Apparently the Obama's have been abandoned by black folks in America or want nothing to do with blacks in the America's as Obama won't go near Haiti and he only surrounds hisself with tan folks, because I found this photo of Muchelle having imported blacks to sit around her.
Now remember in all of 2009, the Obama's picked up white folks and tan folks, but black folks could not be found in any numbers around the Obama's until the Massachusetts Miracle elected Scott Brown, and then the Obama's started importing black children to pet like Bobama the dog laying on the carpet.
Obama tried to get that black magic back to after Massachusetts, but seems to have given that up as blacks in number apparently do not want to be photographed with him.
The basis of the story is Muchelle imported black British children from London to join her in some "meeting".
Apparently, the Much Elle visited the Elizabeth Garret Anderson School in Islington in April of 2009, and for some God only knows or the Obama's can figure out the reason, Muchelle imported these London kids this week.
What galls me considerably in these multi trillion dollars Obama debt sprees is Americans got stuck with the bill in this as these Islington kids were rewarded this trip to America by the U.S. Embassy in London.
Now this blog wants to know what the hell the U.S. Embassy is spending thousands of dollars on plane tickets, lodging, food and Obama knows what else on a vacation so Muchelle can have some children to feel superior to in boosting her ego.
It was a few thousand unless the Obama's flew an entire jet over for these Muchelle playmates and then it would be a million dollar playtime.
I literally mean what right in these horrid economic Obama Super Depression times does this Obama government have in wasting money like this?
How many black kids in Chicago could have been flown to the Olympics from an Obama Tony Rezko slum for an existential experience?
How many white kids in frozen West Virginia would have appreciates a Miami vacation for some sun?
How many latinos in California would have liked a free trip back to Mexico to visit their relative?
That is the point in this in why are Americans who are only taxed "not enough" according to the Obamalings and yet can't afford a trip being made to pay for trips for foreigners just so Michelle Obama has someone to play with for an afternoon?
What kind of woman is this in the White House who runs around constantly associating with children and then imports black children from London? What does that say about her mental functioning and social development?
I have demanded that the Obama's need to be put on a credit card with limits as all these people do is find asinine ways to waste money. If this was such a great idea, then make the millionaire Obama's pay for this and not US taxpayers for goodness sake!
It honestly as I stated yesterday in this bunch is "WHAT NEXT!", because every day they find some ludicrous way to waste money, make complete asses of themselves or find a way to hide terrorist attacks.
Well at least the importing of black foreign kids gave Michelle a chance to wear her new camouflage pattern in she has gone from blood camouflage now to jungle fever camouflage.
Muchelle is the one who says her clothing is meant to make political statements, so she chose a jungle pattern to wear around black children from London.
Looks racist because it is........and if you didn't notice, Michelle Obama was wearing dark face paint around these black children, and not the white face paint she was wearing for all of 2009 in trying to be "white".
Stephen Baldwin in calling Obama a "Homey" really touched on the crux of the entire Obama racism in Obama and the wife trot out blacks when they get into trouble to use them as a "cut me some of us po black folks some slack" propaganda, and as soon as they win, they go full white and only hire tan Jarrett folks.
The sloven, gluttonous and racist Obamas in their continuing photo essay of Obamanism, while making the Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama rummage through trash as they show him out the back door.
Put the Obama's on an allowance and put a Naval Yeoman in charge of what they can and can not do every day, as the job is even too much now for Mother Robinson in policing these delinquents.