As typical in the Obama administration and the Obama puppy press, the biggest story as the keystone of the pyre of the Russian gulag about to be set in Europe is being actually aided by Barack Hussein Obama with foreign policy President Hillary Clinton and ignored by the American press.
This issue is the complete annihilation of American policy started to free eastern Europe in both the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine and Rose Revolution in Georgia by Russian expansionism assisted by Barack Obama.
One would think that with Joe Biden trotting off to Georgia professing fidelity and Richard Holbrooke in an insane announcement making Georgians AS Americans, which means if Russia shoots a Georgian in South Ossetia that it is an act of war on America, that the Ukraine would be of immense importance to Bearick Obama, and yet Obama of NATO and Obama of the European Union, has spent the entire 2009 Ukrainian election season dithering Ukraine away to complete Russian annexation again.
The main players in this need to be understood in Vladamir Putin, who has been furious since Ukraine and Georgia were filleted away from Russian domination and moved to the American sphere.
The next players are Russian puppet, Viktor Yanukovych, who wants Russian an official language in Ukraine, fully intends to undo the Orange Revolution and is the likely next Russian President of Ukraine, just like Obama is the British subject in the American White House.
Following is Yulia Tymoshenko, Prime Minister of Ukraine, an oligarch, woman made wealthy in the energy fields, someone who Putin endorsed in her work of new contracts concerning Russian blackmail of other nations using energy and the hottest looking woman in politics on the planet.
She is running at about 30% in the polls and will probably face a run off against Yanukovych, but will lose as is intended.
Fittingly Yanukovych has stated he is not willing to have Julie Tymoshenko continue as Prime Minister, so the entire Orange Revolution will be purged from power.
Lastly is President Viktor Yuschenko, the western candidate who while Ukrainian only has about 4% in the polls. About like American John McCain being throw to the wolves for foreigner Barack Obama. People will remember Yuschenko as the guy poisoned by dioxin from some of Putin's comrades, with the problem in he didn't die.
President Yuschenko has stated that the 2010 elections means either freedom for Ukraine or a step back.
His words concerning the two rivals are one is a disaster and the other is a disaster.
This is what Barack Hussein Obama has allowed to regress to an absolute disaster for the United States as the Ukraine as an "independent orb of Russia" is the Iron Curtain reformed.
By contrast, the Republicans under George W. Bush, sent in Paul J. Manafort who worked for everyone from Ronald Reagan to John McCain, to work for the communist ViktorYanukovych, who after Manafort meddled in Yanukovych's run in ruining him, the comrade fired him in 2005.
What this all means for America is a new Russian carving out of Ukraine for it's table from Europe. Ukraine is key as it holds Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia who can not stand on their own.
To the south Georgia already losing South Ossetia is hemmed in by Romania coming under Russian control with them already in control of Serbia.
As Obama has removed defense from eastern Europe, it means that any Russian military now can move once Ukrainian has a Russian President to the German and Italian border unmolested.
It is vital in the timeline to visit the Catholic oracles from Prague and Bavaria which speak of a Russian invasion of Europe in the coming time. The first battle line is Prague. That would mean Russia will indeed have access to Ukraine as a vassal state.
These same oracles noted that a friendly Russian leader, would grow more belligerent in time against the west and mount this invasion after assassinations arise in the Balkans. That description fits Vladamir Putin completely, and it is vital to note that as the central Europeans and Russia have carved up Yugoslavia, that is the friction point, and it will be the obvious place for Russia to move into the next phase having taken back Ukraine.
Furthering this Obama ruining of American policy means Ukraine will not be allied with NATO and the front now has moved to the World War II borders for Poland, into the Balkans down to Greece.
This then is the Obama trip wire for dragging the United States into a 3rd European based world war which America has no necessity nor business being in, all because he bartered away eastern Europe and has deliberately handed over the Ukraine elections to Russian proxies.
Putin as the Bolsehvik Manifesto he follows, has just taken over an entire free people by the Obama ballot box.
The last time Russian Yanukovych had his version of ACORN stuffing the ballot boxes and the Orange Revolution sprang to life with Bush administration cunning. This time Ukraine will be crushed if she tries to elect anyone not sanctioned by Moscow.
Obama will be silent in the murder of Ukrainians as he is in the murder of Iranian Patriots by Persian communists.
It is distressing to witness the work of so many Americans simply tossed aside by Barack Hussein Obama in one year, and handing sections of the world to his Marxist cliques as he auctions off free people for support of his failing policies.
All of this means greater insecurity for the United States and one step closer to the Great Eurasian War which this blog was the first to predict is coming.
Everyone can not rule the world as there is not enough world and the world can not be ruled by committee as some despot will always rise up and murder the committee. Obama has promised everyone they can rule and the result is the committee of Europe which Obama is carrying out their internationalist orders is looking for the despot to murder European mob rule and restore a Caesar Anti Christos to put things into order.
This is all going to look so simple when it starts happening and everyone will be an expert then in seeing the war coming. It could have been avoided as this blog noted in creating an eastern European free trade block doing business with America and armed by America to deal with Russia as she fades into a tan Chinese type state.
It all though has taken a different Obama rout that all were warned if they had listened.
Ukraine is the story which will mean the eventual dragging in of the United States into another world war, as the central Europeans pretty much lost their military callous when Hitler's expedition to save Germany from international communism butchered it's best boys and the Russians raped all the girls to form a new race in 1945.
To have such a hard won freedom and security, to just give it away. Somehow one feels the troops at least deserve a pin up photo of Julie Tymoshenko to make their dying more easy, as she will probably be packed off to some ivory tower with visits by Vladamir Putin.
Your Obama vote at work again America. (You are running out of nations to sell out, so the next step is nuclear war.)
agtG 256
Yulia Tymoshenko
Viktor Yanukovych
Viktor Yuschenko
Another Obama foreigner selling out a people