Friday, January 29, 2010

The Obama Photo Op Whores

Do you remember when Noel Sheppard agreed women liked being raped when lesbian radical Camile Paglia wrote that Sarah Palin was a partner her being ravaged by the press and Sheppard featured that glowingly on Newsbusters with that beasty lunacy?

Well apparently it was on full display at the Obama State of the Union address and it slipped by everyone, except for a puzzling glance by me in why Obama had loaded the balcony with people and then only pointed out the glaring Muchelle.
I frankly was so thrilled the Obama lecture was over, that I never gave it another thought until I recovered days later, and then it jumped out at me, that the Obama's had sitting with them the Police Officers who were in the gun battle with Muslim terrorist Nidal Hasan.

Now bear with me a bit in this, as I review that it was the poor shooting of Kimberly Munley, who got herself shot and others, fired apparently 4 rounds into Hasan and he survived, which this blog alone exposed as nothing in the least to cheer about.

Worse is the fact that it was Obama Inc. who had been protecting Nidal Hasan from being booted out of the military, Obama Inc. knew that Hasan was going postal in mailing terrorists in Yemen and that Obama Inc. had Hasan associated with them. Speaking only for the majority of myself, I would be certifiable if a terrorist had shot me, had murdered US Soldiers as my poor shooting assisted in that, if I was to allow myself to be put on photo op whore display by the very people who helped create this murderous terrorist in Nidal Hasan.

Yet there was Kimberly Munley and Mark Todd grinning with Mrs. Ed. America is two worlds apparently in the Noel Sheppard division women like being raped and in the Kimberly Munley division they like sitting with the folks who protected the terrorist who shot them.

I suspect all the people the Obama's flew in were all paid for by taxpayers. Free trips and Obama first dates seem to go hand and Treasury pocket.
The list of the Friends of Obama though read like a list of shell shocked whiners and piglets for the cash Obama was handing out.

I counted 24 gallery whores around Muchelle and at 300 dollars a plane ticket that is around 7500 bucks Americans shelled out for airfare alone.

Some of the goofiest choices were, Juan YĆ©pez of Ecuador, who apparently only hires immigrants and is bragged about in doing so. That seems a bit bigoted and racist against Americans.

Sergeant First Class Andrew Rubin, a decorated American Soldier of numerous tours. He supports Obama in the light of Obama is about to maim and slaughter 6000 Soldiers in Afnamistan in 2010.

Cindy Parker-Martinez, she and her husband could not afford health insurance from his employer, he had pneumonia, but she can fly off to DC to cuddle with Muchelle. Yeah that makes a whole lot of sense in the Obama rationed death whoring.

Don Karner who has some Obama government battery recharge plan for vehicles in 11 cities. Karner got a 100 million dollars for this and the locals somehow are going to match this with their own 100 million dollars to create 50 jobs and mandate construction workers to implement the project.
200 million dollars for 50 jobs????

Trevor Yager, an open sodomite advertiser type guy who...........well let the quote say it all:

In 2009 the agency grew by more than 200 percent, doubled the number of employees and gained 15 new accounts. Yager credits President Obama's welcoming climate for small businesses, including the many initiatives under the Recovery Act, for this success.

Well now we know what happened to the trillion dollars of Obama stimulus, it was stimulating gay guy business in Indiana.
Apparently sodom is seeking gomorrah of some child or something to adopt to the "family".

Li Boynton is an 18 year old kid who worries about dirty water and created a bio sensor to test this apparently in the 3rd world......ooopppsss it is only POTENTIALLY groundbreaking. I think that means it sounds good for being a global warming money whore, but who cares about the science.
In a novel approach, people simply boil water to make it safe, as what good does it do in Kenya to know your water is dirty, when that is all there is to drink.
She will probably get a 200 million dollar grant to to dictate that construction workers must test their beer before they drink it.

I will leave the list at that, as that is about as much delusion, awards and government sucklings for Obama that I can deal with before I ghetto vomit green.

Somehow though I find it something I am laughing at in Muchelle brings home the little Officer who couldn't kill, but did shoot the Muslim terrorist Nidal Hasan who Bearick was protecting and is still protecting.

But then I read that Obama's mentor Khadaffi says the terrorists are all nuts and belong in prison without trial, so Obama Islam is an odd place in he features little Officers who can't shoot straight at Muslim terrorists, Obama refuses to call Muslims or terrorists.

Maybe that was the idea in Obama was displaying the little Officer to show how Obama preserves terrorists lives

Probably some 200 million dollar grant in there somewhere about a sodomite bacterial sensor which shows dirty Muslim terrorists..........potentially.
