What requires to be accomplished in this as Mr. Obama has failed in Brzezinski trade offs which alienated the Slavic peoples of eastern Europe which he handed over for Putin’s help on Iran, is a real policy to end this stage act by the Persian communists.
The correct policy is to celebrate February 11th by ending all refined fuel shipments to Iran which will destabilize their fragile economy. The new kye is to enlist Europe to devalue the Iranian oil profits held in Euros by 30% immediately and by 70% if their reserves held in Chinese banking are converted to some other currency.
All Iranian oil shipments are immediately excise taxed 30% to pay for all of this negotiations, UN atomic inspections and upgrades to Muslim states defending themselves against Iranian nuclear ambitions.
China receiving this oil from Iran will pay the excise tax making Iranian crude immediately 110 dollars a barrel.
This gets the Islamocommunists attention. This gets the Chicoms attention. Next arm a Flying Tigers force of Iranian Patriots to mix it up with the Qod Terrorists to give Ahamadinejad and Khamenei something to chew on to occupy their time. The Flying Imams will be based in several locations in the area.
Announce that if the Kruds and other nationalities in Iran attain sovereign status in throwing off the Tehran, they will be recognized by America, Europe and other Muslim allies.
America, Europe and Muslim allies will support this for a greater Kurdistan and a new pro western Arab oil state in what was Iran.
When the Persians squeal, it is announced a Constitutional Monarchy will be required for sanctions to be ended and the war to be over or the no oil Persians (the oil is in the south held now by autonomous Arabs) will not have oil to bribe China with or oil money to bribe Russia with.
Net result is regime change according to my doctrine in 12 months, with no need for American military and the turban wearing Kant Islamocommunists will be facing trial and execution by the new government.
No nuclear bombs in New York, no nuclear bombs in Tel Aviv, no nuclear bombs in Paris, no nuclear bombs in London and Mr. Obama exposed again with Brzezinski for the inept dolts they are of the central European order, and, Vice President Richard Cheney policy is proven correct again.
Class dismissed.
This is how a real President would be leading the world as an American sovereign.
In a public Lame Cherry Doctrine, in response to the Persian Islamocommunist day, which celebrates Zbigniew Brzezinski with key leftist trolls in British MI6 for overthrowing the Shah of Iran for Baathist nuts for Brzezsinski's war against the Soviets, of which February 11th notes 31 years of this idiocy, the following graduated solution is promoted.