Sunday, January 17, 2010

Massachusetts voter Fraud

I have been pondering what the Obama voter fraud mafia will pull in Massachusetts in order to try to steal the election for Curling Iron Coakley.

See you have to understand that Massachusetts has had Kennedy fraud for years, but it was sophisticated in Old Joe Kennedy loading a ballot to split votes or to put people on the ballot with the same name to confuse liberals in Massachusetts.
With a liberal Democrat majority of landslide proportions which never cared about drown girls over bridges to Teddy County, Massachusetts has never had to be the kind of electioneering cesspool criminals like Tim Johnson of South Dakota is buying Sioux Indian votes in stuffing ballot boxes or what crook Al Franken did in creating more voters in Minnesota than Minnsesota had people to steal an election.

Massachusetts just might be a little rusty compared to the Democratic crooks of the midwest.

Martha Coakley as Democratic child rapist enabler was the vixen of curling iron rape who was certifying and overseeing ACORN who assisted Barack Hussein Obama in stealing the United States Presidency.
Digital Journalist Hannah Giles outed ACORN with James Kilpatrick in having a penchant for murdering husbands instead of divorcing them and trafficking in children for pedophile prostitution.

Pedophilia and Democratic voting, seems that keeps coming up in these stories.

Due to Democrats constantly lying, cheating, stealing and having dead people vote, it is a given that with ACORN, Coakley sending out bogus emails accusing Scott Brown of things he doesn't promote and with Bill Clinton and now Barack Hussein Obama showing up in Massachusetts, that there are Democratic election workers stuffing ballot boxes with tens of thousands of votes, rigging electronic results and doing all they can to steal this election for Curling Iron Coakley.

SEIU will show up with it's voter intimidation as much as Coakley's hirelings were roughing up reporters in Thugachusetts, as much as Ed Schultz, the Democrat who was chosen to ask Barack Hussein Obama questions at the White House and who the North Dakota Democrats were begging to run for Senate office in that stage, came up with this Tim Johnson Democratic voting message for Massachusetts:

“If I lived in Massachusetts I’d try to vote 10 times. I don’t know if they’d let me or not but I’d try to. Yeah that’s right. I’d keep these bastards out. I would. Cause that’s exactly what they are.”
Ed Schultz

I have warned all these scourge Democrats that their chuckling over Democrats always stealing elections will bring a time when America will not trust the electoral process, and when that time comes, it is not going to be the liberals who win the fight, but the Americans who are born to the fight, and those Americans will not stop until all this fraud is either hung or exiled.

For the good of America, I hope the Al Franken, Tim Johnson and Ed Schultz, Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota voter fraud cesspool does not show up in Massachusetts even if it started to rear it's ugly head again.
The answer in this in from good people's lips to God's ears is that Scott Brown has more votes than Democrats can steal as South Dakota Republican John Thune accomplished in ousting Tom Daschle.
My hope is for the vote margin to be too great for Curling Iron Coakley to overcome. My hope is the insiders put this on where it belongs on the Marxism of Obama, Pelosi and Reid, and, for the people of Massachusetts to send a message that Teddy Kennedy's legacy was legislation and not dictatorial, American apologizing, bowing to the world, mandates that are so far to the left that communist Chinese even point out Obama is over the edge.

Barack Hussein Obama corruption is to blame for the reason the Democratic party is gone and this criminal NeoProg wing has taken over with nothing but crime, threats and booting both the right and left to the curb as they piss on Americans and promote European world rule.

Vote Scott Brown. That is the current solution and not Ed Schultz crime.


Gina Cobb

Curling Iron Coakley Bruisers

ACORN skirt chaser Coakley