Monday, February 15, 2010
Biden minus 9 11
Somehow Joe Biden is like a 911 call, that became a 9 11, call for terror, but with Biden as usual he lost one number and it is Joe Biden making 800 calls for free numbers he has no idea who is on the other end, but is talking jibber jabber to a Spanish text prompt.
I do not feel the least sorry for Aaron Burr Biden though in being hung out to dry by Jarrett Inc. in sent out to duel with his wet noodle against the rapier of Dick Cheney, because Biden knows very well that Obama is a usurper, was in on making a Lawrence Sinclair a political prisoner, has a dope head daughter and dumb as posts sons in his criminal politics, and one can see why Obama being paid off with the Vice Presidential spot for dealing with Sinclair is now no more than dead meat or the Archie Bunker meat head to be shuffled off to the glue factory by Obama.
Like everyone watching the Obama drama, we have seen a parade of nitwits paraded before the public to joust with the press, punditry, Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin concerning what a communist organizer Obama is.
We have seen Janet Naps Napolitano dyke her way in sounding like an idiot over wiping snot on your clothes to combat flu to saying the security system worked on the Christmas bomber when the guy almost blew up a jet full of people.
Then there was Rahm Emmanuel who lasted about one episode in sounding all dicatorial and inept.
Then there was David Axelrod who apparently has had his nut sack hung on the wall by Val-erie Jarrett who won't do anything anymore but complain on interviews sounding whimpy.
Then there is droid Jarrett who just scares people for looking all Stepford Wives all the time.
.....and the rest of the cast like Backdoor Bob Gates who won't go near anything Obama anymore to that idiot Robert Gibbs slandering American women by writing on his hand.
Heck, Obama even rode in on the Super Bowl, when I told him to stay off the show, and sure enough he even called Holder a deceiver in saying Obama was the one calling the shots on terror trials when Holder just said it was him the day before.
All of this has got so bad that Eric Holder has requested for some programming to his brain from the Obama minders so Holder can now come out and spew some more racist crap at America over his coddling terrorists to defend the Obama Holder union to terromony.
So Obama and Jarrett send out Joe Biden, who has been having this huge knife stuck in his back from the Clinton people who have been busy floating rumors the brain dysfunctioning Biden is about to be dumped from the ticket and Hillary put on as Vice President, to save Barack Obama from another Dick Cheney half time event.
I mean there is Dick Cheney with a clunker heart and he doesn't even have to try in this debate. He just shows up, grins like he does, says what he says in experience from the Ford Administration, Bush 41 and Bush 43, sounding Presidential and the reporters all just blink in awe at the guy who is so in control, and Dick drives home like he just shot a round of clay pigeons for rest.
If you did not notice this, Dick Cheney is looking younger, stronger, healthier and more manly than Joe Biden. Joe Biden looks drained of body fluids, like he is hooked up at the geezer home on an IV and never has seen sunlight in 13 years.
Cheney is thriving in this rough and tumble and Obama gets white hair, his staff is fleeing him and Biden looks like he was trying out caskets that morning.
Cheney is toying with Obama Inc. for sport and these Obamites are giving it all and lose ground at every turn.
Biden started his week off with taking credit for Iraq which is just stupid. Liberals hate Iraq and want no part of it, and there Biden takes credit for it which makes the right furious as they know this was a Bush 43 victory and not an Obama Kenyanite victory.
Then Biden gets so rattled on NBC that he says Iraq was not worth the cost, which says that Obama and Biden think that genocide should not be stopped on Muslims. Biden's saying Iraq was not worth the cost means that all of the dead and wounded Americans wasted their sacrifice as their heroic duty was too high of a price to pay for American security.
Joe Biden just said the world would be a better place with Saddam Hussein in it.
This is thee choice by Barack Obama to come out and be his spokesbrain debating all that Dick Cheney states in fact.
Biden has to have a coup being run against him by Obama, Jarrett and Clinton as no one in their right mind sends that diarrhea mouth out to debate anything as 'Say it ain't so Joe' is either plagiarizing, lying or making up stories sticking both silver feet into his mouth making a fool out of Democrats.
Sarah Palin was right on the money in the 'Say it ain't so Joe'. Joe Biden says the very things which should have the masses demanding he resigns.
Who in their right mind defends Saddam Hussein? Who in their right mind belittles American sacrifice on the battle field as a cost too high for American security. Who in their right mind says Muslims are not worth America defending?
Obviously this is the message which Barack Hussein Obama wanted Biden to spew to the world as those were White House talking points from Obama.
The question in this is, does Biden know he has been set up? Hopefully he does now in realizing he is being served up to be served out the door as Obama Inc. is trying to deflect Hillary Clinton's Bobby Kennedy run in 2012 in unseating Obama, by putting her on the ticket, to counter the most dangerous person in America in Sarah Palin just like her mentor was to communists at home and abroad in Ronald Reagan.
Joe Biden apparently was good enough to smear handicapped gay men in Lawrence Sinclair, but Obama has no allegiance.
It only gets better in this as Eric Holder is demanding to go out and speak. I am all for this as the more these Obamites screech upon the airwaves, the more they reveal some bigotry and racial hatred which defines Obama in thee American people's mind and sends them one day closer to exile in Albania.
Make the call Joe Biden, your 911 on 9 11 became an 800 call to oblivion. That is the way to say it Joe.