Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Conception of Yemeni Terrorism for Obamerica

I would that Americans would know the people of Yemen, as they honestly are a sedate, agrarian and tradesmen people, who like Americans and are as harmless as someone named Ploughwright living in an English village.
They are a people who waste their water supply in growing a coca type leaf stimulant, which the entire country stuffs in it's cheek and chews like NASCAR fans loose tobacco.

They are tribal, poor and as stated mind their own business, and that is why the Islamocommunists and Islamofascists are pouring into Yemen, because the wolves herd among the sheep, exactly like the Vietcong did in Vietnam, the warlords in Somalia do, al Qaeda and the Taliban did in Afghanistan and the way Hamas is crowded among the Philistines.

For people like this, it is just easier to get along, mind your own business and let some ranting lunatic make war on whoever, as long as they leave you the Muhammed alone.

This blog set about a policy which would now be saving 500 American lives a month (McChrystal now in Obama's Cold Sore War has confirmed what McCaffrey, and this blog did in beating them all, that Obama is turning Afghanistan into a kill zone, whereby he will declare victory in 2011 and get hisself re elected on the dead bodies of thousands of Americans and Muslims.) in which the terrorists would have been forced out Pakistan and Afghanistan, and into the rift chains of barron mountains in Yemen, whereby they would be herded into base zones of their thousands, and then thermobaric bombs would incinerate the whole mob and end the problem for a decade.

Instead Obama is weakling the Saudi regime, has them in a proxy shooting war with the Persian communists, expanding Obama wars, and the forsaken area as another Obama war zone is Yemen, with these friendly people to America caught in the middle being slaughtered as Obama pumps more money into Yemen.
This is disastrous policy of the worst kind. WND is reporting that 20 more terrorists are primed and ready to attack England and America, in ways which will surprise the west, and al Qaeda is now employing women to do the dirty work.

I ask the question in this for security and the sake of women everywhere in, how does one with even a full body scanner, find an al Qaeda female terrorist with a clear plastic bag inserted in her womb, filled with high explosive liquid, and using a tampon detonator?
The Nigerian Nightmare used a condom in his exploding underwear, so as this is all Obama Huxxxein triple X sex now in terrorists are now the porn stars of violence, just how in this Age of Obama in Rome and Paris, does security find a bomb when the woman's womb is the bomb and her female absorbant is the detonator?

This is ghastly as Obama has given al Qaeda the year of 2009 to regroup and they have advanced to the worst in hiding bombs in one's genital areas. In this Muslim age of no offense, so Nidal Hasan slaughters US Soldiers at Fort Hood (Hasan will not have to reload as Obama is sending the Fort Hood Soldiers to the terrorists now in Afnamistan as apparently Ovama birthed Islamic voters are not attacking Americans fast enough), there is no airport security which is going to make a Muslim woman disrobe, squat 3 times and spread, for a finger and anal exam when it looks like their monthly water build up is really a gallon of high explosives.

The Islamic oil community would have all hell break loose on this "degrading" exam and be "outraged". The world has gone from a shoe bomber, to a condom bomber and exploding bras and exploding wombs as that is the logical place for al Qaeda females to hide their wares.

Without giving any terrorist any ideas, but as a public warning, progression in this indicates the "light em up and smoke em when you got em" will end, and a percussion detonator will be installed in the safety tip applicator.

This is why one does not allow this to spiral out of control as one dithers in open hands to terrorists in cuddling with them and their benefactors. Americans on plains dying and Americans in other venues dying is the result.
I was discussing in my intimate group scenarios this past week, and although I will never make the data public, the numbers were in the fifty thousand plus range for an exact group of Yemeni type terrorists deployed in a certain way. I will leave it at that, but as this was examined it does become quite rats in the maze in how events can be manipulated.

In that, the rats should be terrorists manipulated in the maze of Yemen and not Americans in New York. The Yemen maze which this blog outlined exclusively would also protect those narcotic fodder chewing harmless Yemeni people.
That is what is so utterly horrid and wrong with Obama policy in he and these people now have no ideals in planning campaigns, so the doltish harmless folks do not get scuffed up, so their children become outraged and join al Qaeda.
To the point, one does not have to hinder US Soldiers in murderous Obama Afnamistan rules in "public relations" if one does not allow the terrorists to camp with the locals. Bush had al Qaeda isolated enough in Iraq and Afghanistan to provide the cure to them. Obama now has terrorists expanding and hiding among the tribes.
Fight al Qaeda in the wastelands and only terrorists die, but then Brzezinski Obama policy just took Bush policy of fighting the coming Eurasian world war in the Asian uninhabited steppes, by handing over eastern Europe to the Soviets, and now has a nuclear arc of fire extending from Amsterdam, into the Ruhr, over to Prague, into Jerusalem, and over to India, for a real slaughter pit in the worlds most lovely and populated cultural areas.

So in Obama the destroyer, he has the same murderous policies in Yemen as he has for Europe, as he has for American rationed death panels.

I feel sorry for the Yemeni people, because they never voted for Obama and are going to end up dead for what Obama voters in America installed into the White House.
Of course, when al Qaeda gets the bugs in this worked out in tampon wars, Americans will be picking up what the crows are not eating in bits of bodies like at Lockerbie.

The terrorists have changed tactics. This is not French flights downed by Iran flying out of Brazil in the ocean deep to hide the evidence. This is terror now littering the Obamerica landscape with scars meant to remind Americans as they deal with the stench of what Obama policy has enacted in his inter tribal Mooselum against Muslim war.

Of course, we don't want to talk about that or examine it, as Obama says dead people are dead people and it doesn't matter in defining them as terrorists and Muslims.


obama 44 got terror comin' out of the sky
it's an explodin' douche bag make me want to cry
playin' in a travelin' terrorist band, yeah
how am i gonna live
tryin' to make a stand
playin' in a terrorist clan


kind of silent aren't we John Fogerty in you created this problem
in your George W. Bush hatred
your Obama at work John....
and what no songs?

20 terrorists to go please