Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Admiral Obama

Was it not just a short Obama year ago that crude oil prices were down to around $70 dollars a barrel and Somali pirates were holding hostages where Obama was refusing to allow Navy snipers to rescue or shoot the pirates?

It certainly seems just like a year ago, but now crude oil prices are spiking daily above $80 dollars a barrel and the friendly pirates of Somalia are not just off the Somali coast, but are now ranging out to the Arab Muslim states attacking oil tankers.

Wouldn't one conclude that Somalia and oil were not a surprise for Obama as they both were with him from the beginning of his 2009 tenure in the Oval Office, but after releasing a Libyan terrorist who murdered hundreds of Americans and a quick west African stop where it seems terrorists spawn from and South American cocaine flows into, Obama has been vacationing his way around the globe away from even dithering on Africa.
Obama doesn't even get an F grade on Africa, as he did not even show up to vote "present" as he did in Illinios. Obama has left the building and Africans are resorting to rapine and terrorism as their first means of making a living.

Somali pirates on Dec. 30th, 2009, attacked a Kuwaiti oil tanker with rocket propelled grenades in the Red Sea. That is quite an ocean voyage away from home. It is like Teddy Kennedy having sailed from Martha's Vineyard up to Prince Edward Island to hijack a potato boat.

On the 25th the Somali's were reported to have captured a Yemeni ship, which is probably another event Barack Obama will be studying to see if these pirates can too be given American rights like the Nigerian Flight 253 bomber on the same day.

Somali pirates which Barack Obama failed to deal with at the beginning of his perpetual vacation, have now expanded to the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. That is the biggest maritime expansion in rivaling in scope of even the communist Chinese.

This all matters as Obama has dithered on this burgeoning terror too, as these terrorists are using missiles against oil tankers, which means oil supply will be interupted and oil prices Americans are already paying too much for again due to Obama jacking the prices up for his OPEC friends in another bribe to try to keep them fighting the Iranian for him, will the moment a tanker to twelve ends up in pirates hands have crude at 100 dollars a barrel again.
Thee only reason the economy was fixing itself under George W. Bush for the recovery of January 2009 which Obama strangled was because the oil barons had tanked oil to low prices, so Americans had money again to spend.

Obama has strangled all of that in high crude prices and those prices are going to elevate as his friends the Persian communists threated the oil flow with expanded war games, wars in Yemen and now Obama has grown Somali pirates by not handling them into an international situation in their preying on tankers from the Gulf States.

Someone was stating over at the World Tribune that 2010 would be the year of Jimmy Carter as Barack Obama for the complete ineptness and the disaster of policies, and daily now we see things that should not have amounted to anything if squashed at their flickering ember, but Obama dithering has made it an inferno about to consume Americans again.

Terrorists in cigar boats are now pariahs of the international waters preying on the life oil of the west. Obama knew of Somalia from the beginning and he did absolutely nothing again, so now this problem is threatening Americans.
All of this gets to the point in I am beginning to wonder if Obama gets up and looks in the mirror and says, "How can I turn some street thug into an international terrorist today to make Americans more miserable?"

Admiral Obama of the high waves. He commands his bathtub and rubber ducky Reggie Love, but the rest of the oceans are now ruled by terrorists and their masters.

when I was a boy toy sailing in my bath tub sea
i was commanding admiral of my rubber ducky
and a teleprompter brain
teleprompter brain?
yeah teleprompter brain
cuz I couldn't find the stopper so I put the duck in the drain

Obama's Pirates