Friday, January 8, 2010

I read the Lame Cherry

The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies, but would be ashamed to tell big lies.

-- Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf 1925

I remember in the first grade I was taught to hate school by the worst troll of a midget teacher on the face of the planet.

She once stood me in the hall for "talking", because when a storm was coming I asked about the Catholic children in concern over what would happen to them as they had to be bused during the storm.

I was not the only child who did not like the troll as one girl who sucked on her glue bottle like a nipple was always wetting herself, so this pool of urine was under her chair and another little girl I really felt for would do nothing but bawl hysterically in class, so she had to sit in the nurses office all day.

In one instance due to my photographic memory, I had memorized all the spelling of the colors which was on the agenda for that day. I was behaving myself and got out something to color when the troll spotted me and swooped in to yell at me.

In short order a duel ensued between a trusting 6 year old and a 55 year old bitter female who hated the class she had dumped on her. She grilled me up the list, down the list and then I can remember this woman tried to confuse me as she took the colors out of order and grilled me some more.
That puzzled me immensely why she would try to destroy my victory, but she finally just quit and left me alone.

After that year of her playing favorites and hating the children who were not pretty, I despised teachers and I hated school with such a passion I detest the entire situation to this day.
Teachers should be meant to inspire children and not destroy them.

My Mother still has the artwork I created for her from that year in a paper plate, with a catalogue model's torso pasted onto it with a pastel blue hanky as the dress. I realize how cheesy it all is, but that is where today's photoshop comes from, along with the many nuances of what it all means that only sophisticated minds of Inspiration will understand the message it conveys.

I found that in 2009, there were over 1 million searches for "Obama antichirst" from people looking for information. They should be looking the Bible instead of the incorrect sources online, because the Bible states the antichirst arises to lead a resurrected Roman Empire in the form of the first antichirst prototype of Greek Antiochos Epiphanes of Syria.
So unless Bearick starts hoisting up hisself as leader of Europe, Obama is but a precursor event to set the vibrational frequency for the antiGod.
Obama though was useful in showing how masses of people will act like complete demonic influenced fools in destroying their future, their security, their savings and their lives just to follow a feeling from an incubus of Indian hanuman origin.

Lies are a most interesting event in lies made Obama and keep Obama. Lies on the other hand still try to destroy American Patriots like Joseph McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Whittaker Chambers and Ronald Reagan.
The KGB's own files proved Joseph McCarthy's movement was spot on as the NKVD had 221 communist agents in Democrat Franklin Roosevelt's administration.

Time and again, the father of lies, satan, moves through the populations with willing minions spewing his diatribes of death.
Remember how furious the Democrats were in smearing George W. Bush as a "liar" to offset the proven lies of Bill Clinton. Remember how they of "character does not matter" tried to ruin Bush's character.
Now once again in Letterman cocktail crowd rushing to another savior in Obama, the liberals and the deluded have found themselves in a quandary called Truth that the evil they thought George W. Bush was, has now become a nostalgia longed for, as Bush 43 for his impish grin, misspoken words, could always be counted on to look out for Americans and tell them the Truth.

One can still find volumes on George W. Bush and his new world order connections, and yet nothing of the sort happened under George W. Bush. The anarchists who were spreading those lies should have a heart tearing up in them to apologize, yet no apology comes. They have before them a resident evil in Barack Hussein Obama in lies, deception, revolutionary destruction of America and the antithesis of Americans, and yet when faced with the reality of Obama, they seem to not be able to find a voice to umask the simplest of fact:

The cartel behind Barack Hussein Obama, was the propaganda cartel manufacturing numerous false stories about Bush, all in order to create the cesspool to spawn an Obama.

It worked completely as this cartel used Cindy Sheehan to elect a Democratic Congress and used their numerous Ted Kopple coups against George W. Bush which only this blog has made known to install Obama into the White House.

Remember the 2008 line of the decade, "John McCain won the debates, but it doesn't matter".

This blog actually had a little putz who was led around by this cartel make an entire web page attacking the correct analysis of McCain trouncing Obama, because I stated what is known fact in Obama lost to McCain every time in the debates, but these anarchists wanted so much for it to be about Obama all the time, they had to smear me as so many have attempted.

In looking through the current news accounts, I see that everyone from the Wall Street Journal to Freddie Barnes are now bravely coming forward to take swipes at the NeoProgs under Obama. How amazing that when it counted, only the people at the Washington Times were like other bloggers and myself in voting for McCain and going down with it, rather than join the maniacs voting for the ruin of these United States of America.

I certainly hope that the American people have learned not to trust, but instead to verify. I hope that this time around the Glenn Becks like Keith Olbermanns who purpose is to find a piglet issue to pound some noted person and make a hog trough of money out of it, will remember the names betraying them.
I found it most bizarre in Joseph Farah who this blog has noted has written some horrid things about Sarah Palin, is now featuring Mr. Farah along with Sarah Palin "on the ticket", like they are running in 2012 together, at a Tea Dunker event.

Americans really have to take the step in noting all of this and remembering it, so they will not be sucked in again. Utilize the information system, but do not sell your hearts to it, as more often than not, these shills are all feeding from the same money fund.

Do I hope that God Inspires Sarah Palin and guides her, most certainly I do. I also hope that God has Oprah and that ilk casting about and thinking, "Ya know we made this Obama black MAN thing and it didn't do a thing but make things worse. Maybe it is time us women make this a woman's election and elect her".
In that, the self lying of Oprah is of use as the Conservatism of Sarah Palin is the leadership which is good for America, not that she is a woman.

As a closing note, as Obama has lost his Soldier Bracelet, and apparently lost his way to Afghanistan and instead ended up in Copenhagen and Hawaii, I did note that John Thune, Joe Lieberman and John McCain actually flew into Afghanistan and investigated what was going on there.
I hope for the Soldier's sake they listen to Gen. Flynn.

Once again, no Democrats seemed to be highlighting the ticket to Obama's Cold Sore War in Afnamistan.

The masses always think small, as the human mind is small and requires masses of people to make it feel powerful. That is the key to Democrats mob rule compared to Republican rugged individualism.
It is how lies are dispensed to the masses as no little Obama voter would ever dare to have a halo around their head, term themselves a messiah and drink in adoration like being jacked off by a 10000 dollar a night whore.

Adolf Hitler was one of the most adept predators to ever walk the planet, someone like a Nimrod, in understanding the human psychology better than the German psychoanalysts. A lesser than Obama is coming who will implement what Obama lied to the world about, with real miracles.

I read the Lame has a nice ring to it.

don't let go while I been hangin' on so long

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