Friday, February 12, 2010

The child killer Obamas

It has come to my attention that Muchelle Obama has not just stigmatized American children for being fat according to her rotund standards, but that Mrs. Robinson Obama now is progressing to sweat the fat kids.

In statistical sciences in any group, there are physical traits of brown and blue eyes in majority with minor groups of black, hazel and green. Breaking this down into further smaller categories, there will be people with both blue and brown eyes. Even in breaking down blue eyes, there will be blue eyes like Elizabeth Taylor in a violet to a grey Russian eye like Putin.
In noting those trends of any sample group of a a few million Americans, one can note that like my neighbors who buried two of their children from a strange heart condition they inherited, there are genetic traits which are lurking under every child which do not show up in physicals.

Amusingly my Uncle Marvin and my dad, both passed their physicals and were dead within a week. In fact just as I was trying to resuscitate my dad as he had died, the hospital phoned a few minutes later telling my Mother that his tests all came back and he was in good shape.

That is why what Muchelle Obama is unleashing on American children is death in her need to be validated. Children who are stigmatized in being fat will withdraw, become not jolly fat people, but antagonistic self loathing people who will fester their entire lives feeling cheated and hurt.

Alcohol and drugs will be turned to as will food. The net result is spouse beaters, child beaters, driving while intoxicated and stoned, with diabetes and heart disease rapidly ensuing as roller coaster fat to thin to fat swings are more straining on the human body than just being fat.

In addition, just as my neighbors children died by genetic accidents, Muchelle Obama is going to have by exercising these fat children conditions of heart attacks, aneurysms and strokes which are going to kill children that would not show up if at all, if these kids had just been left alone.

Further into this, those young joints having all that weight bouncing up and down upon them, are going to wear out sooner, and as children require protein and fat more than salads, they are not going to grow bone, muscle and joint structure to serve them for the next 70 years of their lives.

The net result of Mrs. Obama's torture of children is going to be psychological depression causing vehicular homicide, suicide and literal murder in family abuse. Certain numbers of children will wear their bodies out faster and die more quickly. Percentages will become crippled from malnutrition and exercise, and certain numbers will die on gym floors "dancin' to the Obama" to the psychological horror of other children.

Where in this are the limits? Are there safeguards from making autistic, mentally retarded and physically handicapped children from being mandated to exercise to their harm?

There are no such safeguards protecting children, just Mrs. Obama swooping in like terrorist Mrs. Zawahiri to validate herself among children in dictating they know best how a child should live THEIR LIFE.

I doubt this will ever make the news as these crippled, abused and dead children pile up on statistics, no more than US Soldiers matter being slaughtered under Obama. I do hope though that families will come across blogs like this one when their children are abused due to Obama policy and personally file civil lawsuits suing Michelle and Barack Hussein Obama in their personal finances to make them fell parent's pain in Obama policy crippling and murdering children.

I watched children under John Kennedy's physical fitness puke, have icicles frozen to their hair and be made to run with inflamed bowels. The same torture of children is being unleashed by Muchelle Obama and it is criminal.

So I hope when these parents and children have hospital events and morgue events, that they find a John Edwards attorney to sue the hell out of the Obama's and not allow them to hide behind government bank accounts.

If you the reader, made all the children run today and several of them were run over by cars and several more were hurt with sprains, and several more died from some blood vessel exploding, you would be charged with homicide for endangering children.

There is no difference in what the Obama's are doing. It is criminal mischief and when the crippled and dead start showing up, they must be made to pay in court and indicted in criminal court.

*Note: Allot of good Bill Clinton not eating fatty foods did huh? His arteries still plugged up. The reason arteries plug up is they are being patched by fat or cholesterol, for the arteries are cracking due to lack of vitamin C in the diet in most cases.
Fat is a good thing. Cholesterol is what your brain is made of and fat is pure fuel for growing children into adults.
