Thursday, February 18, 2010


Before I was kicked off of Newsbusters, I posted often how the Noel Sheppard types had no idea in 2008 what it was like to be an American where 50 dollars to fill a car tank with gas was only something to the patricians of a raise in prices they disliked, while for millions of American elderly, handicapped, working and divorced families it was the difference in having meat, heat or affording air conditioning on 100 degree days.
Certain things set this blog off in a Holy Ghost fury, namely bullies picking on women, children and handicapped, rape of any kind and the assault upon the poor.

So when I hear people I respect in Patrick Buchanan talk about raising taxes as a way out of this Obama debt Depression and Allan Simpson saying that people on the right are full of the politics of hate and fear, when he is working for Obama, I really become indignant.

Here is Allan Simpson part of a spending spree group that Obama is hiding behind to steal more American money blaming Americans who do not want to be robbed any longer and there is Pat Buchanan completely clueless in his Mercedes that there are millions of Americans who don't have any more money left to tax them on.

Buchanan apparently has not looked at his electric, phone, gas and various other bills to figure out that Obama has been taxing the hell out of Americans all through 2009 with a few dollars here and a few dollars there from the poorest of Americans and it is amounting to multiple billions stolen from the poor.
100 dollars to these people is the difference between being homeless and having a life and to Simpson and Buchanan it is the price of their shoes.

That infuriates me in the disconnect as I read puppy press reports whining about Democrats won't cut spending and Republicans won't tax Americans, like there is an equality in this. The Republican voters just can not afford being stolen from any longer and that Tea Party rank and file is filling with Independents and Democrats who are busted too.

Americans have had their savings looted twice now in the dotcom bust which broke them and now in the Obama bust of 2008 to get him installed. Geithner has been illegally using the Stock Market for a year to milk stocks for an Obama slush fund as he bought low, sold high and sold short to skim the market.
This blog was the only source exposing this and it has finally stopped because the British government started talking about algorithm trading which was raiding the market. That algorithm was Barack Obama and Tim Geithner stealing people's retirement funds.

Americans are still earning the same 9 dollar wages Reagan waged them to with no interest as Obama illegally stalls the savings economy for his trillion dollar rapines.
For Simpson, Buchanan, Obama and whoever else in that million dollar bank account group to not get this is what is beyond reprehensible.

One year ago I had a doctor tell me to go off and die which is a most interesting event in one's life to face. God had other plans, but that is what America has come to in physicians and nurses are in the government system and will not budge.
That is what all of these elitists are about in no one is willing to budge and expect throwing money at situations is the only solution.

The biggest drain on America are military spending, medicare, medicaid and Social Security.

Ever ask yourself why is it government contractors get to set the billion dollar prices on their wares just like doctors get to set their prices on health care in the billions?

A Mexican will be hired to butcher chickens which is no different than an operation on a human for 9 dollars an hour, yet the same doctor gets paid $100,000 for the same cut to open a heart.

Ford turns out an F 150 for $30,000 while whoever in the California war operations turns out a fighter for $40 million.

Little disconnect isn't there, especially when a dairy farmer gets told to milk another hundred cows to survive by the government instead of getting to raise the price of a gallon of milk he produces to equal crude oil prices which is set by these same Obama rich folks.

If the health and defense economies were run the way the farm and the railroad economies were run, America would not have Obama multi trillion dollar debts.

My neighbor just buried her mother who was clinically blind who she cared for many years. She had to be put into the nursing home the last months, but do not tell me that there are not millions of elderly people dumped by their shallow children onto the government just as there are millions of dollars in insurance companies and defense contractors padding bills because of Nancy Pelosi hidden costs for his drunken whore booze tastes.

Start fixing things by Congress put on the same minimum wage as poor Americans for their yearly salary. Start fixing things in making Boeing adhere to the same prices Ford does. Start fixing things by making doctors have the same costs a veterinarian does.
Believe me in my Russian kindred treatments, I have taken enough animal medications and it never hurt millions of Russians or me there.

Do that and then come around and start talking about "raising taxes" on people who don't have a thing to raise taxes on and are already being screwed in excise taxes that Pat Buchanan doesn't notice as he is too rich to notice the phone bill went up a few dollars since last year.

I do not intend to pick on Pat Buchanan as he is a good guy, but he is as ignorant as every patricians he hangs around with as none of them know the meaning of a dollar any more and have no connection on what is a solution or what real Americans are dealing with.

The Tea Party movement, Scott Brown voters and millions of Americans now in Obama voter regret were not created because they drive Mercedes, have Simpson retirement accounts or have so much money they just want to run around listening to Sarah Palin.
These Americans don't have a damn thing anymore and are fed up with being told to do more for less, while they see leeches and cronies suck on the system.

So hand over your money Mr. Buchanan until it hurts, until you sit at home with chest pains because you can not afford a doctor and have to wait for it to be just gas, until you have to weigh if you are going to pawn your parent's coin collection to pay the food bill and until you have to wear dead people's clothes from thrift shops where you cringe at spending 3 dollars for a shirt and knowing it should be only 2 dollars.

That is America for millions of Americans now competing with Mexican imported slave labor.

There isn't any more Mr. Buchanan, take that message back to your Letterman cocktail crowd friends and tell them they have scraped the tax flesh to the bones, ground up the bones and there is nothing left of the American corpse they are still drooling over to tax.

God help you ignorant dolts to comprehend life in America.


Pat Buchanan is concerned about paralyzed government