Sunday, February 21, 2010
Warning CPAC
In observing CPAC this year, I see the Wisdom of Sarah Palin and key Conservatives staying away from this queer nation event, as what was occurring there was no more a funeral for Paul Wellstone by NeoProgs than was anything Conservative by CPAC.
It all started out well enough with Liz Cheney and Vice President Cheney giving a resounding pep talk about Conservatives in league with the GOP taking control of Congress this November by the good voting of the American people.
But somewhere in this was the taint which kept Sarah Palin and Conservatives away, because it started with Dick Cheney tampering with making the US military a sodomite band of dykes on patrol, which would destroy the entire purpose of the military as the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are not there to have sex, but kill the enemy.
So into this came booing of moral Conservatives by the sodomite bands which CPAC has whored itself out to.
Some of the most distressing of comments came from the Obamites in attendance in this gem from Ann Coulter who equated Americans standing against Obama with terrorists at Gitmo
I ask you in an age of Janet Napolitano and Barack Hussein Obama with Eric Holder putting Christians, Veterans, Patriots on watch list, what on earth is someone supposedly on the right even linking that any American is like a Muslim terrorist?
That is beyond brain dysfunctional on Coulter who is NOT in the least that inept. Her legal mind knew exactly the comment that networks would pick up, and she literally smeared by agreeing that all Americans are terrorists waiting release from Obama in 2012.
If that was not distressing enough from teh green kool aid Obama drinker Ann Coulter, there arose the fiery Hitleresque Glenn Beck, cheered in a mania by CPAC like Obama was blaze eyed cheered.
Beck's message was that the GOP was just as bad as the Democratics party. Beck went on to show his absolute ignorance in not comprehending that Bush 43 is not a Conservative nor were his people in Congress, they were social democrats, Buckleyite big brother types and had as much in common with Ronald Reagan as Arlen Specter.
Now that is really working for Obama in what Glenn Beck did, especially taking the Conservative movement which Ronald Reagan formed in his beloved Republican Party and violating Reagan's 11th Commandment in, "Thou shalt not speak evil of a fellow Republican", and became a Nancy Pelosi soundbyte.
This is the fraud of these Keith Olbermann hucksters like Glenn Beck, these Peggy Noonan type Ann Coulters, and the Joseph Farah Joe Scarborough "newsmen" who do nothing but run around and set fires for profit.
Goodness people, Joseph Farah to make money is running another one of this luxury cruises for the Tea Party now. Unless Farah is donating all money to the Tea Party as Sarah Palin was, this is pimping a movement in the most treacherous betrayal.
The American right as Dinesh D'Souza saying he is not a Conservative like Joseph Farah, Coulter and Beck smearing Birthers and a convention loaded up with homosexuals. That looks more like a Democratic National Convention than anything on the right.
Beck smearing the GOP which is the only alternative to Obama. Coulter calling Americans Gitmo terrorists and then the CPAC elected Ron Paul as the choice for President to boos from apparently the three sane people there.
Ron Paul still has his lemming mob who are well intentioned Americans who love America, but they are obsessed. They show up in their minuscule numbers, win a straw poll and I noticed on Tucker Carlson's daily caller that there were almost 100 Ron Paul comments on a site that averages around 5 to a story.
These Paulites are still self promoting and looking more kooky, because Obama mania wore off, but the Paulites are still like Obama thinking if you can load a room up with enough shills you will convince the world Obama is in the majority.
Paul's entire doctrine is unworkable as much as homosexuals in the military is. As I have explained numerous times America can not go to the gold standard alone as it would make gold multiple million dollars an ounce. Russia which has vast holdings would become an economic superpower in a minute dwarfing America.
Their isolationist policies are equal to Obama abandonment policies, and raining terrorists into America proves how ignorant that plank is.
So that is what CPAC has degraded into, a Crazy People Attending Conference. It has no meaning as it is money whore driven, not Conservative and fraud.
The John Birchers did sponsor part of CPAC, but they did themselves no favors in aligning themselves with ACORN Paul and Olbermann Beck types. They at least are making steps forward for America after Bill Buckley who I appreciated greatly did the worst patrician harm in smearing them.
It is that old east coast elitists smearing everyone west as kooks, as Buckley did with Birchers, the way Beck is with Birthers and the way the liberals are with Tea Dunkers.
From the censorship, smearing, election rigging and outright hucksterism, it is a thumbs down for CPAC and every Conservative who stayed away from that pit now is shown to be Inspired.
I desired this from CPAC in a sea of shining Conservative faces, but instead got a salivating mob for Beck which was akin to Schumer and Democrats jeering at Obama's behest at the Supreme Court.
One does not attack the GOP as a group, when it is the only horse worth riding. One instead feeds it more Conservative oats and works to move that group to run the race you desire.
What was featured, I wanted no part of as a Conservative who built this City in the wilderness of thought.