Monday, January 11, 2010

The Sexy Conservative Mind

I have to start this out with that in my judgment Liz Cheney is the sexiest Conservative package out there in a mother of 5, not sticking her family's personal gay stuff into my face trying to make sexcuses, a mind like her Dad, Vice President Richard Cheney, tough, brave, patriotic, all make a yummy package that is so attractive, and even more so that I am confident that like Sarah Palin she would shoot you dead if you were a criminal.

The reason I am focusing on this is due to the English are once again putting out their list of 100 top Conservatives, and only have Liz Cheney as number 95, which is like having the Marquis de Lafayette as only a Frenchman on the American stage.
The English have no idea who Conservatives even are. For example, they list political bastards, Bill O'Reilly, Peggy Noonan and Lindsey Graham as conservatives.

Ah to the world, if a person votes for Barack Hussein Obama and pedals his Marxism, they are not CONSERVATIVES!!!!! (that is more exclamation points than I have ever used.)

As I read the bottom 20 of the English 100, only Liz Cheney, Gen. Jack Keane, R. Emmett Tyrell, Tony Perkins of the Tea Dunkers, Thomas Sowell and John Kasich (only because he will be the next Governor of Ohio) are the only Conservatives on the list of weight.
Sure there are some hitters on the list, but I would make the point that when this blog is the one scaring Noel Sheppard to dithering heights and is being quoted in being the Daniel Boone trailblazer of Conservative thought being years ahead of the curve by God's is all like Barack Hussein Obama winning the Nobel Prize while the Ronald Reagan blog here not being noticed by the establishment when it is accomplishing more than all combined.

So 6 out of 20 hits, sort of sounds like English Generals in their ratio is that bad in being war generals.

Why I am investing the time in this, is not to duel with the Brits, as I dearly love the Brits in being a people like me, who line up, take 10 paces and fire in meaning that some blood must be shed, instead of like the French who would walk a mile and were more concerned about missing so they could all go back and drink wine and claim how brave they were............where was I going?
Oh yes, the reason is that Joseph Farah, the newspaper man, and by his own mouth, not Conservative, has been cuddling up to Sarah Palin, which is nice, considering he was bashing her with the Obama brigades for a year.
Mr. Farah swerved into making public something he has been sitting on..........(Is that withholding information from the public?) that he has now come out about Fox news being in the henhouse.

Eureka and California Gold Rush fever baby!!!!! (there are those exclamation points again) Joseph Farah, has finally noted what this blog has stated since the 2008 elections that Fox is a group of frauds pretending to be Glenn Beck conservatives in order to make money.

I need to expose something here which is an exclusive in how FOX actually came into being and why.

Newt Gingrich, the yawning patrician, when building his America, looked around and found capitalist Australian Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch was found massaging Gingrich hard in order to be noticed.
The mutual idea was for a foreigner to start a Conservative based news operation which would promote American ideals. Murdoch saw the profits in this, Gingrich wrote it all up and the GOP broke the communist lock of CNN and the networks.

Roger Ahles was hired to run this new enterprise and he found soul sellers in Bill O'Reilly and Chris Wallace to shill for the ratings.
He hired fakes like Shep Smith, Jerry Rivers (Geraldo Rivera), Greta and a bunch of short skirted hotties to sell the package and Americans loved it as it spoke to them.

Mr. Farah though has now noticed the Saudi control of Murdoch's enterprise is protecting Islam, as Murdoch is selling out America, for new markets in Muslim lands in the television industry.

See like all things in life, there is either the Rotshchilds, Rockefellers, Chinese or Muslim mafia putting shills into place to protect their interests, buy up US politicians and feed the power and profit structure.
What people are seeing now in Rupert Murdoch and FOX is the Obama voter at work, with all the Obama ties of Islamocommunism, Islamofascism, Bolshevism, Maoism and black radicalism, while Americans are screwed over again.

It is all though a great deal though in Mr. Farah calling Rupert Murdoch black. (Hey did you see now that after this blog broke the Rooney Deal in the NFL in outing teams are not interviewing blacks as Rooney demands that is now a story and in noting that Oliver Stone is blacker than Obama that our good friend Rod Blagojevich (good friend because his wife his HOT!!!! and should not be persecuted with her children by Barack Hussein Obama), anyway Rod said in an interview one day after published here that "he was blacker than Obama".
Talk about influence eh!!!!)
Where was I going with this???? Oh yes, Mr. Farah who is known to be crass, stomp and be rude to little people, ignore suggestions in how to promote Conservatives, help Obama get elected with NONE OF THE ABOVE, has lied in not coming forward with birth certificate information he said he had over half a year ago, and is a promoter of liberals like Nat Henthoff and Al Franken friend G. Gordon Liddy, is now noting the splinter in Murdoch's capitalism while not seeing the logs in his eyes.

I am not stating that Joseph Farah is bad for America, but his priorities have been wrong. He has been personally rude to me more than once for absolutely no reason. He has though championed and helped release the Border Patrol agents, has driven the pressure on Barack Obama and broken through his two best journalists in Aaron Klein and Jack Cashill stories which knocked Obama off his time table.
Mr. Farah in all this though has been set up by Obama in the Lawrence Sinclair smear, has been gang raped politically by his "friends like Ann Coulter" and is in effect been screwed over by FOX just like he has been censoring work of certain bloggers.

There is a great deal of pressure in running a business. There are also thousands of people telling you daily how you should be running things and what you should write. Mr. Farah I still give some slack as he is human and bites people as he can not handle the attacks on him, as he emulates Michael Savage.
The problem is though as stated in the same money flow is buying censorship in America. The same Front Page, Daniel Pipes, Huffington, Farah, Newsbusters, Drudge, Google who ration blogs to keep their message in the bottle are all in a same pool of funding that all stems from where all the same money flows.

Rupert Murdoch has to expand in capitalism as the inflationary structure the Rothschilds and Rockefellers installed is a cancer eating the entire west. So Mr. Murdoch takes Saudi funding to get into Saudi markets, and then squelches Islamist stories like French arson rampages and Muslim Mafia stories, because he needs to keep that market to compete with the Rothschilds subsidized corporations.

That is the real story in this of Conservatives, as most of the English listed Conservatives are not Conservative, but shills or as Mr. Farah lashed out in stating he is a 'newsman' and not a Conservative.

I prioritize my world as a Christian, a conduit for God to do whatever He wills through. I deliberately chose this conversation in this blog to be free, free from pop up ads, free from money changing hands, because as I have stated I do not want readers sitting there frustrated looking at ads as they load, instead of just seeing the pure pleasure of a story and some goofy photo I was inspired to doctor.
Not everyone can afford that freedom, and God knows I can not, but as God has told me He will carry be even when I am old and grey, I will have faith, as an Air America agent once told me, "The internet should be free, programs should be free, and if it isn't just take it".

People have to pay for so much now in even taking a crap is taxed, so I want what was freely given to me by God to be enjoyed freely by anyone who wants to smile or not feel alone in the world for a few moments in knowing that I believe in you because God believed in you first.

So I say what I am moved to say by God, and I don't protect Saudi's even if I love them and I kick the hell out these fake conservatives, because I have had it with being betrayed like so many Americans have.

I am an American Christian for now, and I love being an American Christian. I hate though what is done to America by these Obamalings, and I will not let up until God says to let up in exposing all of this a year before anyone else does or forever before anyone else does.

I am a Conservative because there is no other way, as it reflects God's Way to Peace and Life. I do not look for perfection in Liz Cheney or Sarah Palin, but I expect them to be given a fair shot and I expect them to be honest...........something the people who are making money off of Conservatives have not been as they bury their money in Obama vaults.


Henhouse Islam

6 Conservatives and the Obamalings, also rans