If you are going to tear the United States Government down, then you had better have a Republican form of Government working on Day One to take it's place. -Lame Cherry
It might surprise some that I rarely visit news sites, but instead in doing research I utilize advanced search engines in key words to find subjects of note or I drop in on blogs to gauge what the propaganda flow is from the Obamites.
I do not have time to be slowed down with bulk or stupidity. I am moving beyond light speed and in this age it is pure Yankee to not value and utilize every second to it's most efficient state.
Some things though just bring out Righteous Fury in me from the Holy Ghost and that is what I desire to point out in this commentary.
The subject is accountability.
While surfing for information, I came across an Alex Jones blog post from one of his stooge group who read like they get talking points from George Soros, and if one follows the ACORN hidden money flow, people would be surprised in where all the backing from some folks comes from as it is amazing in how "right wing" some people sound, but how much Obama crimes slip by them, but they are always ready to tear into a movement like the Tea Party and smear it, just like Keith Olbermann does.
That is what I found in the undercurrent being spread by Jones' propaganda site in stating the Tea Party movement had been hijacked by Republicans and that Sarah Palin was now some force to be smeared again for her involvement.
As stated, the same story coming out of Keith Olbermann.
Everyone has a right to responsible free speech, backed by facts and if one is speaking for their own majority, they can "feel" whatever they want about something in politics.
What is the problem though for the Devvy Kidd, Alex Jones and Jeff Rense types of information censorship and broadcasting propagandists, and they are propagandists promoting their own point of view in they are political anarchists, who play the news whispering among colleagues game, make tons of money off of what they do, and make a niche out of tearing every single movement to shreds.
The end result like Joseph Farah in "none of the above", America gets Barack Hussein Obama destroying America, when America could have had John McCain in security and stability, building a platform toward Sarah Palin conservatism in a growing expansion of the American economy and further bringing America to a secure non bowing place in the world.
It is the main point of the doctrine if people are going to tear down every position in America, and have none to replace it, then they are guilty of treason to America as all in ruins is not a nation.
Jeff Rense can not get away with being suckered in calling Sarah Palin stupid and not offering nothing in return. He can not put out feed the hungry ideas as this blog took apart in it would cost billions in recycling old school food, and when challenged simply go silent. Jeff Rense must come up with solutions and it is not a moment of Joseph Farah in throwing molotov mob cocktails and hiding behind a "newsman", as raping a nation of a direction when a direction is necessary is not a newsman, but it is treachery.
This is not the time to compromise with Barack Obama as his destruction is evil in intent on changing America. None of the above are speaking as such, but Scott Brown is in this same irresponsible mode of just wasting 15 billion dollars in compromise to hell debt.
Scott Brown was sent to Washington by God, and Mr. Brown has been bowing to himself in thinking it is about him in the same narcissism which drives Barack Hussein Obama.
I chose to back Sarah Palin at this venture and will defend her as I said in giving my word, due to the position she saved Trigg's life and is raising that baby. She has shown remarkable virtue in dealing with that scum puss Levi Johnston, and in every step she has the appearance of someone guided by God as all she delves into has proven correct after the fact.
As Laban noted in Jacob who God founded Israel, "Good things happened when Jacob was around, because God was with him".
In that, give me any day a person who has God's blessing surrounding them over an Obama brilliant teleprompter every day, as it is that Chester Nimitz who is given the victory in Jesus at Midway, while the superior Japanese force is at the bottom of the Pacific.
Ron Paul whose policies went out with the dinosaurs as his gold standard would make gold worth tens of millions of dollars an ounce, which make Russia an economic superpower and his isolationism would bring on terror attacks as Obama policy now prove, is now being fixed upon rightly for being a Dennis Kucinich of Ohio is whining a great deal and running for president perpetually.
Ron Paul and his Paulites helped bring down the Republican party to elect Obama in the same way that ember boy Glenn Beck is in penis buddy George Clooney kinder and gentler green is attempting to bring down the GOP with the same Obama mantra, "It didn't work before, but I know I can make it work".
When a policy is proven unworkable, one in intelligence finds another Reagan solution, and not like Paul, Beck, Schultz or Pelosi, come up with idiotic attacks on Reagan not understanding the complete historical picture.
These fire starters in the Molotov Mob have vast arrays of Glenn Beckites prowling about the Moveon and Huffington Post net. One can see them in lurking blog posters always blaming the GOP as not having any solutions, when they have posted and filed many that the Democrats stifled.
I read a libertarian like Bob Barr recently attacking Conservatives for record spending. The problem is this idiot like Beck had no idea what he was speaking of. George W. Bush is a socialist democrat and not a Conservative and his policies are Buckleyite patrician big brother.
This is what is on Newsbusters in Noel Sheppard as that is a Buckleyite site which just hates being outed and finding someone else on their stage being the star.
Now that this blog has basically shown what failings the above political anarchists are about, the attention span is about finished as they will view this blog as an enemy, but instead they should have stuck around, because each of them in even their tearing America down and lying have a key purpose.
American socialist government should be torn down. A little revolution is a good thing in impeaching usurpers like Obama. A little communism is alright for the social good as long as it is not 1607 Jamestown which tried communism and everyone about died. You need community unity for security, but rugged individualism rewarded to prosper.
America needs anarchists, but the anarchists have to come up with a sound weld to hold America together for the rip they made in the metal. America needs Howard Dean in balancing reckless pure capitalism which makes Mexicans as an imported indentured force to exploit.
America needs bits and pieces of the entire God complete brain to make an entire American mindset of Majority Rule with Minority Rights in each balancing out the other.
There is a responsibility to being an American. A responsibility to build if one is going to tear down, and if one builds not to infringe on the building of others.
When America is practicing all things, it functions as the best form of governance for people to life the best lives possible. When America is out of balance in too many socialists and communists with anarchists ripping things up so America gets an Obama and Pelosi who are so far left a new definition in Obamanist must be formed as Obama even scares Chicoms in being so radical, it is time to have the Molotov Mob put the flames away and start building the forest, the field, the farm and the city they just burned down as Obama loots the ashes.
Every one has a part in this, and no one has the complete answer except God. Until Christ returns and installs His rule by force, it is up to Inspired Wisdom to direct the best collective direction to make America a place where all have the opportunity to prosper, live secure in keeping what they worked for and build each day in a moral life so everyone is putting something into America daily instead of every one cheating in a lie or sex outside of marriage or stealing something as that is what America has currently and is being made worse by Barack Hussein Obama.
I would love nothing better than to be the Founders America in our army stays at home, America stays out of every one else's wars and Americans just work to their contentment and reward.
The problem is some FDR always drags America into some conflict and America gets butchered. America needs basic prosperity and then all other nations prosper. One does that by producing and not inflation and cartel rapine.
America has now designed insecurity as a divided people over immoral issues and poverty allows the elites to rule, rob and enslave.
I do not say the GOP is perfect nor are Conservatives. I do say they are the best foundation in God's Laws for building an America in majority form with a minority of the attitudes of tearing down a little, greening a little and socializing a little.
That is the Republic I work for and in education to build an understanding is what this commentary is about.
It is about accountability. Here am I accountable to God and there is no higher order than that.
Tea Party, not one movement but all movement