Thursday, January 14, 2010

chiant vous-même à la mort

With Haiti now in democracy mob rule meltdown, with the machete being the gang voting block controlling food, I was wondering if good Obama buddy, Colin Powell, is now proud the patricians had him ousting the junta which ousted corrupt, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who ousted Jean Claude Duvalier, or Baby Doc and his hot wife, Michelle. (Why is it Hatian French can find a Jackie Kennedy equal named Michelle and Americans can only come up with something that looks like she just unloaded 3 bales of cotton she was a totin'?)

When dictators ran things in Haiti things, it was better for Haitians, and that includes the French dictators who ran the place until a tan guy named Dessalines, overthrew the government, named hisself dictator for life and Robert Mugabe threw out all the white folks or murdered them back at the turn of the 1800's.
It really irks the left when Pat Robertson comes out with things like Haiti made a pact with the devil as Robertson usually proves right on the things he blurts out.

As I watch Haitian footage, I tend to look at not what the propaganda is showing me, as I could care less what an Obamite is crying over in a story.
What I noticed was all of these Hatians were dressed in crisp new clothes right after the quake. I doubt they all got dressed up to be on television, but it did not quite dovetail with the things the reader was telling me in people in Haiti live on 2 dollars a day.
At 15 dollar Walmart shirts, 15 dollar Walmart pants, 5 dollar underwear, 40 dollar Walmart shoes and 5 dollar socks, it would take a Haitian 40 days without food or shelter to pay for his nice new clothes, which had no wear at all.

See poor folks dressing like rich folks, do not add up to poverty. It adds up to me something Americans are probably paying for as their clothing is old.........well except for the disabled people I see around me who always have more cigarettes than Marlboro, brand new cars, brand new clothes. It seems this government rationing in Haiti and America works out pretty well for some folks in having nicer things than folks who work for an existence.

While Obama pours in 100 billion more dollars which America does not have, but instead of visiting Haiti, he is sending in thousands of US Soldiers in machete harms way, as apparently Americans are going to have to police this mob of well dressed communists. It rather bothers me as I know 1 American Soldier being hacked up or having to shoot a bunch of gang members is not what I want my Soldiers doing.
This is all Jimmy Carter, island revolutionaries and Collin Powell's doing. I say send down all those Obama volunteer ACORN voters and let them sort out this mess they created in ousting Baby Doc and the lovely Muchelle.

This builds because American Soldiers are going to have to be in armed camps to protect their food and supplies, and themselves, plus do this Obama mission.

My greatest concern is what the title of this blog is which I can not put up there in English, but it translates as "sh*tting yourself to death", because it is not diarrhea which the media is speaking of but Asian cholera or black cholera which spreads like wildfire through populations in warm tropical climates.
I know readers have never had experience with this, but cholera can have you sitting about having tea with a friend at 3 in the afternoon and dead by supper at 6. It is fast, hits hard, hits quick and people die, and the disease spreads fast as people shoot sh*t out like a goose on grass in June. It gets on food, gets into water and gets on people.
There is an absolute reality that all of these fine dressed people will crap themselves to death and make the quake death toll look mild.

This then is a microcosm for the second wave as rats breed, feed on the dead, spread about the country, and PETA's favorite nature then produces the plague to reduce the rats, and off the dead rats jump the fleas which bring the black death.

Obama is making a huge pledge in saving Haiti, as I have yet to see him raise anyone from death, let alone an entire nation.
10 million black people once again waiting on Obama to save them, and Obama is making promises he can not keep and America can not afford.

I do not though see Obama's buddies in Danny Ortega, Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro reaching out to save the French blacks of Haiti. Obama the Marxist though is, but is using American capitalist money.

Pope John Paul seemed quite safe and Haiti quite secure under Baby Doc Duvlier. It looks to me in the black revolutionaries and the Carter Powell trade, Haiti traded down.

I wonder now though if banks, car companies and Americans in Obamacare, if Obama is going to now turn around and tax Haitians on this bail out, install his own czars to run Haiti and fine Haitians who drink the Obama green kool aid...............

........or if Obama only saves that noble award for Americans.

Hélas pour être en ville de Carter à chier la nuit loin
Pour remercier
Powell de pour toute cette mort
Car Obama promet la vie à tous ce qui ne sont pas morts encore aujourd'hui
