Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Obama of all Fears

oliver stone blacker than obama

This blog actually applauds Oliver Stone in his new warped version of history looking at the good and bad in Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin, because of the menagerie he will be caught in due to his own Obama support for a cartel manufactured charismatic usurper in Barack Hussein Obama.

This blog has noted that Adolf Hitler was Ashkenaz Austrian in usurping the German government.
Joe Stalin was Georgian in usurping the Russian government, and of course, by Obama's own website he is British (expired) in usurping the United States government.

The reason this all matters is the situations that Oliver Stone brings to light about Hitler being a product of international corporations like Rockefeller and IBM can just as easily put the cookie cutter image on Rothschild European corporations in creating usurper Obama.

Obama though is much more like Joe Stalin the butcher than Adolf Hitler, even if Obama aborticide mirrors Hitler's eugenics.
Stalin was a coward who was only saved from Hitler by Russian nationals who rose up to fight Hitler after Stalin murdered all the productive people in Russia, including Jewish farmers. This is the image of Barack Obama, because for the facts:

Hitler fixed the German economy.

Hitler produced an epic German war machine.

Hitler kept his promises to Germans.

On the complete opposite, Obama strangled the American economy, Obama is killing the American war machine and Obama has done nothing but lie to Americans.

The fact is both Hitler and Obama in national socialist seized their nation's economies and only Hitler made things better, while Obama made things worse.

Facts are facts in Hitler made the trains run on time and all Obama has done is made terrorists timely passengers on American flights like Northwestern 253.

The person Oliver Stone detested was George W. Bush, but the problem is Bush never did one thing Stone was accusing him of. On the other hand, Obama is doing all the things liberals were accusing Bush of doing.

That is the problem with liberals in always seeing the tyrant, but Nixon resigned, Democrat Bill Clinton did not and neither will international criminal Obama........because liberals will coddle them and bring down their nations instead of doing what Italians did and ending the Mussolini problem to save the nation.

So I welcome Oliver Stone with his moderate New York Times which just racially slurred all Americans as Hew Haw zombies which was written by a black liberal, because the more these liberals make movies and rant, the more the reality sinks into deluded Americans.

George Bush wins wars. Barack Hussein Obama loses nations. George Bush creates stability. Barack Hussein Obama creates instability. George Bush was honest. Barack Hussein Obama is a liar.

That is the fact in this that if one compares George W. Bush and Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin, that the tyrant in the midst in policy, deception, tyranny is Barack Hussein Obama.

That is what Americans will perceive in Oliver Stone's weird history in they have an Adolf Obama Stalin in the White House of their own mania making. If America would have elected Hitler though, the situation would have been fixed now. If America had elected Stalin, everyone on Obama's terror lists in Christians and Americans would be dead.
Instead America has in Barack Hussein Obama the worst of Hitler and Stalin in their failures.

Obama plays coy in international politics like Stalin in weakening America which has her attacked. Obama is deceptive in international politics and invades other nations in starting wars for his right war reasons.
At home like mother Russia, no one has jobs, and like the fatherland Germany, everyone is an enemy of the state.

Bearick Huxxxein Ovama is the sum of all Oliver Stone liberal fears, but his ego is in too much self denial to comprehend the tyrant in the room he is making excuses for is not Adolf Hitler or Joe Stalin, but the tyrant is Barack Hussein Obama.

I still can not get over that Oliver Stone is a black film producer, as the photo does not lie that "black" Obama is lighter skinned than Oliver Stone.

Tis the Age of Obama.

Black is white
White is black
Tan is the tone they greet
But never the two shall meet


Oliver Obama