In these times and days as the family of Alexander Haig will peruse the internet to read tributes and diatribes of their beloved family member, I post this exactly tribute to the one America desperately needs now in the Obama regime.
Gen. Haig was at the venture of the key points of American history in the darkest days of the Nixon coup, he literally was President of the United States making most of the day to day decision the Chief Executive would make.
His character shown through in this type of absolute power he was not corrupted in the least which is a testament to his God given personage, for few can attain power and not become tyrants like Cassius.
He was a man among men, whose fervent Patriotism was capitalized with a red, white and blue fervor equal to any Patrick Henry. When Alexander Haig was in the room, you know a Gentleman was there who could martial all forces standing alone and handle the situation alone.
As the old axiom told, "One world crisis, one Alexander Haig to handle it".
That absolute confidence in a world of spinal tapped quislings is what caused the infamous event on the day Ronald Reagan was almost murdered in Sec. Haig noting he was in charge at the White House.
I fully remember as a youngster that live statement and my recoiling from it as all America did, as it was not what the Constitution mandated. Statements like that to console a nation are highlighted further by the fear that our government is in danger, and people always hear the worst from words like George H. W. Bush "new world order" which was put into a speech for him by his speech writers to convey American leadership, but was heard as the nefarious term it really is.
That is what gave the Bushites their leverage to marginalize Alexander Haig in the Reagan administration to the point of frustrating him until he resigned.
His replacement in George Schultz was equally antagonized within the Reagan White House in perks being withheld by the same petty tit for tat maneuverings which went on there.
Alexander Haig was never the cuddling type persona that Ronald Reagan was. He was a hard Philadelphia child, who cut his teeth in the Great Depression and attained an appointment to West Point during World War II.
Gen. Haig was not the type of man a nation could expect a hug from, but when you wanted America saved during the Nixon coup, wanted the military in good hands during the Ford years, demanded a stance over the ineptness of Jimmy Carter on Iran when Haig resigned or needed the steadiest of leadership when President Reagan was recuperating from death's door, then Alexander Haig was the American rock upon which the stormy seas of the enemy tempest could not shake that Constitutional foundation.
Alexander Haig was the General, Vice regent and Father to America when she needed a parent to do the hard work of raising the child from the lowest depths. His job was work and he worked for America with as service which few have ever served America, and none in the Obama regime have any character of.
It is because there is no Alexander Haig in the Obama regime that Hillary Clinton trying to be foreign President by Obama's abdication, that America has no effectual foreign policy. There is no Alexander Haig, but only those squat assassins of Jarrett, Axelrod and Emmanuel who are not governing America, but tearing America down.
If there were an Alexander Haig in the Obama group, their position would be 30 points up in the polls as Al Haig would have been the driving force which would have provided the moral superiority to the debate and policy to drive it forward.
So America now has lost another George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Nelson Appleton Miles, Theodore Roosevelt, George Marshall, Dwight David Eisenhower and Alexander Haig in political Generals who now belong to the ages.
We are that the much poorer in his clarion voice calling out like a crisp trumpet of the Cavalry charge in the darkest dawn, only now echoes in a silent valley.
America is going to need these voices as it attempts by God's Grace to rise from the Obama abyss.
General Alexander Haig earned his place among Patriots through work, service and selflessness for American.
May God hold him in his care and may God comfort His family, for their temporal loss is America's perpetual loss. In His Name. Amen
"No matter how you sliced him it came out red, white and blue. He was always willing to serve."
Sec. of State George W. Schultz
General Alexander Meigs Haig