Before we begin a discussion here concerning the assassination of Islamocommunist Hamas terrorist Mahmoud al-Mabhouh by the Israeli Mossad which is amusing in the sense for all the pointing at Mossad, discussions of Mossad was "inept" and how it all is a diversion to what was really taking place, I would ask you to put yourself in the simple plus minus of, if you were the head of Mossad how would you go about assassinating a terrorist?
I will provide assistance as most readers will not have contemplated such necessary evils.
The main objective, do you desire to send a message or do you desire the event to simply go unnoticed?
Do you desire false leads taking the direction from you or do you want the leads to point at you?
Do you want fanfare or to be unnoticed?
Understand that there are numerous nuances to any assassination which are weighed out in depths from reactions, counter actions, actions to those actions to be exploited and ways to leverage the initial event to work for a progressively long cycle to your policy agenda in your opponent actually doing the work for you.
To the end cycle of the replacement for Mahmoud al-Mabhouh is actually a plus compared to the original terrorist.
All of these and a thousand more protocols are examined from regional war to international problems to a nuclear terror attack are weighed for the objective.
The initial attention is obviously that Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was not a nice person as he dressed up as an Orthodox Jew, kidnapped to IDF Soldiers and then murdered them in 1989. His confession two weeks before he was executed was probaby his death sentence as bragging about such things is unacceptable to the IDF and Mossad.
That of course reveals that this operation was put together by Mossad quickly, but it was very detailed, which reveals once again the ability and depths to which Mossad even has foreign passports on hand in living persons across the globe to enact an operation.
That is something they nor any intelligence group would want revealed and is why it does not show up in the press. It is revealed here to reveal how the press is part of the operation and reveals nothing to Israeli adversaries who already know the obvious.
My focus is on the passports in they appear to be British and Irish, using 6 Britons passports actually living in Israel. The French seem to be crying foul along with Germany.
Next focus is the sanction took place in Dubai, a regional economic trading hub.
Next focus, the terrorist was an arms trader, that Dubai seemed to not have an answer how he appeared in their nation, nor in how their security system was tracking Mossad agents so well and their ability to point the finger at the Jews toot sweet.
I will leave surprise in the end of this, as I reveal what the translation of all of this really means.
Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was trading death and the death was coming out of Iran. The funding was being funneled through France and Germany for their cuts and their associations with the Hamas death mercantile.
It is why they are squawking in their Persian associations and Hamas associations need protecting and cover.
Britain and Ireland, no doubt MI6 was alerted of this operation which is part of the Persian communist greater action. Dubai is British oriented which explains their great investigative techniques which appease Iran and keep people from asking about all the major terrorist arms transactions flowing through Dubai as a sort of "free zone" that bad people can meet and other bad people do not show up to murder them as bad people need a safe place to do business, which Dubai enables for a cut.
So in that translation, Mossad looks very intelligent in assassinating a terrorist and uncovering all the dirty little fingers involved, so they may squawk, but not do a great deal, lest those clever Jews start having journalists plant stories about what certain complaining governments are doing to assist terrorists.
In that, the Jews had to make this public as they seem prone to do often in making certain that terrorists like this are executed in what is considered a safe environment and everyone knows it is Jews retaliating for Jews being harmed.
Mossad and the IDF have many resources to sanction problems, and they do use them, so one never hears about them, but in this case like Putin dusting Polonium 210 on a Russian ex patriot in London, they wanted everyone to know it was an execution for the heinous murder of Jews.
Now ask yourself in knowing the details, sure Prime Minister Netanyahu, the IDF, Israeli government and Mossad certainly would be wondering how that 900 pound gorilla of George Mitchell would react with Obama and Hamrod Clinton having just threatened to cut off American loan guarantees to Jews which would collapse their economy might react to Obama's buddy in Hamas being killed.
Obama has been calling Jews disgusting in their actions, stuffing Netanyahu into a van for delivery to the White House and showing shoe soles to Jews, so surely Obama would really retaliate on this........and yet Robert Gibbs made no jokes and the Teleprompter didn't even make a peep of a protest.
Now why would Obama be silent on this in being such a friend to terrorists?
Ah here is the surprise children and you can thank your Lame Cherry for having told you about all of this before and it proves how Inspired this blog is in what it is revealing that no one else does.
Here is the quote from the Sydney Morning Herald:
The US looked likely to be drawn into the affair for the first time, after the Wall Street Journal that reported that Mr. Mabhouh's assassins had used US-registered credit cards to buy plane tickets.
Now where readers have you read about a certain Obama in 2008, illegally using US credit cards (the British were warning of this huge money laundering scam) to funnel money into his presidential campaign in dry cleaning 300 million dollars from Lebanese and Syrian counterfeiters of US Dollars. How that operation was pointed to when "someone" exposed a Rockefeller Chase credit card to point it all back to the globalists in 2008, and, how Obama's bailout money paid off this credit fraud with taxpayer money in a crime he committed against Americans.
Oh my it was right here and Mossad cleverly used the same terror mafia illegal credit card system, put it in Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal to make a public record of it, for the event that Mr. Obama would not dare go near this as if he did, it all exposes his embezzlement and with the major problem it exposes the billion dollar fraud being run by Obama benefactors.
See when you are a gangsta with a teleprompter, you can't call the cops, because your crime gets you impeached and imprisoned when you try to slap those disgusting Jews around you have been trying to make nuclear glow powder out of in Persian bombs.
Mossad made this sloppy so all the adversaries who would be coming down on them would be implicated in their sponsorship of terrorism and their own criminal activities.
I find it amusing that the Jews who have been roughed up by Obama in one cut, bearded the lion and turned him into a squeaking mouse. As I always state, blackmail information is of no value if you use it. It is better to wait for an opportunity to hint at it, and the Obama just scurries off for cover.
The problem for America is everyone knows what crimes Obama has been up to and everyone is going to be blackmailing the tan man which really puts Americans in chronic danger.
That is why the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh matters in it proves exactly what this blog has been writing about for years and it proves the warning came true in the crook Obama is is vulnerable to this sort of operation and many in the future.
All of that proves how brilliant Mossad is in this, because while the false trails are leading the public around by the leash of the puppy press, a much bigger operation was occurring for Israeli security as Benjamin Netanyahu noted that Obama's power was waning and in 2010 the Jews would exert control.
This was really well done and while the JPost could not resist in hinting at how bright the boys were, they could not go into detail, but even they know that someone would tap something out pointing out how adept they were for people to admire their efforts.
Never think that mistakes are always mistakes and that diplomatic problems are not factored as problems fomented for another purpose.
America used to run numerous operations like this, but then the old bald fat guy who was doing it ended up dead, while his family sat in a funeral home wondering who the dead guy in the casket was, because he was not their father or husband.
It seemed to be Michael Beschloss who told Don Imus that Barack Hussein Obama was so brilliant his intelligence was off the scales. To rub a little Obama on it, it sure looks like Israeli intelligence made Obama look like a Special Olympics Child.
That is probably enough information which was never supposed to be read and an excellent place to ponder how mediocre in mind Obama is compared to the really bright children playing on this field.
agtG 262
Not a botched job
Mr. Obama your credit card was used....