Saturday, February 20, 2010
Peggy Noonan joins Obama's Anonymous
Incredible, the Wall Street Journal in posting about el Tigre Maderas aka Tiger Woods, has made a call for all Americans to join rehab, which can only mean that there is a secret organization for those suffering from voting for Barack Hussein Obama in having spent a fortune on Obama dildos, Obama blow up dolls and Obama lubricants to make 2008 slide into 2009 which turned out to be a quite cold and clammy year, with 2010 starting out like wet panties pneumonia in Duluth, Minnesota.
This can only mean the WSJ is outing Peggy Pegs Noonan as the person in most desperate need after having thrown herself at Obama, he jilted her in not being his replacement wife.
I am certain that Ms. Noonan filled her Wall Street Journal computer with photoshopped pictures of her with Obama around the world, their lovely children Queenie and Sloven, and her daughter like relationship with Mrs. Robinson, in all being one happy Bobama family, with Muchelle grazing out by the Noonan gardens feeding rich patricians around he world with endive and parsnips.
Obama's Anonomous is not as yet listed in the yellow pages nor is there a department listing on the Wall Street Journal's page, but I can hear the echoing words of sailor mouthed Peggy Noonan, standing up at a meeting with her girlfriends, Ann Coulter, Geraldo Rivera, Noel Sheppard, Shep Smith, Bill O'Reilly, Keith Olbermann etc... saying, "I am that ******* whore for O*bama, Peggy Noonan. I am a tr*mpy Obama sex addict. I make Charlie Sheen look celibate. I make Madona look virginal and I have this nasty latex rubber alergy on my *****. I am here to recover my liberal by going back into the Conservative closet".
This blog really sees no difference in Tiger Woods and Barack Hussein Obama. Both are hiding in blackness when it gets the white girls, gets them popularity or gets them an excuse for being profane.
Otherwise it is white meat, white bread and white whining all the way. Obama picks an all white cabinet and Woods does nothing but shill for white products. Blacks are booted off the bus and Asians don't even make it to the panel wagon loading dock where Obama puts Jews like Benjamin Netanyahu.
Woods launches whore ejaculating his domination because he is a pathetic loser inside and Obama launches Predator missiles ejaculating domination on Muslims outside. There is no difference in the kitty Woods or the Obama bush, it is all weak little males using women like whores, the same way Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and Joe Scarborough degrade strong women as either b*tches or whores.
They are all leg tinglers and all the same bubbles in the Letterman cocktail crowd cesspool green kool aid.
The Wall Street Journal though drank the brew, like their puppy press members, like Tiger Woods and drank to vomit green from the Obama cistern of cholera plague.
Tiger Woods is a grown man who hits a little white ball with a metal rod, and for this he was paid a billion dollars. Barack Obama is a grown man who reads from a teleprompter, and for this he he was allowed to steal trillions of dollars.
The difference is there were 65 million Sarah Palin voters who did not drink the brew, who never did watch Tiger Woods or marvel over him, and now never masturbated once to Barack or Michelle Obama.
So the staff of the Wall Street Journal, who apparently followed Obama backer, Rupert Murdoch, now want to say "ALL AMERICA NEEDS REHAB" to cover their jungle fever, when the fact is the Silent Majority was off watching NASCAR, WWE, football or hunting, fishing, trapping, camping or gardening.
It is strange to see these RHICONS now after Peggy Noonan has left sticky wet spots all over the Wall Street chairs, desks, bathroom stools and carpets, that they now think that America is just as sinful and debased as they are in needing rehab.
I suppose one gets that way when your shoes are sticking to the floor daily.
I would imagine from that the employees of the WSJ must have some of the most toned legs in America from the Peggy Nooan sticky floor workout.
It is though lovely that the delusional, obsessed, schizoid, drunken lusters like Peggy Noonan have a place like Obama's Anonymous to join, even if the WSJ thinks all of America is sick from indulging sniffing the Obama musk.
I though can attest that my keyboard is quite clean, my shoes do not stick to the floor and there has never been one Obama doll purchase on my credit cards...........unlike most in media.
Such a pity that the Wall Street Journal's experience with damp panties Noonan now thinks that all America need rehab, when the problem is just on their floor.
I guess a little Tiger in the Woods goes a long way in,
the Obama, Obama burning bright in the Noonan of the night.