithful, who trust in God restores, redeems and makes alive the death of what is a human to the Spirit of Life Who is God.

Can the moon of allah bring Life? It has only brought death as a sign as it births and dies under that name and Authority of the Creator in God Who is Life eternal.

allah is judgment, doom and hell as the koran and the prophet teach. God is Mercy, Life and Heaven as God teaches through His Prophets moved by His Presence in them.

Unless one calls upon God in Truth by His Name as Creator, confessing Him, there is only death, for only in this Christ is the Way, the Truth and the eternal Life. It is so.

In His Eternal Name.

ابن الإسلام ، وأين هو الله؟

تهمس لي في ليلة من أحلامك وتهمس لي في خمس مرات يوميا للصلاة في حسابك الخاص بك حيث هو الله؟

هذا هو الله في وجوه الأطفال الذين بك الجوع من أجل الحرية ، ولكن يجب أن يحكمها إمام ، لأنك لا تثق شعبك أن تقرر أن يكون حرا.

أين هو الله؟

بالتأكيد لو كان هناك الله ، وجدت أن الله يكون في مكان من المملكة العربية السعودية. البيت في مكة والمدينة والشعب سعود ، والدينية لمعظم الناس. ثروات الإنفاق على المساجد في جميع أنحاء العالم ، وتعليم الملايين من المسلمين من الله ، وحماة لفريضة الحج ، وحتى الآن لا يوجد الحصان المجنح لنقلهم الى الجنة كما ذكر محمد. لا يوجد سوى السؤال عما إذا كان من المؤمنين معظم الناس لا يمكن العثور عليها في الله ، ثم أين هو الله؟

هو الله في الحكم ، فإن من عذاب الله ، والله من الجحيم؟ ثم الله لا نحكم على شعب مسلم أن هزم في جميع الحروب باستمرار كما هي إرادة الله؟
هل كان الشيخ يعيش في القصر مع زوجاته وكثير من الأطفال ، أم أنه يعيش في الكهوف بينما زوجاته وأولاده هي الفارسية التي عقدت في الاسر ، بينما يحكم على هؤلاء الكفار الإسلام يعيشون في ترف مع أسرهم.

أين هو الله ، يا ابن الإسلام؟ هل الله زيارة النبي محمد لفترة قصيرة وتعبت؟ لا الله قد سئمت من المسلمين في لماذا لم يرد أن يكون مثل النبي قال انه سيكون؟
هل ننتظر المهدي الذي كان رجل ولكن اختفى اسفل جيدا؟ لماذا هو محمد ثم أن لا عودة الى وضع الأمور في نصابها الصحيح ، وكذلك لا مهدي؟ ثم لا يفعل الله.

الله لا الاختباء وراء الأسلحة النووية التي تغذي غرور في حين أن الأطفال الذين يعانون من أجل الخبز؟ إن الله لا تحتاج الى الاسلحة النووية لإظهار قوته. إن الله لا يحتاج قنابل مخبأة مهاجمة اولئك الذين لا الإسلام. إن الله لا يحتاج الرجل في كل شيء ، إذا كان الله هو الله ، من أجل الله لا يمكن أن تفعل كل شيء؟

هكذا هي إرادة الله أن يكون جميع المسلمين الخدم الكفار في حين أن الله تمكن الكفار لا مع الحياة على الأرض فقط ، ولكن الحياة في الجنة.

أين هو الله في الإسلام وبين ما هو الإسلام للبشرية.

هل يمكن أن الله ليس في الإسلام؟ الإجابة على هذا السؤال ليجري الله العظيم ، وكيف تفشل الإسلام والمسلمين لا يسود ، في حين أن من الوقت للكتاب ، ومرة أخرى تعطى بمعزل فوز النصر.

فما هو أن النبي علم؟ أليس من أن فعل الخير هو مقياس مسلم وذلك في أن المسلم سيحكم؟ ليست الجنة والنار في حكم الله وهذا الحكم يستند إلى حسن مسلم وتجري في هذه الحياة.

ما هو الخير وما هو الشر؟ غير أن الخير والشر التي حددها القانون. بعد في القانون حيث لا يوجد أي تعريف كيف تصبح جديرة الجنة؟ ليس فقط لقانون الحكم الصادر بحق الجحيم؟
وقال مسلم لم يعرف الخطيئة إلا إذا كان القانون يعرف ان الخطيئة ، والذي أدين وحكم عليه المسلم لحكم الله.

ثم القانون ليس تعريفا للالطريق إلى الله ، ولكن حكم تحديد لإدانة جميع البشر من خطاياهم.
لا فعل الخير إزالة الخطيئة؟ لا ، للخطيئة واحدة حتى لو كان لا يزال يفعل ذلك وهو امر جيد ، لخطيئة ضد الله ، والله هو الحكم.

ثم كيف يمكن للمرء أن يعرف كيف يجد الجنة عندما يمكن لأحد أن لا يعرف فكر الله؟

حيث في الإسلام هو فكر الله؟ هل هو في القرآن؟ ثم لماذا لم يكن مسلما وجدت الإجابة على الله كما تدين وتشجب القانون ، وعملوا الصالحات لا تزال تكشف عن الخطيئة مع أي مغفرة من الله.

هو إذن أن المسلم يجب أن يجد فكر الله من عند الله ، وليس من النبي ، كما قال الرسول ليس هو الله ، وليس هناك شيء في النبي صلى الله عليه الكلمات التي أظهرت أن المعنى الكامل الله قد كشفت.

فإنه يمكن للمسلم أن ينكر الله الفكر ، وذلك لأن المسلمين في شاء الله للاستماع إلى الفكر الإسلامي ، بدلا من الله والفكر؟

ثم ما هو فكر الله؟ من المؤكد أن الفكر قد كشفت ، في سبيل الله يخلق الفكر ، وأنشأ في كل مكان حولنا وشهادته في الطريق الى الجنة.
الله هو اله الحياة والموت فقط دخلت الى العالم عن طريق الجنس البشري. حتى الله هو الله الذي يجعل من الحياة على قيد الحياة وليس الله من القبر والموت.
ذلك هو الإسلام معينة في الحكم هو الله الله في الفكر أو هو الوحي الالهي في الحياة اليقين الله الفكر.

هو الله أحد الله من الجنة أو الله من الجحيم؟ الله هو الله من الجنة ، وليس الموت الأبدي.

ذلك ما لم يكن أحد يأتي الى الله من خلال معرفة صاحب الفكر هو الحياة ، إلى أن القانون يهدف إلى إدانة والصحيح ، لإيجاد الطريق إلى الله في الحياة ، وكشف في تقريره الفكر الخلاق ، ثم لا يوجد سوى حكم الجحيم ، لأن الأعمال الجيدة وسوف لا يمحو الخطيئة التي يجري الاضطلاع بها.

ما أو من هو الله ثم الفكر الخلاق في سبيل الله هو اله الحياة وانه هو كل الكائنات الحية ، من صاحب الفكر لوجوده لنفسه. كي ينفي ان يكون هو إنكار الله لأن الله هو أكثر من الجنس البشري وحتى الآن في خلق الله البشر في كل رجل لديه الجسم ، العقل والقلب ، هو كل واحد نفسه مثل الله ، ولكن في كل شخص هناك فرقا من أنفسهم ، والفكر وجودهم.

ان الله الذي أهل الكتاب العبادة ، ويتحدث عن هذا يجري في إله واحد رب واحد ، ولكن في الله ، رب وجودهم ، كل واحد مثل كل البشر هي واحدة وبعد ضرب داخل أنفسهم الفكر والمشاعر وجودها.

ذلك أنه من المعروف أن الله في إرسال نفسه لجلب خلقه لنفسه ، هو الطريق إلى الحياة التي لا يمكن إنكارها. قانون الله المحكومين ، ولكن الله يعفو عن الحياة ، حتى يتسنى لجميع البشر سيتم حفظها من الجحيم.
ولذلك فإن هذا الفداء من عند الله هي التي احدثتها الله ، ونفى كل من اليهود والمسلمين ، والله شكل من أشكال الفكر في يسوع ، والله الروح التي تسكن في الجسم البشري لدفع ثمن قبر الموت والجحيم مع مثالية للتضحية بنفسه في أن يموت الجسد ، فالله لا يمكن ان يموت.

إنكار هذا النموذج ، وينكر ووعد الله في الحياة ، ولذلك اليهودي يتوقف تبحث عن المسيح الذي يأتي من الناس الذين يؤمنون حماية لهم يسوع كما في فكر الله الذين لم يحضروا ، وعلى المسلم يبحث عن والمهدي هو الذي سمع من قبل المسيح النبي الذي لم يفهم مكتب فكر الله. للمهدي ليس الرجل ، ولكن المسيح جاء ذلك في جسم الإنسان في غضون الله ، من أجل كل شيء ممكن مع الله والله يخلق كل شيء في بلده قانون الحياة.

هذا هو القانون الأكبر في الحياة من أجل الحياة هو الله وانه يدين الموت لانها نهاية يتغلب على الموت في سبيل الله والله خلق فكر يجلب اللعنة على مدى الحياة في الجحيم.

الإسلام لا يمكن أن تقود الطريق من أجل الإسلام وتنفي الطريق للمسلمين. الإسلام هو الفجر دون الشمس لتجف الدموع بعيدا من العذاب مثل الندى وحارة ظلمة الجحيم إلى اليوم الذي ينطلق من الله على الحياة لتحقيق الجنة للمؤمنين ، الذي يعيد الثقة في الله ، ويجعل من يعوض على قيد الحياة والموت ما هو الإنسان إلى روح الحياة الذي هو الله.

ويمكن للقمر الله جعل الحياة؟ انها لم تجلب سوى الموت باعتباره علامة على انها ولادة ، وفاة تحت هذا الاسم ، وسلطة الخالق في الله الذي هو الحياة الأبدية.

الله هو الحكم ، وعذاب جهنم والقرآن والنبي تدريس. هو إله الرحمة ، والحياة ، والسماء والله يعلم من خلال أنبيائه تأثرت لوجوده في نفوسهم.

مگر در مواردی که یک شورا از خدا در حقیقت را توسط نام خود را به عنوان خالق است ، اعتراف او ، تنها به مرگ وجود نداشته باشد ، تنها مسیح است در این راه ، حقیقت و زندگی ابدی. پس از آن است.

في اسم صاحب الخالدة.

پسری از اسلام ، که در آن خدا است؟

پچ پچ کردن به من در شب آرزوها و زمزمه شما به من در پنج بار در روز نماز خود را در جایی که خدا شما است؟

آیا این خدا را در چهره فرزندان خود را که گرسنگی برای نیل به آزادی ، اما لازم است توسط امام اداره می شود ، زیرا شما مردم خود اعتماد کنند تا تصمیم بگیرند که به است باید مجانی باشد.

خدا کجا است؟

مطمئنا اگر خدا وجود داشت ، خدا را در محل مورد عربستان سعودی یافت می شود. صفحه اصلی مکه و مدینه و مردم سعود ، مذهبی ترین مردم است. صرف خوش اقبالی در مساجد سراسر جهان ، میلیون ها نفر از مسلمانان تدریس خدا ، پشتوانه برای حفظ از حج ، و در عین حال هیچ اسب بالدار به آنها را به بهشت وجود دارد به عنوان محمد بود گفت. فقط سوال وجود دارد اگر وفادار ترین افراد می توانند خدا را در آنها پیدا کنید ، و سپس که در آن خدا است؟

آیا خدا در قضاوت ، از عذاب خدا ، خداوند از جهنم؟ سپس قاضی نشانی از خداوند را به مردم مسلمان در جنگ های شکست خورده باشد همواره به عنوان تمام شده است خواهد شد خدا؟
آیا شیخ در قصر با بسیاری از همسران و فرزندان او ، زندگی می کنند و یا نشانی از او در غارها زندگی می کنند در حالی که همسران و کودکان خود را در اسارت فارسی برگزار می شود ، در حالی که آنها کفر را در نظر گرفته شده توسط اسلام در لوکس با خانواده های خود زندگی می کنند.

کجاست خدا ، آه پسر از اسلام؟ آیا خداوند محمد نبی را برای مدت کوتاهی ملاقات کند و خسته رشد کرد؟ آیا خدا خسته به رشد مسلمانان در چرا هیچ چیز آن رسیده است که به عنوان پیامبر گفت : آن را؟
آیا شما برای مهدی که منتظر بود ، اما انسان و ناپدید کردن است؟ چرا آنگاه که محمد نشانی از بازگشت به مجموعه چیزهای راست و نه نشانی از مهدی؟ سپس نه نشانی از خدا.

آیا خدا را پشت سر سلاح های هسته ای که اشتراک نفسانی در حالی که بچه ها برای نان پنهان رنج می برند؟ خداوند نشانی از سلاح های هسته ای نیاز ندارد قدرت خود را به نمایش می دهد. خداوند نشانی از بمب های پنهان آن حمله به اسلام نه لازم نیست. خداوند نشانی از انسان در همه لازم نیست ، اگر خداوند خدا ، برای خدا کار نمی تواند همه چیز؟

پس اراده خداوند است که همه مسلمانان است بندگان خدا را کفر را در حالی که سبب کافر نه با زندگی تنها در روی زمین است ، اما زندگی در بهشت است.

کجاست خدا در اسلام و آنچه که اسلام به همه مردم دارد.

آیا می توانید آن می شود که خداوند در اسلام نیست؟ جواب این سوال را برای خدا بودن بزرگ ، چگونه اسلام و مسلمانان شکست نمی غالب ، در حالی که از آن زمان کتاب داده شود و مجددا به پیروزی نزد پیروزی.

آنچه در آن است که پیامبر آموزش داده میشود؟ آیا خوب نیست که انجام اندازه گیری از مسلمان است و که در آن یک مسلمان در نظر گرفته خواهد شد؟ نمی باشد بهشت و جهنم با خدا و قضاوت است که قضاوت بر اساس یک مسلمان خوب انجام شده است در این زندگی است.

خوب چیست و بد چیست؟ این است که نه خوب و بد تعریف شده توسط قانون است. با این حال که در آن در قانون وجود دارد هیچ تعریفی از اینکه چگونه به بهشت به ارزش تبدیل شده؟ نمی باشد قانون تنها به حکم جهنم؟
مسلمان بود گناه نیست مگر آن که در قانون تعریف شده است که گناه ، که به اعدام محکوم و مسلمانان به حکم خدا محکوم شده است.

سپس قانون تعریف در راه خدا نیست ، بلکه محکوم به حکم تعریف همه انسانها از گناه خود.
آیا انجام گناه خوب حذف کنید؟ خیر ، برای گناه باقی می ماند حتی اگر یک نشانی از آنچه که خوب است ، برای گناه است در برابر خدا ، و خدا قضاوت است.

پس چگونه می تواند یک دانید چگونه به بهشت می توانند وقتی که یکی از اندیشه های خدا نمی دانند؟

کجا در اسلام اندیشه های خدا است؟ آیا در قرآن؟ پس چرا نه مسلمان نشد پاسخ را به خدا به عنوان قانون و متهمین را محکوم ، و آثار خوب را آشکار گناه باقی می ماند ، بدون بخشش از خدا است.

آیا آن که یک مسلمان باید به فکر خدا از خدا ، در پیدا کردن و از پیامبر نیست ، به عنوان پیامبر خدا است نه است ، و هیچ چیزی در کلمات پیامبر را که نشان داده اند که به معنی پر از خدا شده است نشان داد وجود دارد.

آیا می توانید آن می شود که مسلمان است انکار اندیشه های خدا را ، زیرا یک مسلمان بخواهد خدا را به گوش فکر اسلامی به جای تفکر خدا؟

چه اندیشه و سپس خدا است؟ بدیهی است اندیشه های نازل شده است ، برای اندیشه های خدا را بوجود آورده ، و همه در اطراف ما به عنوان شهادت در راه او به بهشت شد.
خدا خدا از مرگ و زندگی فقط به جهان توسط مردم وارد شده است. پس خدا خدا زندگی می کند چه کسی زنده است و خدا از قبر و مرگ نیست.
بنابراین برخی از اسلام است و خداوند در قضاوت است از اندیشه خدا یا وحی خداوند را در زندگی یقین از اندیشه های خداوند است.

آیا خدا خدا از بهشت یا جهنم خدا؟ خدا خدا از بهشت و ابدی نیست مرگ است.

بنابراین مگر اینکه یکی به خدا با شناخت اندیشه های او می آید است زندگی ، که قانون به معنای محکوم کردن و درست است ، برای پیدا کردن راه زندگی به خدا ، نشان داد در تفکر خلاق او ، و سپس نه تنها قضاوت از دوزخ وجود دارد ، چرا که کار خوبی خواهد شد پاک کردن نیست که گناه انجام می گیرد.

چه کسی و یا تفکر خلاق است و سپس خدا را برای خدا خدا از زندگی و تمام زندگی او شده است ، از اندیشه های او را به حضور او به خودش است. انکار است که انکار خدا برای خدا است بیش از مردم است و هنوز خدا در خلق انسان ، در هر انسان تا به بدن ، ذهن و قلب ، همه یکی است خود را مانند خدا ، و در عین حال در هر فرد تفاوت وجود دارد خود را فکر خود و حضور آنان.

که خدا است که مردم از پرستش کتاب ، صحبت می کند از این در یکی از خدا می شود یکی از پروردگار ، با این حال به خدا ، پروردگار و حضور خود ، همه یکی مثل همه انسان ها یکی هستند و در عین حال در درون خودشان ضرب به عنوان فکر ، احساسات و حضور.

پس در آن است شناخته شده است که خدا در خودش ارسال به خلقت او را به خودش است ، به راه زندگی است که نمیتوان انکار کرد. قانون از محکومین با خدا ، اما زندگی عفو خدا ، به طوری که همه انسانها را از آتش دوزخ نجات خواهد شد.
بنابراین این رستگاری از خدا در مورد خدا آورده است ، و هر دو یهودی و مسلمان ، در فرم از اندیشه خدا در عیسی ، خدا در روح محروم مقیم بدن انسان را به پرداخت هزینه برای قبر مرگ و جهنم را با فداکاری کامل از خود را در که بدن در حال مرگ به عنوان خدا نمی تواند می میرند.

نفی این فرم را انکار می کند به وعده خدا در زندگی ، این رو بر یهودی به دنبال یک ناجی است که از مردم حمایت آنها را که در عیسی مسیح به عنوان اندیشه های خدا آمده بود که وابسته به اعتقاد آمده است ، و مسلمان می رسد برای مهدی که از مسیح موعود است که توسط پیامبر بود که دفتر اندیشه های خدا را درک نمی شنید. برای مهدی است انسان نیست ، اما مسیح موعود در سال بدن انسان به خدا در درون ، برای همه چیز با خدا و خدا ممکن است باعث ایجاد همه چیز در برابر قانون او از زندگی.

است که قانون در زندگی بزرگ برای زندگی است خدا و آن محکوم به مرگ به آن پایان برای خدا overcomes مرگ و اندیشه خدا را از خلقت به ارمغان می آورد زندگی بیش از لعن در جهنم.

اسلام می تواند راه را برای رهبری اسلام را انکار می کند نه در راه را به مسلمانان می باشد. اسلام بدون طلوع آفتاب تا خشک و دور از عذاب مثل اشک شبنم و گرم تاریکی جهنم به روز که از چشمه های آب در زندگی خدا را به بهشت به مومن ، که بازگرداندن اعتماد به خدا ، و باعث می آمرزد زنده مرگ است از آنچه انسان به روح خدا از زندگی چه کسی است.

آیا می توانم ماه خدا را زندگی؟ این فقط مرگ را به عنوان نشانه آن را به عنوان آورده میلادی ، قالبها و تحت آن نام و اقتدار از خالق به خدا کی زندگی ابدی.

خدا قضاوت ، عذاب و جهنم را به عنوان قرآن و پیامبر آموزش می باشد. رحمت خدا ، زندگی و بهشت است به عنوان خدا می آموزد او را از طریق پیامبران با حضور او در آنها نقل مکان کرد.

إلا إذا كان أحد يدعو الله في لجنة تقصي الحقائق من قبل صاحب الاسم كما هو الخالق ، ويعترف به ، لا يوجد سوى الموت ، إلا في هذا المسيح هو الطريق والحق والحياة الأبدية. ومن ذلك.

در نام او جاویدان.

agtG 267

What is up with Obama's Hand????

In another exclusive highlighting the oddities of the Obama's in photographs, I would appreciate your looking close at Barack Obama's right hand as he left the White House in December 24. You may click on the photo and it will enlarge to the puppy press photographer's size to review it, but what you will see is obvious in this is not Barack Obama's normal hand.
This is a club fingered hand and quite puffy.

Such a condition medically diagnoses all sorts of maladies or genetic conditions from dwarfism to an enlarged heart from fluid build up.

If it is some other reason, as in how Michelle Obama's butt can be huge in one photo and smaller in the next, to her teeth jutting out in one jawline on the bottom to an overbite in the next, which points to massive photo doctoring by the White House in advanced programs, it just adds to the mystery in how White House photos, Reuters and AP photos show Obama's hands changing from Washington DC to Hawaii all on the same day.

As one can note, the Obama's apparently can not wear the same clothes from embarking to debarking on Air Force One, no more than Obama's hands remain the same.
Oddly, the entire entourage changed clothes and in typical Muchelle fashion where she had her cleavage out in front of little children at her White House lead laced garden photo ops, Michelle Obama in her typical too much Muchelle, if one clicks on the photo can see for "happy holidays" she has her nipples out in Hawaii.

Maybe she had them out in DC, but with shades on and as Rush Limbaugh notes in the gangsta colors of black, Muchelle was all ho ho ho in Washington, but wearing a sack dress with her nipples out in Hawaii.

Noteworthy though, one can see Obama holding the little cherubs hand in his right hand which is not in Hawaii the type of hand one finds on Santa's elves.

This honestly deserves an investigation and real answers in how the Obama's seem to change in photos. It is as if there are several of these clones running about the place and popping up in new places looking just not quite replicant.
Barring some weird science, Barack Hussein Obama is either suffering from another odd medical condition which America deserves to see his medical records over, or there is a massive deception in photo op programs in a mass media cover up.

There is absolutely no way that Barack Obama's hand from 2008, with those long skinny fingers shown in Hawaii on his left hand, suddenly appears as a club hand in Washington, DC on December 24th, 2009, and by the afternoon of December 24th, 2009, in Hawaii return to what was "normal".
Something is going on here which is deceptive. It is either a media staging of Obama photos with advanced editing programs which is deceiving the American people or there is something medically wrong with Barack Hussein Obama.
Compare the hands in the first photo. Seeing is believing.

Either way, or replicant way, this does not add up and the media needs to start obtaining the answers or be exposed in this manipulation or cover up.

The club hand of Barack Obama does not lie. Who though is lying in what this hand really means?


Another Obama Bad Terrorist

I do not in the least mean to make light of the dilemma of PFC Bow Bergdahl or his family in his being caught wandering off a US outpost and being captured by the Taliban, but there is satire and irony in this which needs to be brought to light as Janet Napolitano no doubt now has listed Private Bergdahl as a "bad American terrorist" according to her protocols she released on all American Veterans, Patriots and Christians.

What creates the irony the Private read a statement in the Taliban compound he is held, and the things he said, which the Taliban wrote are all true. Now compare that to the Barack Hussein Obama lecture at West Point when Der Spiegel called Obama a liar.
Now is that not a bit of ironic humor in that Obama is German creation, and the Germans are noting he lied in his words, but the Taliban who Obama.......sorry TalEEban, is at war with releases a statement read by an American Soldier which is honest and true.
There will not be any Der Spiegel headlines calling PFC Bergdahl a liar as were for Obama.

That is ironic.

What is irony par dux is Bearick Hussein Obama has been rewarding "good terrorists" for over a year. He has had the US military murdering "bad" terrorists (those are defined as terrorists who will not bow to Bowbama), been turning Libyan Lockerie terrorists free for oil, been giving Boeing contracts and ambassadors to Syria, been feeding information to Persian communists and helping round up their Patriots, and yet when the Taliban have been treating a captured US Soldier well, Obama is slapping them around and not rewarding good behavior.

Obama instead rewards nuclear holocaust Iran for bad behavior.

Ironic par dux.

Here is a snip of PFC's Bergdahl's manifesto written by the Taliban:

"It's our arrogance and, and our stupidity that has made us so blind that we simply refuse to see the blunders and mistakes that we continue to make over and over again.

This is just going to be the next Vietnam unless the American people stand up and stop all this nonsense," he said.

In light of "the brutality and inhumane way my country has ravaged the lands and the people of my captures, the Taliban, one would expect that they would justly treat me as my country's Army has treated their Muslim prisoners in Bagram, in Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and many other secret prisons hidden around the world.

"But I bear witness. I was continuously treated as a human being with dignity".

The truly odd part is the US Navy responded, when this is a US Army Soldier.

Rear Admiral Gregory Smith of the ISAF stated this:

"This is a horrible act which exploits a young soldier, who was clearly compelled to read a prepared statement. To release this video on Christmas Day is an affront to the deeply concerned family and friends of Bowe Bergdahl, demonstrating contempt for religious traditions and the teachings of Islam."

Notice that the backdoor Admiral never once says anything the Taliban wrote was a lie. Notice for some reason he is Obama stuck on stupid lecturing about what Islam is, just like Muslims are going to be moved on "happy holidays" Obama season to rise up and rectify this as taking place on a Christian Holy Day being Mooselums.
Does anyone else see the humor in that idiotic statement when Obama has been scrubbing Jesus from Christmas for weeks and a backdoor Admiral IS USING CHRISTMAS AS A PROPAGANDA TOOL TO ATTACK MUSLIMS.

Obama's spokesman is complaining about propaganda and uses a 3rd world spewing that is not even as intelligent, capable and refined as the Taliban who are supposed to be the beasts.

That is satire in the extreme and in this the Taliban just threw the hail mary and got the touchdown while Obama and his boys still have their hands in their pants trying to hike their balls out of the snow job they just stormed out with.

For people who have been captured, held hostage and tortured like John McCain, while I will not speak for him nor any other POW, I will state it should be appreciated by the United States in back channels to the Taliban the treatment they have given PFC Bergdahl.
It certainly is better than what others have in reporters or Soldiers.

In that, this blog agrees that an exchange should take place as exchanges of fighters has always been a part of the US military code from 1776, the Indian Wars, Korea etc.... PFC Bergdahl should have been brought home already. Only this blog noted exclusively that Obama covered up his capture for weeks, did not move heaven and Afghanistan to find him and instead only admitted to it, after the Taliban made the information public.
That is no treatment for a US Soldier.

So exchange who the Taliban wants, put an RFID tag in their teeth, buttocks or whatever Forest Gump place they can find to track them, and get this American kid back home where he belongs so Obama can at least keep one single Soldier promise in bringing one Soldier home instead of shipping thousands more to die in Obama's Cold Sore Wars.

This is an easy fix, and it better be fixed as Barack Hussein Obama has just lost Iraq, and I am not exaggerating in that assessment. This idiot Obama took the George W. Bush victory in Iraq and now has that entire place blowing up from his "troop pullout" which is nothing more than US troops re stationed while the Saddam communist forces gear up to take control over Iraq again.

That is the dirty big secret in this, is this is Baathists backed by Europeans who want that Iraq oil and bribery scandal back. Eric Holder engineered deals for pardons in this under Bill Clinton, and this same mafia is back blowing up Iraq with massive bombs and daily murders.
I will repeat that Bush 43 won this and fixed it all, and Obama has lost that victory now.

Where do you think those massive amounts of explosives are coming from? Gee it wouldn't be out of Richard Holbrooke's good terrorist KLM Kosovo Mooselums now would it?

That though is another story and another exclusive found only here.

So I say, bring this bad terrorist home held by the Taliban, Janet Napolitano already has him on a Homeland Security terror list, and Barack Obama is sending 40,000 replacement hostages in his surge to nowhere 2010.
PFC Bergdahl in satire then can join hundreds of millions of other Americans about to be hostage to Obamacare, made criminals and imprisoned in their own communities awaiting death.

This has to be fixed now as Iraq is going to blow up, Afghanistan is blowing up and Iran will be blown up, and with all this snow blowing from the Obama blizzards, PRC Bergdahl should not be the little snowflake overlooked as Obama vacations in Hawaii...........again, after his Copenhagen vacation, Nobel vacation, Indonesia vacation, Japan vacation, Chinese vacation, Moscow vacation England vacation, French vacation, Martha's Vineyard vacation, golfing vacation, Grand Canyon vacation, First Date Night vacation etal, while an American Soldier sits in captivity in harms way, like all US Soldiers, like all Americans held hostage by Obama.

Satire and irony, one can not get away from it with Barack Hussein Obama.

I sure hope that Bowe Bergdahl didn't vote for B. H. Obama, what an irony that would be.

agtG 351

American Hero PFC Bowe Bergdahl, because he serves

The Obama Outside is Frightful

Well America, as you refused to honor Jesus the Chirst on Christmas with your "happy holidays, "kwanza", "only observing Temple dedication", "allah hajj" or some other Hindu pagan rituals, it appears you will get a bad dose of blizzard for your denying Christ.

But don't worry you Obama voters as your noted one, your epitome, your Obama, has fled Washington DC in passing your death certificates, for sun drenched, beach sand, flossing your g string, manboobies Hawaii.

Do you Obamalings really think Obama was going to stay around with a snowstorm coming? He and the Pelosi NeoProgs voted early, jumped on the private jets you paid for and fled to sunny locations behind high fences that you would be shot if you attempted to jimmy the lock.
So as Obama voters shiver, are stuck in airports on delayed flights, will be having their butts chewed for not getting back to work on another sale fest in these Obama Depression times, just remember that your Democrats haven't thought of you at all in their lobster, kobe beef, champagne and splendor in the satin sheets you paid for.

I was just thinking that with this Obamacare, as Obama can put a document online claiming it is a Hawaiian legal birth certificate, if everyone now can just post a paid in full check like Nebraska got in Ben Nelson's baby butcher compromise of selling his soul to satan, as legal guarantee that they have paid whatever fines Obama came up with forever.
I mean if Obama is legal with a document that wouldn't hold legal gravity in any court in America or the world, then what is the difference in people just posting a paid in full check, and telling the government just in Nebraska, you are paid in full as the document is posted online as proof.

It certainly can't be fraudulent or forgery as Obama's fraudulent and forged Hawaiian birth certificate is fraudulent and forged, but is perfectly legal. So Constitutionally what is legal for Obama certainly must be legal for any US Citizen.
This sounds a great deal like a wave of new lawsuits against Barack Obama etal, in stating that it is not fraud nor forgery to post "pain in full checks" online when Obama did the same thing and Congress certified it.

That is what happens when you allow outlaws to be legal, as then everything is legal and there is no more outlaw. Americans can soon become like Mexicans in gleaning all kinds of services from the American gold pot and not paying a thing for it. All they will need is a coyote document runner to fix them up an Obama type legal document and I would think they could be the new owners of Obama's Georgian Mansion in Chicago.
Look, Robert Mugabe stole.........I mean fairly redistributed white folks land in Rhodesia to black communists. Certainly in this new age of Obamacare, anyone can in Obama style print up a title to Obama Acres and move in as legal owner as John McCain had a birth certificate as an American and Obama jumped his claim, and there sits McCain in his mansion while Obama was in the White House mansion greenhouse, but is now in his Hawaiian mansion.

I do have a question in this, in who is paying for the Obama digs? I mean that is one prime piece of real estate costing millions more than a New York First Date Night. Just who is picking up the tab for this luxury vacation again?
I know the millions spent on Air Force One is paid by Americans, along with all the goodies the puppy press get rationed, but who is it that pays for the Hawaiian Mansion Obama crawls into?

One would think in these Depression times, Obama could at least stay with his sister after spending millions on a jet flight, but instead Obama keeps finding ways to stay at expensive properties.

Is it just like Obama's birth certificate, that he just tunes up the Hewlett Packard printer and Muchelle churns out title rights or "paid in full", vacation vouchers that she and Obama hand out to startled property managers while paying customers get roughed up by the Obama security squads.

It all though comes back to Obama and all his types have been denying Christ His due honor, and blaspheming the season as happy holidays. Obama gets to flee the crime scene with all the other rich Democrats, and there sitting in snows are the kitties, puppies, bunnies, wildlife, limb broken evergreens and birches (what is it about birch being such a hardwood that ice just splinters them and those quaking aspens can be bent to the ground and bounce back like an Osage orange bow?) and the people, let us not forget the people..........those Poles deader than Auschwitz Jews from the Obama cold as Obama flees home from Copenhagen and leaves all those people dealing with another Divine Plague due to what Obama has been up to on global warming.

Al Gore gets to flee, Obama gets to flee, but the victims of these crimes have to suffer from God's indignation on the nations being raped by Obama Inc.

It all doesn't even become any better as I picture in my mind Val-erie Jarrett again in a bikini on Beach Obama, and there is Muchelle in this swim attire which looks like a buffalo butt in a thong. There comes manboobs Obama bouncing along looking like a lactating elephant seal cow and somewhere glowing on the background is Al Gore looking like a bleached out dead carp in his whiteness.

Obama inflation now has heating and driving fuel prices spiking, robbing Americans more as he loots the stock markets in Geithner manipulations and plummets interest rates stealing more from US investors.

But none of it matters, as Obama death panels reign and king Obama has fled to Hawaii as his Obamalings shiver, awaiting perhaps for his second coming.

tis the happy holidays season...........

Americans you had better start waking up and denying these Democrats their blasphemy as God has taken notice and these events of judgment are going to continue. God will keep hitting you until you start squealing, get up and put a stop to these satanist, murderous and unAmerican policies.

Enjoy your happy holidays, because it tis the season of God's wrath on sinful nations slapping His Son around by allowing little Obama boy drumming his thang in the White House.

Oh the Obama outside is frightful
but inside the death panels are so delightful
Americans have no place left to go

So let it snow let it snow let it snow

agtG 302