Friday, January 29, 2010

The Osama Obama Voter Appeal

Osama bin Laden is proving the genius politician which so many
progressives had announced Barack Obama, their messiah to be, in Sheik
bin Laden in his current chant from the well, has opened a message to a
select group of Obama voters.

The people Osama bin Laden is speaking to are ELF, PETA and other global
warming, American hating, earth worshipping Obamalings.
I find this fascinating as Muslims previously had invested great deals
of time and finances into the black Mooselum types which are the image
of Barack Hussein Obama. Now though this has graduated to past the
American Taliban, to the American anarachist gaia children who one notes
are those pale creatures, with greasy hair, huddled in masses and
protest Ted Turner buying up Yellowstone buffalo chops.

This group though is who Janet Napolitano has neglected while she put
Veterans on terror watch lists and Eric Holder has put Christians and
God on hate lists.

In the past Sheik bin Laden and Dr. Zawahiri have made appeals to
Americans and been ignored, as they offered them nothing appealing. This
new slant though is most interesting as the Mahdi bin Laden has
delivered as secular message of earth worship aimed at the earth
terrorists who have been burning down developments.
bin Laden is seeking to reach out to American terrorists in ELF who are
protected by Barack Obama as Nidal Hasan was protected.

This is fascinating as the last time al Qaeda reached out and assisted
American anarchists, Oklahoma City was blown up with the help of FBI
moles providing McVeigh and Nichols the goodies to make a witch's brew.
Witch's brew for those not familiar with pyrotechnics is fuel,
fertilizer and detonators, which when coupled with crazy Bill Clinton
agents housing munitions in a federal building in Oklahoma City which
blow up, produces quite the building blowing up event.

Meanwhile back at the caves, it appears a wedding offer has been
initiated in environmentalists like Chris Matthews and the UN now have a
groom in Sheik bin Laden to make their legs tingle.
This will include actor Harrison Ford who is all up in words about
Copenhagen in complaining about rain forests being burned up and all
that smoke raising emissions..............

I just rolled my eyes when Ford uttered that nonsense as the plains
Indians yearly burned off more area in herding game for hunting in the
tall grass prairies than the Amazon ever burns up.
Added to that, forest fires in the late 1800's were always burning as
President Theodore Roosevelt noted.
Simply put, America was by Indians and lightning putting more soot into
the atmosphere than what is happening now in the Amazon.
Furthermore, the oceans are what breathe in this world and not the
forests, Mr. Ford.
Osama bin Laden is probably on your cell phone so pick up Harrison.

I await for Hollywood to respond to their new global warming leader who
encapsolates Bob Barker and ELF, all in one donation package.
I can see Oliver Stone doing his next film about the misunderstood Osama
who Stone will no doubt find a way to blame the Bush family in his creation.

Odd in all of that though, what eh? al Qaeda hired Mexican mafia to
light California wildfires and that was alright, but America producing a
nation which produced a world that kept plagues out of the Muslim world,
has clothed, fed and educated Muslims is considered evil.

I would suggest that al Qaeda make war upon themselves over this loco
planet stuff, but maybe we could wait until Obama invites al Qaeda in to
join up with ELF and PETA to make war here.
That appears to be what al Qaeda now has in mind. Progressive climate
change and the party leader is Osama bin Laden.

You liberals and anarchists should figure this out if Osama bin Laden
agrees with you, then maybe your science is bogus as has been proven and
something is wrong with you.
Never heard bin Laden agreeing with Bush now did you.
