Monday, February 22, 2010
Can you hear me now?
What I am about to reveal here is another world exclusive, and in doing so, the last time I remotely touched on this, I really had some interesting dates pursuing this blog for merely mentioning a name.
To set this up, I have a question for you in, "Have you ever wondered how it is that Sheik bin Laden really communicates to his terrorists and contacts around the globe or do you simply believe he is in a cave, and all of those audio recordings are made by rubbing two camel turds together?"
What I am about to reveal here is something I have been pondering for some time in perhaps al Qaeda has switched to a hieroglyphics form in posting photos online with distinct messages on them, but hidden in plain sight.
Some might say, "Yes, but the Sheik would be caught due to the uplink."
I might answer that the Sheik might not be caught if he is using the same communications network the Department of Defense does.
Now that, that statement, might have you thinking, I will digress in an example of a Canadian law enforcement officer I once knew, who got quite nasty when they found out they were not as debatable bright as this blogger.
Before though things fell out, I noted a most interesting thing in this Canuck had regulations like many institutions in it is forbidden to have on one's computer any messaging systems and actually protocols to find them out.
My heathen Canuck decided that they could simply rename things like Yahoo to a known folder of accepted computer programs, and voila, no one had any idea they were chattering away online as the computer was fooled.
See Sheik bin Laden can be piggybacking on systems and in burst communications that are routed as secure and acceptable to DOD and Homeland. Encrypted on a channel which is above top secret, no one with clearance could check it as it would be compartmentalized in Jamie Gorelick fashion, so Mr. bin Laden could be ordering up couscous for the harem and no red flags would ever fly as no one would be looking in the system.
The system is something most people have no idea exists, as it is called the constellation, and run by Iridium Satellite LLC of Bethesda, Maryland. It went broke after Al Gore made the first phone call literally and miraculously sprang back to life with 66 satellites, the Saudi bin Laden Group as investors and remarkably the American Department of Defense as major contractors.
I will not divulge the obvious in what Iridium is, but in a 3 trillion dollar massive global communication's system for the elite and security, Sheik bin Laden has had the best American made advanced technology for his entire terror career.
Iridium has a most interesting feature in "cell phones" which 500 minutes cost around $700.00 prepaid, in the hand units can not be tracked or locked onto. There is a 10 kilometer window for the mobiles which is literally a needle in a haystack, where if someone was hiding in Xiangxiang China and using microbursts, it really would be even with Doppler protocols impossible to find someone living at large, even if their electronic signature in recordings was clocking as I have in previous analysis noted one could in static track Sheik bin Laden to country of origin.
If a short burst data device were utilized, as Iridium does have such stand alone transceivers like for tidal wave warnings in Asia (could the princely bin Laden been using Himalayan glacier melt transceivers to communicate by attaching a hand held unit, and was that an inside joke when the Sheik went "green" as he was telling western intelligence how he was backdoor communicating?)
which in microburst compression could move information in seconds.
Does it sort of sound reasonable now how Sheik bin Laden and Dr. Zawahiri have access to Frank Rich of the New York Times, all the books on Amazon, watch all the television programming and are like Howard Hughes in knowing what is going on in every corner of the world like they are there? It is because they are, using direct links filtered through the same systems the DOD is broadcasting on.
It is logical to say that any operations conducted for Sheik bin Laden, do not just get alerts from Putin and Hu's sources inside Obama Inc., from Iranian intercepts or Pakistani Intel CIA information, but the Sheik is reading a great deal of it directly when the opportunity arises.
So while the Sheik has left the impression he is using just couriers to communicate with the al Jazeera world and living in isolation, his recordings point to another matter as much as his up to the second information he quotes.
Yes Sheik bin Laden in his "can you hear me now" system does not concern himself with access as he is the access with the codex and the codes.
Oh well, I will see how many dates show up with this information posted.
agtG 266