Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Obama slays American Patriot

It is the little things in life which matter in the big events of life. It is the little things which go unnoticed which make the biggest impact on history.

I am moved to remind Americans and the world of an American Hero who risked his life for America and the world numerous times, who if not for him, America would not have been prepared for the wars we are fighting and the successes against terrorism and hostile nations.
People will not probably remember Rudy Boschwitz, but if it was not for this Minnesota Patriot standing with Ronald Reagan, the world would already be into the abyss which Barack Hussein Obama is pushing it into.

Mr. Boschwitz was born in Berlin, Germany in 1930. His Jewish family when he was 3 fled Nazi Germany and legally immigrated to New York, where Mr. Boschwitz would graduate from college, become a lawyer, serve in the Army in 1954 and 1955 in the signal corp and would start the Minnesota business Plywood Minnesota which with his family he would build into the mega chain Home Valu Interiors.

Mr. Boschwitz would begin his political career at the zenith of the Cold War and the abyss of the Carter doldrums in 1978. He would be cast aside after this service to America in 1990 by Minnesotans electing neo socialist firebrand Paul Wellstone.

In the years after Minnesota cast this Hero aside, he would travel to Ethiopia under President George H.W. Bush in Operation Solomon where 14,325 Beta Israeli emigres to the Judaean state to safety and changing their lives for good.

He worked tirelessly raising American funding for George W. Bush in both of his successful runs for President, and in 2005 served by appointment as Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Convention, which under Mr. Obama does no longer matter to Chinese Patriots or Persian Patriots being cut down by those regimes.

People will recall the headlines of January 2009 in how President George W. Bush had stabilized the US economy and it was starting to expand again. America was coming out of the economic attack suffered upon it by the European cartel and life for many businesses and homeowners were starting to see the rays of hope in recovery, but then as the headlines proved, Barack Hussein Obama strangled that recovery in order to push through his Marxist agenda which has been nothing but kickbacks for his political cronies.

In this Mr. Boschwitz related yesterday that his business which is widespread and employs over 100 Americans, tried to hang on. They thought the recession would end, but as the year progressed, the recession deepened, and in that Barack Obama in his political games for his agenda destroyed Home Valu Interiors of Minnesota and added all those employees to the unemployed just like he did the Chrysler Dealerships.

This is all python economics now in what Obama has dithered in, because businesses which were holding on are not going to hold on. The money Obama dumped into green technology and is attempting to dump again is only niche kickbacks to his voters and will not employ widespread economic employment, as in someone like Mr. Boschwitz whose stores sold products miners, foresters, weavers, farmers, wrights, truckers, smelters, craftsmen etc... were employed at in making the carpets, sinks and cabinets being sold to employed Americans.

This is global in that sense as the carpets are woven in 3rd world nations which employs people there to better lives, than just raising the paddy. All of this has now spun into a second wave of unraveling by Barack Hussein Obama, which makes disgruntled 3rd world people look to terrorism and revolution, listening to those who hate America, instead of looking to a future to build better jobs.

To put it mildly in small things, if Rudy Boschwitz was in the US Senate in his caring for America and understand worldwide politics, there would not be an Al Franken, because Franken stole the election from Norm Coleman, who happened to fill Paul Wellstone's seat after those maniacs embarrassed all America at his funeral screaming at people to become Democrats as some kind of absolution for Wellstone being stuck down in a plane crash.

Rudy Boschwitz, an American success story, fled Nazi Germany, and like Norm Coleman came to Minnesota for a better life, but the fascist socialists there both in the urban Twin Cities arena did to these Jews exactly what the early days of Krystal Nacht did in Germany.
Now this socialist hybrid of communazi of Barack Hussein Obama, has brought ruin to Mr. Boschwitz and all of his employees by his deliberate dithering of the American economy which is going to continue to bring ruin to Americans, while only enhancing Obama cronies.

Of course in all things Obama, Paul Wellstone was a liberal Jew so his antics were acceptable in his reprehensible misbehavior akin to Al Franken who even out anti semited the anti semites in destroying Jewish Norm Coleman in stealing an election with more votes in Minnesota than voters.

I have stated time and again it is the cesspool of corruption in the Dakotas, Nebraska, Montana and Minnesota by these crooked NeoProgs which are the scourge of the entire nation, because these communists elected from those states are pushing all the Marxist garbage which Obama is passing and giving Obama cover to bomb Muslims so terrorists are now coming back inside the United States for more 9 11 attacks.

Rudy Boschwitz turned the situation around for these United States of America. He kept Bill Clinton's meanderings in line, and if he was the extra vote now in the Senate rather than Al Franken, none of the catastrophe Obama is passing violating the Constitution would be even considered.
Barack Obama is deliberately creating a judicial nightmare like aborticide in his laws like Obamacare which will be tied up and fought in courts for a generation, while the people who need help will be pushed farther into the panels of death.

Rudy Boschwitz is the face of what is right with America. His life though in success was slain by Obama politics deliberately.

Perhaps Mr. Boschwitz, like the Chrysler Dealers on economic grounds file suit against Barack Hussein Obama and make him release his birth, travel and education records, as Mr. Boschwitz received no equal protection in the Obama stimulus kickback, and he lost his livelihood by Obama policy.........and the question still remains if Mr. Obama as Bill Clinton noted in Africa, was even qualified to be in the Oval Office.

God bless Rudy Boschwitz, his family and former employees who have been now consumed in the abyss of the Obama Great Depression.

If you watch the hinterlands, one finds what is occurring in America more readily than listening to Washington.


Rudy Boschwitz