While the stereotype was incorrect, Amy Bishop was indeed an Obama jihadist of a secular sort and this is what this blog is about.
For defintions, a psychopath is someone who in my definition is a person with a brain dysfunction in which parts of the brain physically are impared so human empathy is turned off.
A sociopath is a conditioned response from environmental trauma as in abandonment, sexual attacks or torture.
America is a country filled with sociopaths and growing numbers of psychopaths due to drug use by parents and environment from inflammatory food preservatives causing brain swelling in rage outbursts to legal and illegal drugs.
This blog noted that Barack Obama in his teleprompter speechs had a pendulum swing to his head movement, relaxed cadence which was in effect a hypnotic effect upon weak minds. A mentalist knows these simple tricks on targets and are used quite effectively.
The triggers Mr. Obama used were low self esteem which all liberals are. They are highly emotional as Ed Schultz or Bill Maher is using profanity which all point to Alec Baldwin out of control episodes.
There were over 70 million of these maniacs who voted for Obama and were noted by his blog first would go through a schizophrenia which would manifest in rage.
Nidal Hasan was such a subject, but interestingly most Americans were so hyped on Mr. Obama that the majority have sunk into a sort of hybernatorial depression in a lethargic state. Psychologically they have fled Obama and left alone the bear of terror should not rise in them.
That is what is interesting about Amy Bishop the terrorist in Alabama in this quote:
A family source said Bishop, a mother of four children - the youngest a third-grade boy - was a far-left political extremist who was “obsessed” with President Obama to the point of being off-putting.
Ms. Bishop was indeed an Obama jihadist. She just was not in Islam, although her dom Sub was evident in her life.
Amy Bishop was not operating in reality. When she murdered the people one report said she thought they were still alive and a confirmed report stated she phoned her husband and asked him to pick her up just as if it was a normal day.
This is sociopathic behavior in a disconnect, a schizophrenia of reality, an Obama voter stoked by the political process and left without hope.
Ms. Bishop is noted to have shot and killed her brother. A pipe bomb showed up at a Professor's home who was reviewing her work, and now this Alabama murder spree.
For background Ms. Bishop came from a sterile home in lacking affection. There was no fraternity with her brother who ended up dead. She had no friends and sought none.
Her path was academics to give her validation in life.
The 4 children indicate she was a breeder who was creating a buffer to the world, in which she would have the family life she did not have as a child.
There is not enough information the brother's death, but if it was sociopathic murder, the child was dispatched for being a competitor to Amy Bishop's place in that environment for her validation.
That would be what would be behind the pipe bomb attack as lack of validation in rejection would trigger her retaliation in removing that which was life threatening to her. One must understand that sociopaths trigger not from physical danger in most cases, but from mental or emotional dangers they perceive.
That is the most troubling thing which is unspoken of in America is that the liberal generation of America has produced millions of these low self esteem types. Obama triggered them in mass with his "change" which was code for tearing down or murdering America and the "believe in" was couched in Obama telling these shattered souls that it was fine to blame America no matter what, and he in obsession went around for almost a year apologizing for America driving that point home to his maniacs.
The lack of validation is what triggered Amy Bishop in she was denied tenure. If the reports are correct in her thinking people were alive yet, she literally snapped to an earlier period, perhaps in the childhood moment which preceeded her brother being shot by her.
That is not uncommon as once the emotions are peaked, the emotions turn off, except for a drive to exterminate the threat, and the actions are not remembered as it is "someone else" doing it.
If Amy Bishop had been given tenure, she would not have acted out as she would have been validated. A normal person would have just moved on as millions have in losing jobs under Obama, but in her the mechanism was one of reaction to neutralize the threat.
I wonder what her dolls or other objects of venting frustration on looked like in her childhood surroundings.
An elderly biochemist 81 year old Mercedes Paz from 1993 described her as a friend and a likeable person. The triggers were not there as Ms. Paz was validating Ms. Bishop and Ms. Bishop was in the building phase of her life in the hope phase.
Ms. Paz would face a different Amy Bishop if she had denied her validation.
So while Barack Hussein Obama was not the over lying factor of the Alabama attacks, his presence as an underlying trigger was definitely there. Obsession on Ms. Bishop's part reveals she was one of Mr. Obama's Obamalings.
I have noted before how Democrats used Cindy Sheehan in her psychopathy with the death of her son in a most tortuous manner. Democrats apply mass psychological hysteria constantly on their followers in ramping up thee most degrading of human emotions in hate.
Cindy Sheehan responded by turning to running against Nancy Pelosi as her venting process when not validated.
For another example, Joe the Plummer in being used and discarded by John McCain is venting a political rage meant to destroy McCain. He also is in Syndrome talking up Barack Obama as the good guy, not because Obama is, but because he beat McCain.
Joe without reason but by reaction is attacking even Sarah Palin.
What the Tavistock and Democrats did to America in Bush hatred and other conditioning has left a quite shattered people. The Tea Partiers are in a healthy way venting their frustrations in a political process of a new hopey changey thing. Those words from Gov. Palin reveal a typical western process of making humor out of a bad emotional situation.
This all means that there are on the Obama liberal voter front numbers of Amy Bishop's set to go off and as the economy does not get better and people figure out in growing numbers that Obama ruined things and will not get a second term, that many more Amy Bishop's will trigger in varrying degrees.
One just does not know the triggers which will turn abnormal covered up into active sociopathic violence as each person is different.
Mr. Obama while not having shown violence is an Amy Bishop. His greatest sociopathic venting was punishing his mother by abandoning her whiled she had cancer. He has been on a quest in abortion, euthanasia, rationed death and piles of war dead in having others pull his trigger for him.
His sodomite leanings show suicide and revenge death as taking dangerous sex home an inserting it into his wife.
Obama employs others to do his Amy Bishop deeds. Joe Biden employed to make Lawrence Sinclair a political prisoner to the grand scale of Obama enslaving the Slavic peoples to Putin.
No one knows the triggers Mr. Obama will face as America rejects him and he is more and more isolated. His indications are sodomite sex and becoming more shrill with further deceptions.
The question though yet is who murdered Donald Young in his being Obama's homosexual sex partner.
There are no questions though that in the last two mass murders in America, that Mr. Obama's psychological fingerprints are on both. Both backed Mr. Obama and both used massive explosive firepower to keep distance from their victims, but to vent the explosive emotional discord created within them by events in their lives.
Imagine what liberals would be claiming if these were Christians and an NRA devotee being obsessed with Dick Cheney. The difference is now there is no need to claim, because both of these events have the commonality of Obama.
It is time to address that before more of these events manifest.
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Obama's sociopathic voters