Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Obama Muslim Crescent Agency to Degrade America
It comes to the point in how much degradation does the United States and real Americans have to have heaped upon them like sh*t from an Obama thousand cesspool flush.
This blog has personally had it in the Islamic symbols which keep showing up in 9 11 Memorials, Obama throwing roses at sacred Memorials, foreigners designing National Monuments, leftists designing US Embassies and Google putting Chinese pith helmets on Memorials for United States Soldiers!
The worst of this is now the United States Missile Defense Agency is not even the UNITED STATES Missile Defense Agency, but just Missile Defense Agency.
Strange is it not that it is the United States Army, United States Marines, United States Air Force, United States Coast Guard, United States Navy, but when it comes to a new quasi Obama agency, there is no United States, but just in small words, US Department of Defense.
Worse yet, some Muslim oil mafia influence got the MDA logo to be an Obama seal with an Islamic crescent, in what looks more like a Muhammed ejaculatory dream in the red looks like a a phallic symbol, penetrating the womb and impregnating to some 8 point star that probably has some globalist power symbol I really do not care to examine, as the entire Mooselum Obama is disgusting enough.
Pictured here is what I created for the United States Missile Defense as Patriots in the Military used to create symbols of America.
It required about 5 minutes and that included photo search. As one can see it is lightning, a symbol of divine power, terror and wink of an eye speed with absolute deadly force.
It symbolizes the laser, missiles, particle beam and other features of missile defense.
The American flag puts the American brand on it to warn other nations what they will be met with.
MDA is in red, white and blue, to note this agency means deadly business and no fanfare to prove it's mission.
The curled sides in red, mean that nations will bleed in attacking America, and the blue curl means there is nowhere even under the ocean that a submarine can attack from which America will not strike.
Now I know my MDA symbol is much more in tune with American defense, as it has the jagged lines necessary compared to the rounded soft curves of the Obama Muslim MDA logo.
MDA is not NASA with it's peaceful loops. MDA is on mission dealing with nuclear weapons to keep them from striking America. One does not desire an agency symbol incorporating the very Islamic terrorists promise to vaporize America and make it all pleasantly curvy like a woman's body and the arc of a male erection.
That symbol of Obama is profane as all things this group associates with as they sex every last thing up to perversion.
I would suggest that the Congress and Pentagon replace the Obama phallic and Muchelle Mooselum womb with the emblem which I created. It certainly is American and it is something Patriots serving in MDA should have as their symbol.
God bless