The Washington Times had a blurb in a story about the frantic search now for English speaking Americans who al Qaeda recruited and has sent out like the condom bomber on Flight 253 during Christmas which just astounded me in the new low from Obama concerning American security.
The quote was:
Information about the bomb plots was shared with the FBI after Mr. Abdulmutallab's family traveled from Nigeria to help coax the former student into cooperating, after a period of about five weeks when he refused to help authorities.
So readers understand this, the bragging of Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder in defending their giving American rights to Muslim terrorists was that after 50 minutes of questioning Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab spilled all the information he knew.
After that lie by Obama and Holder, recall now the information was leaked that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was cooperating with American security in whoever has custody now for this terrorist, which left the impression deliberately that Obama had convinced the Muslim mass murderer to see the light and assist America.
The reality is in the above Washington Times quote in Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's family travelled from Nigeria to America to coerce the terrorist into cooperating, after over a month the murderer was lawyered up.
Now I desire to explain a few points in this.
Does America want to be in the Obama business of issuing travel Visa's, plane tickets and probably lodging to terrorist families, in order for them to brow beat their murdering relative into hanging themselves?
A defense lawyer will have a field day on this new form of Obama torture in hauling in the screaming relatives to force information out of a scared kid in US custody. There is not a jury in America who will convict this terrorist when this gets out, and no Judge would allow any of this evidence in as it was coerced from the defendant by his own family working in league with American security.
This is beyond a nightmare for a prosecutor. Where did the confession come from? Why we got his mother to beat the bamuhammed out of the kid to confess.
Consider the facts now that this was 5 weeks the terrorist lawyered up. Is this what Obama is going to trust in when it is a biological or nuclear attack, or even a wave of jets being tampon bombed?
Then consider the facts that most of these Muslims are no fans of America. They hate the United States. What happens when mummy Muslim shows up at junior or junettes cell and tells the kid to lie, point American security in a new direction, and after a few weeks she drives a pen into the brain of the federal prosecutors as a cyanide pill she smuggled in has the kid terrorist frothing on the floor.
Does America really want to be in the fratricide business of trusting in families to report on each other like some Soviet, Chicom or Islamocommunist minder network?
What we do know now is that Obama is in the business of lying to Americans repeatedly. He lied about the 50 minute interview contents. Obama lied about the reason this Muslim terrorist was cooperating.
Should it really be a surprise in any of this though that Obama resorted to family aborticide, as this is the family which traded in spouses for a new jungle fever and Obama let his mother die alone from cancer.
Obama leaves his Kenyan clan exist in poverty. So why not haul in the Nigerians to bash the terror kid around to make him talk. It is all Obama preying on family members and all 3rd world tribal.
I honestly never thought I would ever see the day that the FBI would degraded to the point in trusting a terror family would make a terrorist talk, and then their having to sit silently by while Obama bald faced lies to America in how the information was gathered, how long it took to be gathered and that it only came from family coercion sanctioned by the Obama regime.
This gets worse every day this goes on in new lows Obama is taking these United States.
Is this what is going on in Pakistan with Mullah Baradar in his mummy is being called into beat him over the head with a camel whip? Is papa withholding couscous supper until little Baradar confesses where Mullah Omar is so some thug can go murder him in his bed?
Really some great family relations Obama has got going on here and basing it on America's hope for security.
This ranks up there with plague spreader Naps Napolitano in wiping snot on her sleeve.
What I want to know in the Freedom of Information Act is which bright Obamaling in seeing Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab lawyered up said, "Hey let's get his parents to come in and advanced torture him to make him talk!"
Then was it Napolitano, Holder or Obama who said that was a great idea?
Let's silence terrorists with American rights and then get mummy to pry those lips open a month later.
God help America in this is what Obama has brought her to in his abyss.
........and they lie about this and brag about it.
Obama's new policy: Torture by Parents