The Russians have always had mystics in their midst as a most superstitious peoples, and in the mid 1990's one arose again with the greatest influence, since Lenin came on the scene.
While readers will not recognize the name, and in doing searches will find only this blog posting on sites as the minority warning of this man, Алекса́ндр Ге́льевич Ду́гин, Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin, or Alexander Dugan as this blog refers to him in his Americanized name, is the Mein Kamp, Dreams of my Father force who is the face of World War IV.
The reason Mr. Dugan is such an imposing figure is he like Obama taps into the pagan mysticism of the demonic, but where Mr. Dugan is male oriented, Obama is female oriented in that mansexualized monkey demon of India he wishes upon in hanuman.
Dugan is the heir of a long line of Russian military officers. His father was a General in the Russian GRU, (Russian Military Intelligence).
As a child, he would join a mystic group in Moscow interested in paganism, mysticism and fascism on the old Nazi themes. Later he would write his own Mein Kampf of Russian Imperialism in Osnovy geopolitiki: geopoliticheskoe budushchee Rossii, The Foundation of Geopolitics in 1997.
The reason this work is so important to understand is it is the work which Vladamir Putin embraced, it is in effect Russian rule from Dublin to Moscow, with not a communist flair but a Bolshevik Imperialism fist.
The treatise is simple in Russia should rule Eurasia. Russia should join in proxy removing America from the world stage and once America was behind her ocean borders, Russia would join in the assassination of the United States.
Dugan's work is the literal backbone now of the spine of Islamocommunism and the Narco communism of Hugh Chavez of South America. The danger in all of this is is the absolute fact that Barack Hussein Obama with his black Mooselum liberation in degrading the United States, making bed with South American communists and promoting Islamocommunist terrorists, with his handing over of eastern Europe to Russian rule in exchange for Russian "help" to defuse Persian communist nuclear bomb making on a mass scale, has had Obama literally working as a proxy agent of Alexander Dugan, and both of these faces are indeed the profiles of the stage for World War IV.
Dugan unlike Obama though is a genius. He is a master of 9 languages, he has written the following books on political fabrication:
- Pop-kultura i znaki vremeni, Amphora (2005)
- Absoliutnaia rodina, Arktogeia-tsentr (1999)
- Tampliery proletariata: natsional-bol'shevizm i initsiatsiia, Arktogeia (1997)
- Osnovy geopolitiki: geopoliticheskoe budushchee Rossii, Arktogeia (1997)
- Metafizika blagoi vesti: Pravoslavnyi ezoterizm, Arktogeia (1996)
- Misterii Evrazii, Arktogeia (1996)
- Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, Arktogeia (1994)
That is why the Iraq work of George W. Bush was so very vital in there was a containment of the major communist powers in Asia of Russia and China. If one notices in one year, Barack Hussein Obama has dismantled that entire containment crescent, leaving Europe open to invasion, the moderate Arab states naked to attack, and an inept India who could not fight a Chinese paper tiger and win, with Japan even abandoning Obama abdicating of power.
What Bush 43 had set up as a battlefield if the Great Eurasian War came as this blog predicts will come, in taking place on the south Asian steps of the "stans", has now in one 2009 time period, brought nuclear, biological and chemical warfare into the gut of Europe which will leave a death zone from the Rhine to Italy to Romania up to Poland.
So much for Zbigniew Brzezinski protecting the blessed Poles from another slaughter.
Dugan's own publishing house Arkotgeia is code for the Greek, Arktos which is north, and Gaia in continent, the same legend in the vanished land of the home of the Aryans.
Once again the search for the mythical people who this blog has proved are the lost Israelites, who Americans are a part of, are the inspiration for these Eurasians again in bastardizing Biblical peoples and taking them as their own, in order to create a satanic master race.
Why this matters so very much is Dugan and Putin, both are being swept up in this mystic wave in Russia. The Chinese have this same master race ideology. The Persians have this same ideology. It appears to be raising it's head again in Japan, and, when the anti christ arises out of central Europe as the manifestation of this doctrine, without any American buffer as Barack Obama has destroyed the financial, military and diplomatic wedge of the United States, all of these principalities are going to clash in an epic battle stretching from the Rhine to Jerusalem over to the Khyber. It will not be a containment crescent, but a crescent of blood and fire.
See when one bows to other nations, they have no respect or awe to behave themselves. Barack Obama by his actions has now initiated a global war which only requires the fuse to be lit.
We see the repeat in this from German Nationalist Ernst Niekisch in the 1930's seeing a union with the Soviets as a national progression against international Jewish capitalism. One can hear the same echoes in this Obama era of the end of Anglo American capitalism as the blame for the ailment of the world, but this same Ashkenaz cartel mislabled as Jewish capitalism is what was staging World War II for their profit and power, in the same attack this cartel from central Europe smashed American economics by setting up debt trading, stealing American wealth, and leaving America with the debt.
All of this is Europa Nationalism and is designed by this natural progression of raiding the British Empire and the American coffers, leaving a new and emerging central European Roman Empire, which will be blessed by the Vatican as the early glue of belief holding it together.
The weld will be the mutal threat of Islamic terrorism on their southeast border, which this group has set up in Kosovo using Saudi Arabian finance.
By 1999 Dugan's works were being pushed as manditory teaching to all Russian children, and by 2000, he forwared that a united Eurasia should stand against American hegeonomy. The same themes one can hear echoed from Berlin to Moscow to Tehran to Peking.
A man who could not garner any votes to even be elected to office now has literal mental hegeonomy over billions of anti America peoples armed with growing thousands of nuclear missiles aimed at America.
Dugan has spoken the French prophecy in that there will be a Eurasian Millenium, or the Thousand Year Reich.
Dugan after September 11th, noted that Eurasianism was the model for Russia as a non democratic model, as it required a charismatic Putin to rule, the messianic power syndrome to rule in serving the state, the agreement of ethnic and religious minorities to play a subordinate role and xenophobic imperialism to advance the one world order rule of a united Eurasia.
If one looks closely at the Dugan speak, one can transplant Barack Obama for messianic Putin, the tossing of blacks off the Obama bus, the thwarting of religion and King Bowbama ruling a world of his own tan classes like hisself and Val-erie Jarrett as examples.
Barack Obama is indeed a hybrid internationalist like so many of these commufascists are in mongrelizing all political movements to make themselves dictators for life.
Dugan's plans to achieve Eurasia is to use not military might completely, but to instead use Russian energy to bully and enslave other nations to Moscow control. The Ukraine is about to fall to this policy leaving only Richard Holbrooke's "Georgians are Americans" doctrinal Obama statement only noted in this blog from 2008, as the catalyst to start a nuclear World War IV due to more Obama ineptness in making Georgia the frontline in his policy when he has it surrounded by Russian satellite states now.
The Euro Soviet Empire is to be the holy alliance against American consumerism. That if you are noticing meetings is what the Copenhagen green meeting was all about in the transfer of the last American resources, which God has now plunged the world into an ice box to awaken His western peoples to the danger of the Obama abyss he is leading America into.
This is in Dugan's own words the Atlanticists against the messianic Russian peoples. The prize of course in the middle is where Barack Obama just gave Russia the first giant leap in all of eastern Europe to the German Italian borders.
When war comes it will be first fought from Bavaria into Prague, before the death struggle ensues in the Rhine and Ruhr.
The first line of thrust at America is to be South and Central America. For those who think Chavez just happened, they need to understand that he was created as much as Barack Hussein Obama was created for this coming conflagration. While Dugan wants all things short of war, this model can only bring war as the central European royalty with the Rothschild banking cartel syndicate are progressing to rule the world from Europe while thinking the Russians are culture servants to exploit.
All of this is though in Russian view are the special peoples of Germans ruling central Europe as they helped dismantle Yugoslavia to which Russia took Serbia, with Japan being lured to their Pacific Imperialism again, and India being initiated into a tear match in shredding China as the worst enemy against Russia.
Yes whether Brzezinski or Dugin, China is afforded a horde to be dismembered.
Once again the model though does not take into account Chinese ambitions can not sustain a long invasion of America for Alaskan oil, and their hordes will be marched out for the threat Russia can not deal with as their forces recoil from Europe, for a showdown in the Jerusalem theater.
The key to the Bolshevik strategy is in the Middle East and Dugan's main ally was to be Iran, and there Iran sits as a nuclear power inflicting proxy war upon the entire west.
Every facet of the problems facing America in the first decade of the 21st century and now compounded to the extreme by internationalist apologetic Bowbama fits the Dugan model of war against America to the last dah.
It should be remembered that Karl Marx who was an intellectual creation of the central Europeans to create a plan to manage people and steal European resources from the Slavs, never held office, but yet he is in power in many nations, including Marxist Obama's America in this most crucial of periods in history.
Alexandr Dugin, is such a man, who has changed the entire global landscape as all the world leaders in one form or another are progressing the Eurasian and anti American model as he authored.
The mid 1700's saw the first world war which divided up the world until in the 1917 period the world in the Great European Conflict aka WW I was divided up again. By 1945 the world after World War II which was World War III was divided again.
A division and subtraction of nations is in the process again for the coming World War IV, as a new order is breaching the satanic womb to be born. The Bible states Christ will return and slay this order making war on Him and His Saints.
It's cry from the womb though is heard and the placenta of it's water has broken against America on every shore across the globe.
Everyone can not rule the world and one can not lead when one bows to those demanding to lead.
It is the face of World War IV.
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Alexandr Dugin