Thursday, February 18, 2010

Obama Terrorists hopey changey thang

This blog exclusively warned that a time would come in America where Obama voters would start to act out in violence. Professor Amy Bishop going postal has now been followed by an Obamite in Texas named Joseph Stack has gone terrorist in attacking the IRS.

What is notable in this is Mr. Stack in his 7 page manifesto, suicide diatribe is reported to have been railing about the very Democratic talking points ramped up by Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid and Rahm Emmanuel in single payer Obama death rationing, detesting bank bailouts and railing against corporate America.
The politics of hate of the Obama State of the Union lecture which had Democrats slobbering spit in standing ovations in the Congressional chamber.

Joseph Stack is an Obama created terrorist. He was formed by Soros, Keith Olbermann rants, Al Franken assassination comedy and Barack Obama hopey changey thangs.

If Obama had honestly with Democrats in Congress actually did what Howard Dean was promoting for Americans in real health care reforms, instead of Obama kickbacks to cronies with a real stimulus instead of kickbacks to cronies, then the Obama political implosion would not have left all of these Obamaniacs rudderless without hope in his sinking polls, so all of these government slights would not be having this triggering effect on American created terrorists.

Look at the profile patterns in the most noted and deadly. Nidal Hasan, Amy Bishop and Joseph Stack.
All were Obamaniacs in supporting him and his policies. All were upon being abandoned show they were antagonized by government institutions they perceived as against them in the military, university and now the IRS.
All struck out with violence at the very government which this liberal group has fled to feel empowered by.

In exclusive profiling of liberals only from this blog, this fear they all have is the reason they are prone to run from the failures they perceive they are and into government "safety".

The end result is as Obama's NeoProgs make war on America, including the Howard Dean and socialists and these Citizens abandon Obama Marxism, the maniacs feeling abandoned start acting out when triggered by normal events of life.

This is terrorism created by the Obama Syndrome.

What needs to be pointed out is reality, not Glenn Beck judgments or Keith Olbermann smears concerning not just the one dimensional view of pundit answers, but diagnosis of the entire psyche. People act out in violence out of having their space violated as they see it. This brings fear, frustration and if enough is heaped up, violence occurs whether it is Nidal Hasan, Sheik bin Laden, Obama thugs or this guy.

The point is in this not focusing on the individual, but on the issues which caused this person to attack literally his own government.
The IRS does not belong in a position they are in in harassing United States Citizens to the point they feel that death by violence is their only recourse. So the IRS is not the issue, but the issue is the mass of government eating all American’s future like a cancer.

This man was harassed by his own government to the point he fought back, over money the government said he apparently owed in taxes. That should not be the case for a nation which started over massive tax issues from the British Empire.

That is what needs to be addressed where Islam in a religion so enslaves men and harnesses women that no hope of Grace in life is available as despots dictate to Muslims, who then in hopelessness turn into terrorists to this coming hopelessness of millions of Americans having their futures stolen are going to act out in various American ways of sex, drinking, dope or as this Texan did.

Of course the pundits are going to smear this guy out of their own fears, but what needs to be done is how do the still rational people implement policies which are not Obamite or Ahmadinejadite which are causing all of this.

I believe Islam needs the Grace of God which Muhammed failed to bring along out of Jerusalem in Christian and Hebrew teachings so Muslims can let go of their fear and anger.
The same can be said for Americans needing God as a place to unload their problems as Sean Hannity mentioned to an out of work Teacher in Pennsylvania today due to Obama’s stimulus plan getting him fired.

People need hope and this must be addressed. Americans have been robbed and are under intense pressure in all political conditions. The IRS does not need to be put into a position of collecting money from people which makes the Citizen think they are being robbed, all so Obama and Pelosi can spend another trillion.

America needs energy production, jobs and a better tax structure to take the heat of people put on the edge by this Obama Great Depression, and not more massive spending or Obamacare schemes.

That is the basis of this and it is disappointing to hear pundits like Beck or the left who make their living firing up these discontented people on the right and the left blame this guy.
Terrorists are not born. They are created.

A nation can not save everyone, but it certainly can not be in the business of creating more terrorists.

Barack Obama has now been a part of creating thee biggest terror events to hit America since 9 11. These maniacs need to be counselled in literal Christian release or I have concerns that this will be a more and more common event as the Obama Great Depression lingers on by his own deliberate dithering.
I had hoped up to a few days ago that most of these Obamalings in their depression had gone lethargic and unless unforeseen circumstances of special events like Amy Bishop triggered them, they would be like most Middle East terrorists in just growing old and thinking naps were a better deal in life.
There appears though now to be a pattern beginning. The Tea Partiers are venting appropriately in political rallies. The Obamites though are starting to act out in violence and will continue to do so as the NeoProg elite rightly fail.

There are over 70 million of these Obama voters who all have triggers as their safeties are off. They were keyed up to fury for 8 years by Pelosi, Reid and Daschle against Bush. This is what is their taught venting is now about. Their choice is to attack government institutions which are failing them and making them feel more vulnerable.

The Democratic elite created these sociopaths and are responsible for them. Having 3 down and sixty nine million, nine hundred, ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety seven to go are not a comforting thought.

So what are you going to do Pelosi? Bat your eyes at it? Reid are you going to Botox it? Biden are you going to claim it was Bush's fault?
Or perhaps Obama will rub some more Obama on that is what caused these terror events and that is par for Obama's course in adding more of disaster to a catastrophe in dithering things away to a new Obama plan with the same old Obama ink stains now turning blood red.

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