By God's Inspiration, here am I again about to answer a question which has had so many perplexed in even Steward Varney of FOX Business and Sean Hannity of FOX News could not answer the question in why Barack Hussein Obama and Congressional NeoProg Democrats seem on this political suicide mission in digging up Obamacrypt to infuriate voters again along with all the other Obama policies.
The answer lies in the simplest of terms in the example of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the autumn of 2008, stunning her own party and the nation in shattering the bi partisan bailout meant to stabilize the United States economy when it was suffering from the 9 11 economic terror assault.
Ms. Pelosi then left that bill languish for two weeks as this blog has noted and then decided to pass it after America suffered trillions in lost savings for Americans, people are still losing their homes and people still do not have jobs, all so Barack Obama would be assisted in a victory over John McCain.
In this, the answer is in Rahm Emmanuel gleefully submitting that the economic crisis was too good to waste.
In this example, George W. Bush had the US economy stabilized in January 2009 before leaving office and Mr. Obama deliberately strangled the economy to pass his draconian Marxism and dithered away the rest of the year in doing nothing, just as Janet Napolitano terrorized Americans over Obama Flu for pharm profits and to herd the masses while al Qaeda rebuilt into full fighting force in carrying out attacks inside the United States again.
In this even is the Obama's spending money on personal items for taxpayers being charged hundreds of millions in trips, Muchelle importing black British children to her first dates. All of this disconnect seems insane on the surface, but what it is is naivety in nature.
This might stun everyone, but Democrats had no comprehension even if they were using it as a political mantra in "worst economy" in they had no idea how bad things really were in this Depression which has turned into an Obama Super Depression.
By this one notes the Democrats have been essentially out of rapine power since Jimmy Carter. They have not been able even as spending rose to reward their cronies. They have been held in check for decades and when they received the Obama opportunity, they were not interested in governing, as they thought as America always had record debt, that their piling up trillions more in looting the Treasury and filleting off banks, investment firms, automobile manufacturing in giving it all over to their benefactors and cronies in piracy that no one would care about this political kickback.
Obama's main advisor in Warren Buffett let slip this was a stage attack on America for Obama in it could be fixed in 6 months. That is what Pelosi and Obama have been thinking the entire time, that they could use this suffering as a political tool to pass laws which would provide government laundered money into funding for their campaigns in unions and green businesses, and when they needed to get re elected, well they would just "fix things" and all would be as Buffett said in their landslide victories.
None of these Obamites has any economic sense, all they have is economic rapine. That is the answer to this odd problem in their insane acting out. They still think they can steal health care trillions without it mattering. They think by summer they can make Mexicans all US Citizens enslaving them to Obama debt and those 40 million votes will buy a Democratic victory in 2010.
I will repeat that in that is what the Democrats which Scott Brown just fornicated with have planned. They plan to steal all of the US economy, replace black voters with Mexicans and cruise to a victory of landslide proportions.
Obama does not need black ACORN any longer and it is why he is allowing it to go shutters up. Obama is replacing black Americans with a Mexican landslide and getting free slaves for his robber barons besides.
Every one of these scum extortionists from Warren Buffett to Nancy Pelosi to the Unions to Obama all think they can keep carving steaks off the live American cow as they always have done as she will survive. None are putting a thing back in this rapine and they have no idea America is about to fall over dead and if she does, they are so deluded they think she will leap back up with a few trillion dollars dumped in on life support.
This is what Obama is treading on in a most traitorous and buccaneering. They have no conception they have fomented world war, have fomented nuclear terrorism, have fomented the death of the American vigor and are in insanity thinking it will all just solve itself when they need an economic upturn in 2010 and with Mexicans get a landslide to continue on to an Obama 2012 landslide to make that idiot David Brooks grin some more, as Obama in killing of record numbers of Americans in Afnamistan will not matter, as live Mexicans vote for Obama.
This is dastardly deliberate plan by Obama and his cronies. It is criminal, but it explains all Obama has been up to in day one in looting America, not giving a damn in going on his personal spending sprees as Americans suffered and figuring out that Mexican illegals will save all their hides as he marginalizes American votes with foreign votes, just as Obama is British.
That is what is behind all of this and God deserves full credit in pointing it out through Inspiration.
To fix this, this blog calls for mass impeachments of Obama Inc. and mass indictments by the JAG for military trials.
Obama has no comprehension in how bad things are, and he thinks that he can manage this catastrophe to his victory yet. It is insane on all of their parts, but it is their criminal enterprise of this Obama mafia.
It is though the answer to why Obama treads the way he does.
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