Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Prayer of Jabez

As this will be speaking in a language of Light, it will be unseen by the darkness who will not understand even with interpretation, but will manifest in the children of the Light for their understanding.

A great deal has been written and prayed over in the Biblical Prayer of Jabez. It follows:

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested.

- 1 Chronicles 4:10

To translate, and a person in faith turned their will toward Yahweh to activate Him and focused, "Yahweh, when You will empower me so complete, and expand my presence in this world, that Your creative Spirit would be in me, through me and in all You give to me, and that You would keep me from that which is destructive, death, consumptive, evil, the satanic opposite of You, all so that I will not interfere with Your empowering me in harming all You create", So the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost activated Their Presence in Jabez's empowerment by what he asked.

The key to the Jabez prayer working is the denial of oneself as the progenitor of being fruitful, expansive or being empowered, but inviting in the Creative Force of thee Almighty God, the Lord of Creation into every aspect of one's life and giving God full credit for every sperm sown, to every carrot seed germinated, every drop of dew, every moment of tranquility without crime, every peaceful dream, every beat to life of one's heart to every bite of food to every penny arriving.

The prayer of Jabez is not about money, power or things. The prayer of Jabez is about having the human step aside and inviting the almighty power of God's Creative Nature to infuse that into His already made plans for a more abundant life.
The prayer is energizing the life force with the super life force of God in the dimensional laws of His nature.
When suppressing that of the destructive force of satan, death and decay or evil, there can not be anything other than prosperity.

Jacob's flocks were lively as God's Creative Force was involved in all Jacob was accomplishing for God's will, while Laban his cheating father in law, lost the lion's share of possessions to Jacob as Live begat a greater gravity to Life.

Put your will in your heart to infuse God's Creative Force or Jesus the Christ into every molecule of your life here for God with the stopping of the counter satanic adversary force of destruction and death, and by God's becoming involved the best will be fruitful and multiply with other good things being attracted to the source of Life.

It is logical.

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