I have seen this all before and heard it all before in 2009 in Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats.
One could on the surface think that it is something about these quasi black folks dabbling Asian pagan entities in Woods with buddha and Obama with hanuman that are just out of control when they get power, but then one can see the Italian skirted Nancy Pelosi living like a street whore turned loose on the booze life in the Queenie attitude of military transportation, goodies and ignoring America that she and the other NeoProgs prance around in.
So it is not about the common quasi blackness of Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy being man whores or Chris Rock being a foul mouthed whore talker, it is about people who do not have God in their lives.
You can always tell the people who are out of control as a degree from college goes to their head or gaining some authority turns them into tyrants. As Obama Woods is fitting, we see that Obama went gay whore, a gay sex partner he was being serviced by ended up murdered in Chicago in Donald Young, Obama went sex wild in contacting his old white girlfriend who dumped him and was leering, rubbing on children in Rome, to the visual rapine of Carla Sarkozy to this disgusting man in bed jokes and Charlie Gibson sex interviews to "give the code" all point to what is at the heart of these NeoProgs male and female.
The all feel they are entitled and they go at it like a mania.
Tiger Woods disrespected his wife not about sex, but he used the mounting on women to feel empowered and validated. Mr. Woods has a big empty spot like David Letterman and Charlie Sheen for all the whoring they did, because that is why a male or female has sex like this is not to prove sex, but the notches on the belt mean you are proving each time to a new victory how prowess you are.
Barack Obama doesn't f*ck women. He instead spends a trillion dollars as his idea in what prowess is. That is important to understand in Obama is a score counter like in basketball statistics, a Randy Moss of football, in if he can just change billions to trillions in showing he can score more touchdowns than the women he has batted around in his life, then the statistics mean he has prowess as a man.
The numbers make up for the weak, pathetic loser running up that stats. That is what is Tiger Woods, Randy Moss and Barack Obama. Each uses stats to gin up the public persona, because in private there is no character there that they even recoil from.
I honestly have no interest in buddha bless me Tiger Woods. I hope his idiot wife who married this jungle fever runs and keeps running from this sexual homicidal prick. I hope the wife teaches their child that the reason you have that big missing spot in you is because I married outside my race, married a Godless whoremonger and because your dad is a Godless whoremonger who picked on me a white Scandinavian woman as a trophy, instead of a wife to be faithful to.
When you grow up junior, find God, find a spouse who loves you for you, and do not work out your sexual perversions in an I DO.
All that with the caveat, that I have no problem with people marrying outside their race FOR LOVE in God moving it as Moses with his Ethiopian wife. The problem is these Stanley Dunham warped souls bringing little warped children into the world who feel they belong in neither world and end up Barack Obama raping the world.
I really would like black Americans to note they are a new race of people and not black, like the North Africans are the result of a swarthy pirate cross which stole white Europeans, raped them as chattel and are the tan skinned race of today which is neither Arab nor African like the Egyptian.
It would help blacks to not be Obamancized in being rejected by him and Jarrett in their tan clique for being "too black", when they are in fact the real race of mulatto which runs from Cajan coon ass Creole to the sophisticated Walter Williams.
Tiger Woods was caught in two worlds, golf was his god, and when he lost his dad's base, he went wild in wanting to be a child he never was, as golf has been his job since he could walk.
No excuses in that, but that is what a manwhore does in acting out.
Barack Obama was abandoned by many worlds and his god was hisself, and he worships hisself daily and demands adortation. Where Woods piled up whores, Obama piles up debt in trying to murder the American virgin his trampy mother never was.
Woods has a penis issue and Obama has a nuclear phallic issue, which makes him the real danger as he was waving that radioactive penis around in 2008 ready to ejaculate uranium into Pakistan during war as his ultimate copulation of power.
For those who do not get the point, Tiger Woods was firing his missile off into numerous women. Barack Obama was firing his Predator missile off into Pakistan in even greater obsession numbers of close to 60 now in just a years time.
Nancy Pelosi mounts up and rides Air Force planes often and great distances, demanding they service her exactly and Barack Obama mounts Muslim Pakistan and fires his Predator sperm into that nations dangerous, hot, dark, forbidden enclaves..........Tiger Woods just does it the old fashioned way to work out his demons or degrade to his demon's lair.
That all seems refreshing to get this all out in entitled to rapine like Obama and Woods think they are. Woods at least mentions he lost his integrity and needs it back.
Barack Obama is still masturbating to hisself in narcissistic cultus and when he ejaculates it is that sticky substance of escalating war his cum trail has now in strands brought home to the American womb in Detroit, California, Arkanas, Fort Jackson, Fort Hood..........wait for it as you will too be having Obama political goo on you as it rubs off like Janet Naps Napolitano's snot on her Obama Flu sleeve.
agtG 289
77 percent of adults and adolescents living with AIDS in the U.S. are male. Of this figure, 61 percent got AIDS through homosexual relations and another eight percent through homosexual relations and drug abuse.
Perhaps Ugandan politicians understand the significance of these numbers.