Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christ the Solution

I was listening to the story of a Minister I know who was lamenting in a
"being in over his head" event. I really like this Gentleman as he is
strong, intelligent and makes now excuses in preaching the Gospel.

His abilities though are what had of all things the secular board of
regional prison request him to come in and minister to group of inmates
incarcerated there.
The Minister related that his thought was, "What am I doing here?" as
this blog has warned, no one should be involved with any of these fringe
people from 3rd worlders, prisons, terrorists or anything that has
bitten others, because this is a job for adults in Spirit and not for
the people who think the world is filled with sheep, when it is filled
with savage wolves.

He stated though that the 8 inmates he was speaking to that he was
amazed that most of them had no idea what Easter even was. God working
through him though brought 6 of the prisoners to be on the first step of
repenting and accepting Jesus as their Savior.

This Minister's story is why Islam targets the Malcolm X types in
finding a blame for America, in order to make them captives of allah.
Islam is no different than any gang which divides and takes possession
of the inmates for their own purposes.

It seems impossible that in America, that there could exist Americans
who have no idea what Easter is, but then if these people had any
semblance of a Christian upbringing they would not be in prison.
Without going into details about my life, I always say, "But there for
the Grace of God go I", because God in His workings has exposed me to
numerous horrid things in my life, which literally kills most people,
but His purpose in showing me these things is so I can understand the
inner workings of the worst of people and deal with them from knowing
God carried me through so I did not make the wrong choice in blaming
others and resorting to preying on them, but instead as my soul was
raped I confessed, "I will not let the evil win to change me. I will be
a force for good".

There is not a person in life who has not been to the point of choosing
good or evil. I had contact with the little brother of a girl in my
class whose mother was a prostitute I concluded.
Due to my rambuncious surroundings of heathens I picked on this kid in a
typical venting process at 7 years old.
Next thing I knew this kid was saying I had taken his gloves when I had
not. The teachers were all about searching me and I told them, "Go right
ahead and search anything you like as I didn't take those gloves".

They never found anything, but I learned how devious people can even be
at 6 years old.
This kid would at the age of 12 literally rape a girl who was drunk at a
beer party who was in my class when she fell down.
The last I heard he was in prison for running a meth lab.

Choices in life matter and they build and build until one lie, is one
rape of thinking women are just objects to use and then when the drugs
do not take away the world, they start making the drugs and end up in
prison finally.
There is no difference from this kid and the Muslim kids who are
boarding planes with exploding underwear in condom bombs. Environment
void of Christ, creates an abyss which plunges the human soul into an
abysmal state which sucks it to hell.
I am not stating that the devil does not hit Christian children hard,
because that creature invests the most horrid tactics to slay Christian
souls, but the difference is Jesus will find a way to save you from the
worst fires which are meant to make a person stronger.

It honestly is a wicked world we live in and it is becoming more wicked
daily. The Bible teaches it will be as when Noah lived in being so
spiritually corrupt that only destruction is left from a mercifully God
as all these people will due is become worse and find a worse place in
Theologians never quite understand that when God says there is no
remedy, it means just that and it is why God had the Israelites wiping
out Canaan, why God wiped out the world in Noah's time and why God wiped
out Sodom and the cities of the plain, because there comes a condition
which that broken frequency can never make a correct sound.
Think of it as a warped guitar. There is nothing one can do with it
except destroy it.

I would that all Muslims would find Christ's Peace He will give them. It
would set them free from the world which enslaves them and I would that
every prisoner in America would find Christ to set them free in their
souls from the punishment which led them to prison.
The simple act of Christ to Islam would end terrorism. The simple act of
Christ in 6 prisoner's lives will mean a savings of over $300,000 in
taxes alone in housing a prisoner.
If these 6 people then stop crime, it means then dozens of other
innocent people in dope, robbery, rape and even murder will not have
their lives disrupted. It will mean insurance claims, more police, more
prisons will not have to be built.

That is something non Church member Obama nor his clique do not
understand. The Solution to poverty is Christ. The Solution to war is
Christ, The Solution to debt is Christ. The Solution to prison is
Christ. The actual Solution to Barack Hussein Obama is Christ.

People start bringing in the Solution instead of claiming they are halo
wearing messiahs and other liberal ilk banishing God from American life,
Jesus will fix things that seem impossible to fix.

Elect and support candidates and government employees who are Christ's
Ministering agents and good things will happen for America, just as
Laban noted in attacking Jacob Israel.
There are blessings and curses in the Bible. America had blessings, but
violated God's Law and now is under a curse in a time of God's wrath
upon Obama and his followers.
One does not agents for Christ in the Democratic party. Barney Frank
sodomy is not where Christ dwells no more than Martha Coakley protecting
child rapists, and no more than a blasphemer in messiah Obama.
God did not choose Barack Hussein Obama and God will not bless America
in Obama. Those are the facts. That will not change until Americans
change in putting Christ back in Charge of the Americans Covenant, with
His choices of servants to serve in every facet of American Government
to reinstate this blessed Republic.

I doubt anyone heard that sermon in their Church, Synagogue or Mosque
these days of worship from Friday to Sunday.
