Friday, February 19, 2010

Solving Obama a Decade Ago

As America searches for a way out of the Obama abyss beyond fruity China cars running on rubber Buffett bands and fruity wind power trusting in Obama farts all paid with Obama multi trillion dollar spending, this blog has a solution which is not mine, but something America already paid for.

If you recall there was a President of these United States named George W. Bush who said he would use his political capital in 2005 to fix welfare, and was promptly smeared by Democrats and their cronies which has now left America with the massive Obama taxes and spending Obama is waving over Citizens like a magic wand to terrify them into submission.
Into this there was also a screamed about smear in an energy solution by Dick Cheney, which if you recall was screamed about by liberals and anarchists in all the closed door meetings, but that report was quite public, and it stated a real plan for American energy from clean coal, bio fuels, nuclear energy and drilling oil and gas inside America.
If you remember Obama lied to America in 2008 actually speaking about the same things, and John McCain also signed onto this report, but it has all been put back on the shelf to collect dust as Americans die in Obama oil wars.

Two states in Wyoming and North Dakota both implemented the energy production Richard Cheney promoted and those states are doing quite well in the Obama Super Depression which Obama strangled America into.

I would also offer the Reagan solution in complete budget restraints which called for 1 dollar in taxes and 2 dollars in cuts. The Democrats lied to him in that bill and it ended up in 2 dollars more taxes and spending for every dollar "cut".
So if you want the genesis of massive spending it was Congressional Democrats who lied to President Reagan, lied to President Bush who taxed America again, and then President Clinton in retro active taxes killed the Reagan expansion, which President Bush 43 inherited as a recession of 2000 and then was forced to fight a global depression and world terror war after 9 11.

So in knowing the reality and not the sound byte propaganda posted against Reagan, Bush and Cheney, you can soon enough see that Reagan solved the immense debt problem, Bush solved the welfare problem and Cheney solved the energy problem. All of those plans are still there, will still work and could be passed by Obama and Democrats with 100% GOP support if these NeoProgs were simply interested in fixing America instead of taking over America in perpetual Robert Mugabe dictatorial rule.

None of this is that difficult if America's interests were at heart in Obama and Pelosi. If the medical solutions which this blog as posted often enough from pay what one can in a low tier medical treatment and for more advanced treatments in tax vouchers which could be cashed in by hospitals and doctors, with a PUC type cost approach on medical procedures, this would all be solved without fines, without mandates and with Americans choosing if they wanted to participate in this Soviet dictatorial garbage these Obama elitists are all trying to ration death to Americans in.

It is something which needs to be stated in reminding people that the GOP did attempt to fix and did fix the situations, but have been betrayed by Democrats time and again in Congress in their political games for power.

Every problem America is now being robbed in Obama spending trillions of dollars and is dictating to Americans making them criminals as only his cronies get the pay outs, were provided solutions.
It is time to revisit Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney for real fixes to this Obama Super Depression in his abyss.

nuff said.


Daniel my brother you are older than me
Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal
Your eyes have died but you see more than I
Daniel you're a star in the face of the sky

Daniel is traveling tonight on plane
I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain
Oh and I can see Daniel waving good bye
Oh God it looks like Daniel
Must be the clouds in my eyes