Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Constitutional Criminal Obama

Let it be said, known and clearly understood, that Barack Hussein Obama inherited a George W. Bush stabilized economy in January after the crash of 2008, a stabilized sound government in Afghanistan, and turned simmering disasters into full fledged catastrophes.

You know things are reaching a Chernobyl nuclear core meltdown when Helen Thomas, the Alex Jones incindiary venom spewer of the left who was worshipping at Obama's musk, tore into Robert Gibbs for not being able in the Obama puppet strings to simply answer a question, YES OR NO.

Ms. Thomas, head of the crusty undies groupies for Obama was frustrated that Obama and Gibbs were not capable of admitting that they were going to ignore Constitutional Law on their "reconciliation" to pass Obama rationed death with a 51 vote Democratic margin.

Gibbs for his part, was playing Junior Samples in "heeing and hawing" around in not going on record that is exactly what Democrats intend.
See, in order to change national policy on any issue, it requires a super majority and not just a 1 vote majority in a reconciliation process. The Republican from of Government protects it's Citizens that way from despots like Obama in a regime of change, so that Democrats can't in a Scott Brownie Nose jobs bill slip in one line, that Obama's term is extended to 400 years and not just the 4 years he was elected as.

Little things like that in Sam Alito pointing out Obama is a liar and the Supreme Court is upholding the Constitution against Obamite attacks on free speech, just prove how traitorous the entire Obama clan is. Obama is a bandit at the head of a group of anarchist banditos.

Obama took a stabilized world which was secure, and in 1 year's dithering in befriending and rewarding his global cartel cronies and befriending and rewarding terrorists, has made the world a destabilized and insecure place.
Mr. Obama disarms America of it's nuclear deterent, but assists the Persian Islamocommunists now into their second year in building their nuclear arsenal aimed at the free world.

Do Americans realize that in the historic Obama, exclusively noted only hear, has set a record in all of American history in there were MORE MASS TERRORIST ATTACKS IN ONE YEAR under Barack Hussein Obama inside America than in America's entire history?

There were 5 known terror attacks inside America in 2009 under Obama. That is more than under Bill Clinton's staged years with Ali Muhammed and Wes Clark. That is 500% more than during George W. Bush's 8 years in office. That is more terror attacks from foreigners than when Teddy Roosevelt was put into the White House by an assassins bullet, an assassin tried to murder him, FDR's Pearl Harbor, World War II and to Ronald Reagan being shot by John Hinkley who was proven by Jack Anderson to have ties to the Persian communists.

Obama has looted 13 trillion dollars out of the US Treasury for European interests, has ruined American and Japanese auto so China can rise to the top, has ruined American finance and is in the process of killing off Americans in rationed death with replacing Americans with Mexican illegals, all as a British usurper..........so it is no wonder that Helen Thomas is a crotchety as her crusty Obama undies.
The old liberal can read the writing on the wall in Obama has been weighed, held in the balance and been so light in the morals department he floats like an English sparrow feather to the ionosphere.

There are at least 10 Constitutional violations in Obamacrypt alone. Over 30 states are already filing Constitutional challenges to stop Obamacrypt. That kind of mass rebellion against Obama has only conclusion that is Barack Hussein Obama is a Constitutional criminal guilty of treason against these United States.

Barack Obama took an America run over by financial 9 11 style terrorism as she lay in the street, and instead of getting her to the hospital, went over and knocked down the telephone wires so no one could dial 911, dropped a 100 pound sack of poi on the victim laying in the street, and then tooted up the Obama bus and proceded to run over her, back up, and run over her a dozen times more..........
All the while Tim Geithner was robbing her purse, Janet Napolitano was putting her name on wanted posters, Eric Holder was filing indictments and McChrystal was directing the terrorists to shoot and make it look like an accident.

Rub a little sodomite Obama on it in his killing off homosexuals in the military and you got a national socialist reich from 1940 complete with rapine, plunder, invasion, war and holocaust for a sexy little Nazi time of things.

Well at least with gays in the military, Obama won't have any Donald Young murders to cover up. Obama can just invite them into the Oval Orafice, sex them and when he is done, ship them off to Afnamistan for the Taliban to silence them.
Chicago police won't have to look so corrupt.

Helen Thomas, why not ask why Donald Young, the Obama's initimate friend's murder has not had the FBI looking into it?
How about asking about Obama producing all of his medical and legal papers he is hiding from Americans.........he couldn't fly an airliner without that data made available.

How about Helen Thomas your actually pointing out Obama is a crook, he is leading a band of crooks and this is the most corrupt lot, since Bill Clinton, and what you were screeching about Nixon having done, Obama has done a 1000 times over.

How about it Helen, act your crusty undies part and start doing your job in irritating crook Obama.


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