My God in His Bible taught me thoroughly that I am not to play favorites, so never do. I treat the mentally retarded and the poor with as much respect as I do the Vice President of the United States or my millionaire friends.
In fact, I tend to treat the people not as burdened by cash and good looks better than I do the elite.
I grew up around people who were the most nuance oriented people who had more protocols than the British Royalty in noticing slights . There was a constant diplomatic dance going in in these immigrants who took personal slights with a vehemence I still feel and have to control as John Adams did, in he would go out to his field and pound the dirt hoeing out weeds talking to himself loudly about all the attacks he was suffering.
It is better to vent at weeds than making your associates and neighbors hurt at being exposed for complete idiots and allow God to fix the problems in most cases.
It is all diplomacy. Certainly one has to stand up against tyrants when attacked on 9 11 and Americans should never suffer abuse from government or bullies, but in diplomacy of the world and neighborhood one does not treat one person different than the other as it sends messages which create rifts.
Barack Hussein Obama for instance sticking Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu into a panel wagon and hauling him to the White House like an order of Kobe beef to Obama showing Jews the bottom of his shoe is not how one treats an ally or an opponent.
Obama lusting after President Sakozy's wife so much that Carla Brunei Sarkozy has to keep him at arm's distance, along with Obama later betraying President Sarkozy over the Iranian nuclear weapon's plant information, is not what one does to an ally, no more than abandoning Poland and the Czech Republic to Moscow.
On the other hand Barack Obama has been ruining Japan's Toyota for the Chinese he bows to as they butcher their own peoples human rights. He bows to Saudi's, but not to the Queen of England, but to the Emperor of Japan, who as stated he later sticks a knife into the back of Japanese industry.
That is why the issue of Obama meeting with the Dalai Lama, who this blog will note is a conduit for a high grade demon in where his abilities come from and he needs Jesus Deliverance and Salvation, was treated horridly by Barack Obama which was a diplomatic disaster.
Obama first infuriates the Chinese with the meeting, then would not be seen with the Dalai Lama in public, and then ushers him out the back door through the garbage.
This is beyond disgusting to treat any leader of a people in Tibet. It is diplomatically idiotic as it only infuriated China with no affirmation of Tibetan human rights, and then treated the Dalai Lama like a blacks used to be treated in sitting in the back of the bus.
In stating that, I am reminded of Michael Dukakis stating that a fish stinks from the head down, and if one observes the above photo, one can see the sloven gluttonous Obamas have now so infected the White House staff that piles of snow are left in paths and worse yet, garbage is piled up to the windows that it is rolling down to the walk.
Could you imagine Mike Deaver or Jim Baker, who worked for Reagan and Bush 41 ever having any leader walking over piles of garbage and snow anywhere near the White House?
One never saw this kind of slovenness with George W. Bush as they ran a tight ship. There are protocols in this from trash is not dumped outside doors, snow blowers to remove snow, and things called rubbish bins which are available as this is thee White House, the American national image the world sees, and Obama just showed a world leader piles of trash and snow for his bare feet.
This comes directly from Barack and Michelle Obama. It is a reflection of the self serving attitude of Emmanuel, Axelrod, Jarrett and this sloven bunch. It reveals if someone is not making certain the White House grounds are not being kept spotless where no one sees, then there are definite debasing all through the Obama regime of the White House.
How well is Bo the dog really being treated? Is his kennel full of dog poop and dirt in his water?
How well are the White House flora and fauna really being cared for? Is it all degrading in corners being cut as the same people throwing trash on the White House are the same group being overseen maintaining the White House?
The staff at the White House is not doing it's job, and that means that the entire supervisor group which Obama installed is not doing it's job, and as these are Obama's choices, it means he is every bit the sloven, glutton, narcissistic cultus he has been exposed.
One can go to any American military base around the world, including the fire bases and you will not see garbage piled up by the doors or debris near the paths. Cadets at the Academy are schooled to the minute details are paid attention to, because when one pays attention to the little things, the big things are handled as expertly and that means in the details no one is getting killed.
What Barack Obama put the Dalai Lama through is exactly the reason the Flight 253 bomber, Nidal Hasan and the California wildfires all occurred due to lack of vigilance and awareness to duty.
All of his folks from Naps Napolitano to Rahm Emmanuel are following the Obama's slovenness.
In that I will note Hillary Clinton in running the State Department has been a stickler for details in keeping track of people there to the pausing to take photos with the children of the staff.
One did not see piles of garbage outside the Clinton White House, so one does see an Obama sloven difference in his choices of people of like mind.
This is an embarrassment for the United States in treating the Dalai Lama like a n*gger from the 1930's with piles of trash heaped up by the door like some trailer trash.
This is a reflection of what Obama is doing in degrading these United States. It is not just the economy, but that trash and treatment of the Dalai Lama all point to the degrading of security, infrastructure and diplomatic circles.
One can see the reaction of the Tibetans in meeting with Obama. The aids are not pleased in the least and these are the people America is going to have to deal with for years to come, and in a time when America might just need them.
How much assistance is America going to be given by them and other's Obama has stomped on?
It is the perfect legacy photo for Obama. Trashy, trashed, trashing and trash, all definitions of the Obamas.