I have come to the conclusion after last night in listening to Coast to Coast AM in a Ken Klein featured, that there should be a moratorium on everyone in every religion from making a penny off of religion in writing about it.
From what I have seen of the clergy, I conclude most of them should be banned from getting anything but some closet to sleep in in a building where people worship and bread and water.
One runs into the vacuous like Bruce Chilton who in his patrician circles in New York literally makes things up not found in the Bible for book sales, like that horrid DaVinci Code or the nonsense to what I was listening to last evening
The worst of this is is Chilton is like sitting on a broken mayo jar up your rectum, so you know it is something you don't want to repeat, but the guy I heard was a nice enough sounding guy, and intelligent enough, but like the folks who Joseph Farah promotes on his site for profit, they get anywhere from 10% to 90% of what they are talking about wrong.
That is a lie and satan is involved in lies.
I simply can not afford to expend the time and energy to individually track these people down and correct them and they will not correct anyway, because they are warped.
This Mr. Klein was intent on saying that there were 3 different types of Angels. He didn't even get the first two known types in Cherubim, as in the Archangels correct in Michael, Gabriel and the former Lucifer with the Seraphim or four faced Angels in Ezekiel.
He added to this some odd creative order which he came up with were Elohim as in the first part of Genesis.
The name Elohim is dual in God family. Whenever you see EL in any name from family name among people to first names like DaniEL, it means of God. Those family names with IL, AL or EL are all in their backgrounds some type of priestly order set out by God, when it is of the 13 Israelite tribes.
The HIM or HAM, means of God's Family. This is why Abram was changed to Abraham, because he was of God in Covenant.
What was worse is this guy was saying Angels created things. NO to that, as Angels are ministering spirits to God's will. Angel means messenger. Jesus is termed Angel of the Lord or Almighty Ruler in His Message persona, but He is worshipped and God is thee only Creative Force in this. Angels create nothing, but administer what is created.
Life for people on earth is hard enough when the Shepherds scatter the Christian flock so Obamites go chasing off after Islam or Marxism, and with the entire bunch in denial as Jewish sects are concerning Christ, none of this does any good for any people as it confuses them and leads them astray.
I usually have Jack and Rexella Van Impe on as interesting chatter on Sunday evenings, but Jack continuously gets Scripture wrong concerning Ezekiel 38 and 39. Those chapters occur after Christ returns after the millennium and Revelation is revealed by Christ.
Jack constantly takes Bible verses out of context as in "Come up hither" in Revelation as a meaning of the Rapture, when that verse is speaking DIRECTLY TO JOHN ALONE to come up in Spirit to see what is about to be shown to him.
I know Jimmy Kimmel pokes fun at the Van Impe's, but I like the people as they are genuine and they have 98% of their work correct. The incorrect part I have concerns about as when the rapture does not happen as they say, their faith is going to be shattered along with all those who follow them.
I recall Charles Capp in 2000 was preaching about that same rapture and things ending immediately on that date as the Bible points to the 6000 year cycle ending then. I knew by the Holy Ghost that the Bible hints at a gap time in this cycle before the end comes. Mr. Capp though was struggling with this at even his advanced and sound adult Christian age.
Thank God the Holy Ghost showed him somehow that there might be a time delay which the Bible hints at, and he was then preaching it. But as Preachers who do this their entire lives are rocked, the masses will be even more so in getting the wrong information now. It is going to be almost impossible when this melts down for them to deal with it with all the anti Christ deceptions going on.
I feel for the Catholics immensely in Revelation calls church of Rome the Whore of Babylon. She is going to be attacked, and a false pope is going to be in that anti Christ mess which is coming.
Catholics are going to be persecuted horribly as will all Christians. That is not the time to have your church burning down, your order turning on you and persecuting you in those desperate times.
It is a great deal like after the Olmert invasion of Lebanon where the state run rabbi's (that is what the Israeli state basically appoints) were running around lying to Jewish Soldiers telling them they are the apple of God's eye and the Muslims would just run.
Amazingly, the Jews who deny Christ the Messiah found out that the Muslims just didn't run away like David said, and they fought like hell.
The majority of the Israeli military almost imploded because their faith was shattered.
There is far too much of this in money paving the way with intentions which are as political as the shills who murdered Christ to the Vatican murdering people in the Inquisition to the people showing up in theological circles turning books out, because the publisher demands a new "must read" and the person is forced then to grab headlines with some off the wall satanic deception they make up.
That is why I would prefer the profit was taken out of religion, including those who are in the pulpit. The Bible teaches a number of things and I have had many miracles in my life, but I have also had some piss poor times that David's Psalms relating how bad things can be when one is being grown by God sink in lessons you never forget.
David was a man hunted by the Israelite kingdom. He existed in the wilderness and he was poor for a number of years. His own son tried to usurp the Kingdom.
Jeremiah was thrown into a mucky cistern as a prison where he would die. Tradition has it that thee most poetic voice in the Bible in Isaiah was sawed in two by the king. All the Apostles except John were murdered by the state horridly. Paul got rocks bounced off him so he died, came back to life and was later in prison and crucified.
Christians have a tough time of it and it is going to be a great deal tougher. God is there for His children, but it is not the same association it was on a national level as a few years ago. This Saul in the White House has really changed the game and the very tyrants are in the seat of God's White House which is sacred for His chosen alone.
I would counsel that people should just read their Bible in King James, use other study helps with absolute caution. I happened to pick up some concordance a few years ago used, and the thing is so idiotic that I am glad I have it to save people from it. Those theologians are just wrong so often.
Stay with the Father, know that the only Way to Him is Jesus the Son, believe that, change from violating God's Laws, be washed and regenerated in invite the Holy Spirit in by the outward sign of Baptism, listen to God and obey, and that is the complete plan as what is necessary.
If God wills you to see something, He will provide it, but try everything to make sure it is right a few times over.
I do though so worry about the children in being scattered. There are so many odd incorrect doctrines being spread as satan gains more and more control in this end age.
As the Bible teaches though, I pray that God keeps His Saints, in Jesus Name. Amen
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