Monday, February 15, 2010

Community Obamanizer

I have observed with interest the way the intellectuals and Americans in mass have struggled with the chameleon known as Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro Obama in never figuring out at his roots if a guy changes his name's pronunciation to manipulate the masses from Bearick as his old man was called to Bah rock, that maybe the lizard you just bought is not the best candidate to leave your bank account with.

Sarah Palin hit this on the head with noting the "hopey changey thing" which is in her Western dialect spot on in explaining what she rightly mocked from the beginning of all of this in defining Obama for what he is, a community organizer.

So while pundits on the left with unction yearn for an Obama with a heart and David Brooks masturbates hisself to a grin on Charlie Rose hoping the GOP will get elected and save Obama as Gingrich saved Clinton, the fact is Obama is not that difficult to figure out in he is not an executive and never has been one.
Look at his past. He got appointed dictator at Harvard. He showed up as a communist organizer in Chicago.

Do you know what a community communist organizer does? They are people who deep down look at people as idiots who need to be told what to do. They show up at lecture at black folks who are on welfare, think the government is going to save them and want someone to feel their pain and pretend they are going to be taken care of.
The dolts who attend a community organizer meeting honestly think they are being empowered, because some Obama is standing around sweating "listening" to them when Obama is really thinking, "Ok I got that ugly Muchelle Robinson conned, she is swept up with jungle fever. I will use her Jesse Jackson connections to step on these black folks here to get elected to something to validate the little abandoned 10 year old I got inside of me."

Obama then leaped to being hidden in the Illinois Congress where he never voted on anything except "present", became a slum lord with Tony Rezko calling the shots, tapped into the Muslim mafia money again in Auchi to run for Senate and to buy his house he became a Muslim welfare recipient in Auchi buying Obama's Georgian mansion.

There is no leadership in Obama. He is nothing but a street hustler who conned the poor folks out of their votes, Muchelle out of her panties, Jesse Jackson out of his place in history, all the while being a welfare recipient to Muslim mafia oil money.

Barack Obama is not a Commander in Chief. He has never had that in him. He may of desired to be a President of some 3rd world cess pool which is what he gravitated in Chicago to in being a community dictator, but he has been hiding in communal existence his entire life from his communist parents, communist grandparents, communist foreign college loans and his buddies in Pakistan were Islamocommunists giving him a partridge hunt.
Obama has fled Presidential actions his entire life. Jimmy Carter was a failure but he at least commanded a nuclear sub and was a Georgian Governor. Obama has never even commanded his rubber ducky he has floating around in his tub.

That is why Obama is chronically bowing to everyone. He started this phase in running to George Soros who pulled the financial scam to fund Obama. Obama ran to Pritzker Inc. to launder his money. Obama ran to Teddy Kennedy to give him a legacy. Obama ran to Europe and apologized to them for America. Obama ran around the world taking abuse from Ortega and Chavez. Obama ran around bowing to everything from Saudi Kings to now a Mayor in Florida.

There just is nothing in this Obama's character which has a thing to do with Commander in Chief as he has no idea what to do as a leader. He is in over his head, and what he reverts to time and again in his hopey changey thing is a community obamanizer who likes talking allot, likes allot of attention, likes other folks doing the work and the thinking and like allot of vacation time as the job is not fun.

That is what the intellectuals and Americans who are puzzled by all of this have to understand. Even liberals get up every day and know they have to work, pay the bills, make decisions about what to wear, but the Obama's get up every day and someone else in Congress, Cabinet or Military is doing the work, the government pays the bills and someone dresses Michelle and Barack daily like the 8 and 10 year olds they are mentally.

Americans voted for a communist, a community organizer, a communal thinker who rewards the elite and steals the votes of the poor by bribing them with other people's money.
Obama is that kid in school who always made friends with the popular kid, usually had his lunch money stolen by a bully, and always had a birthday party so they would get presents.

This chameleon grew up to be a community obamanizer. He conned Chicago and then conned America and the world into thinking he was Presidential, but all he has been from day one is petty little dictator in a pressed suit.
That is why Obama is reverting to Executive Orders to get something done to validate hisself. He is not interested in governing, leading or being American. His entire purpose is being a communist Obamanizer.

That explains what Obama is, why he is letting down the people he lied to and why he in part is taking a plunge into the abyss and blaming everyone else for his failures like Jimmy Carter.

The community Obamanizer is not a mystery or a riddle. He is just Obama above his pay grade and being hisself.
